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Author Topic: Jet Era references, guides or tutorials  (Read 4171 times)

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Jet Era references, guides or tutorials
« on: February 03, 2017, 03:38:33 AM »

Hello everyone!
since BAT mod brings a load of modern planes with modern avionics systems, i wonder if someone could suggest some guide or tutorial on how to fly the new planes.



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Re: Jet Era references, guides or tutorials
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2017, 07:51:27 AM »

For those where you can barely get off the ground without knowing the ins and outs (F-18, AV-8B) you can find manuals in the "BATDOCS" folder.
Others... hm... I wonder how many IL2 planes come with a pilot's manual.

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Re: Jet Era references, guides or tutorials
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2017, 08:24:32 AM »

IL2 1956 - The Jet Era came with a nice manual, there is a copy here

Also the MiG-21PF/PFM/FL came with a nice manual, and there is a copy here

Since all these aircraft are part of B.A.T, the manuals could be included in future expansions packs.
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Re: Jet Era references, guides or tutorials
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2017, 06:29:24 AM »

Good point Whistler, I have them, we should gather them all in and stick 'em in BATDOCS for everyone.

The USMC F-18CD AV-8B Manual.pdf, is in BATDOCS and is a superb place to start. 

The Missions USMC and RN Training - that I wrote and included in B.A.T. - are also very thorough with detailed briefings and explanations of keys, key mapping, functions etc.  These sets take you through all aspects of A-A and A-G with the modern avionics.  Ops Baker, the RN Harrier set, describes, and enables practice of, Laser Guided Bombs, Gunsight Lead, CCIP, Shipboard Recovery and In-Flight Re-Fuelling as well.

Project-85, by Mace, is also included in B.A.T.  The missions and their accompanying documentation, PDFs inside BATDOCS as well, are some of the most thorough ever produced.  There are 15 Missions and documentaion under RU/Single Missions/P85-Missions.

With B.A.T. - The Jet Age you have nearly 40 detailed single mission flights, from MiGs, Harriers and F/A18s that describe in detail every function, keypress and display necessary to achieve the desired result and complete the mission.

There are also detailed notes on procedures, tips for Topguns and a wealth of hands-on practice material.

I love Naval Aviation in particular and would refer anyone to this material, and expect them to be familiar, by the time I release my campaigns over the Falklands, the Middle East (then and now) and Vietnam.



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Re: Jet Era references, guides or tutorials
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2017, 03:32:57 AM »

Thank you guys  :)


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Re: Jet Era references, guides or tutorials
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2017, 07:11:53 PM »

Hi guys...sorry to be a pest, but I'm having a lot of trouble locating these missions in game. I've checked the missions folders, and just don't seem to have them. I do not have a P-85 Missions folder in Single Missions/RU. In fact, I don't have a "Single Missions" folder at all. I have Single/RU, though. I also have the files in the BATDOCS folder.  What am I missing!? Everything seems to be working well otherwise and I'm patched up to exp10.



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Re: Jet Era references, guides or tutorials
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2017, 06:41:36 PM »


From the main menu click Singles / USSR from the Air Force drop down list and P85-Missions from the Mission Type drop down list.
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Re: Jet Era references, guides or tutorials
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2017, 02:54:30 AM »

I have always had trouble with tracking down all the different places where you can find out how to fly JTW planes and operate their systems. I think it would be ideal if there was just one place where you could find out everything. BATDOCS would be great for that role. Everything should be in BATDOCS or there should be a link telling you where to find it. I think there should even be directions to the single missions. You mustn't underestimate just how dim people can be, starting with this one.


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Re: Jet Era references, guides or tutorials
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2019, 04:37:39 PM »

Sorry for replying to this thread but it pertains to this topic. 

I tried s few of the Missions USMC training for the F18 and no matter what I do they all seem to either start on the ground with a warning about altitude or if on realistic the mission ends instantly (due to my plane exploding from what it looks).

What am I doing wrong or do these need to be updated.

I agree there needs to be a better tutorial on how to setup and fly the F16 and F18. I have read what I could find and it is not clear. I don't see the Radar Display range doing anything while using the Bombsight +/= speed key as I have read.  Also I don't seem to get any lock (MISC 3) even when I have the cursor on the target. I did manage to get the cursor working.

I am not understanding that or not doing something right.

Any chance someone could go through what needs to be bound (there seems to be some named binds as well as MISC binds) and how to use the radar and weapons of these two jets.

I would really appreciate what information I can get.
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