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Author Topic: B.A.T. Full Install Test and Summary  (Read 1954 times)

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B.A.T. Full Install Test and Summary
« on: February 09, 2017, 06:17:10 AM »

B.A.T. Full Install Test and Summary

Recently I installed B.A.T. from scratch on a new machine.

I began with a fresh install and the BAT Components from the Torrent, which I have had for some time and will likely seed for a long time yet.

Starting with a vanilla Il2 install, then mega patched to 412 (point to vanilla install), then run BAT V1.0 Setup (point to vanilla install).  In very little time at all I had the whole thing setup and ready to go on the new PC.

Checked out the Hind E in QMB Preview - Eek its pink! - Switched to BATDLLs02 - All sorted.

I then set about adding the B.A.T. Expansion Packs:  Careful to check for special instructions; Expansion Packs 01 to 07 unzipped directly to the new install.  Agree to overwrite, job done in minutes.

Vanilla Install
Mega Patch
BAT Installer
Unzip Expansion Packs 01 to 07:
(BATEP07 is still just prior to release and its a beauty!)

Then copy over your old Conf.ini and Users folder for an instant setup retaining all previous keymapping and settings.

The entire install, from NOTHING, on a new machine to full modded B.A.T. was easily done in less than 45 minutes!

My new machine, a modest enough Quadcore with a 3200Mhz processor, does feature an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti.  This mid-range card is the key to stellar performance for Il2 - designed to run OpenGL on NVIDIA cards - Totally maxxed out, no stutters, 50+fps everywhere.

Performance concerns often arise when people confront the full modded beast of B.A.T. for the first time.  The vanilla game is not very resource hungry by comparison and delivers a very basic package by comparison.

The answer is to set up your hardware appropriately and improve it where possible.  B.A.T. does more and looks better than anything else.  It is going to demand more resources than the vanilla game.  This is normal, and a slightly more hardcore machine will easily deal with it.

Many people point out that later sims and games run fine on a GTX 550 or less, manage their memory more effectively and produce great results with lower resources.  All true, nevertheless, Il2 B.A.T. is going to need a good card.  All other things considered, a GTX 750 Ti is really minimum spec for this classic sim.

There is nothing to touch Il2 B.A.T. in all its glory maxxed out with no jaggies yet running buttery smooth, the best thing ever!


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Re: B.A.T. Full Install Test and Summary
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2017, 04:41:58 AM »

Saving up for a self-built gaming rig. Will save a bunch of money and customize it to suit my needs. Looking to spend around $1500 on parts. The best place on the web to me is   http://www.build-gaming-computers.com/    .  Will be able to play at highest settings on anything out there or coming out in the future . Using a high-end laptop for now and it plays BAT fine with good fps.
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