Hello, I've finished the awards for the British Empire. The set is divided into three packs: Royal Flying Corps (1914-April 1918); Royal Naval Air Service (1914-April 1918) and Royal Air Force (April 1918-onwards).
These are the medals for the RFC:

Medals for the RNAS (Military Cross is replaced by Distinguished Service Cross, and Victoria Cross has a blue ribbon):

Medals for the fusion of both services into the RAF (Instead of Military Cross or DSC, there is a Distinguished Flying Cross):

In order to give the RAF its own country (since GB is used for the RFC), I've used the Royal New Zealand Air Force, since it didn't existed until 1923. (Sorry to New Zealanders for momentarily stealing their country).
I will update the download link as soon as I finish the German awards, so we will have a complete set of medals for the main fighting countries (British Empire, France, Russian Empire and Germany). Later I can take care of less known countries.
I've found some difficulties with British ranks, it is quite confusing, especially equivalences among the different services.
My proposal for the Royal Flying Corps is the following:
0 Cadet
1 2nd Lieutenant
2 Lieutenant
3 Captain
4 Major
5 Lieutenant Colonel
6 Brigadier General
Is is correct? Should I replace ranks for the RNAS or the early RAF. I've tried to find the answers by searching on the net, but all I can find is extremely confusing. Any help is welcome.