Hi Poltava
The major change with 412+ code was AI aircraft detection, thanks to TD for breaking the most brilliant set of mods ever made for Il2. Sputnikshock, who worked with CY6 on the original set, recoded everythin and I helped him test and compile it for C.U.P. Now native to B.A.T. the REVISED C&C is included in BATDOCS -
Command & Control (v3.04)for 4.12.rtf Basically, its all back except for SAR, RESCAP and RECON based functions. They were great but not the most essential and there are good workarounds. Hidden recon points do well for RESCAP.
EVERYTHING ELSE FOR C&C, the randomisers, the spotters, GCI, Arty, AI functions, window, FUG, DZ, Aimpoint, Barrage, SLD (the running guys), FAC, all of it is back and better than ever in 412 B.A.T. My new campaigns are packed with C&C funtions and I have recently made a couple of Spotter campaigns as well.
Alongside the Taxi Function of 412, the patrol wayoints and formation mod, you are going to be able to lay out your airfields and flights much more effectively than old 410 and produce a lot of action on the ground as well as detailed target environments and all the extra goodies that Checkyersix and Sputnikshock made for us as well.
C'mon mate, we need your campaigns for B.A.T. and we made it real easy to install now.