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Author Topic: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks  (Read 21341 times)

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Re: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2017, 02:28:04 AM »

message missed something...  >:(... as I said, who was also King of Poland. But these are details of course, from a history maniac and small millitary medals enthousiast as I am.




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Re: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2017, 07:09:10 AM »

 A general note about WW1 German State awards.  It can be confusing in trying to distill all the awards common in WW1 Germany down to the limited number in IL2. During the unification of Germany, if a state joined voluntarily, it kept a certain status when it's military was added.  Unit distinctions were allowed, it's unit designation was kept along with it's new Army number and so forth.  Bavaria and Saxony were two of the  German States that kept a lot of influence after joining Prussia to form the new German nation.
   These state awards were primarily given by the traditional head of that state to members from that area. They were not available to all members of the German Forces in WW1.  Von Richthofen was a public enough figure to have the various states award him their awards but it was uncommon.
   The Prussian awards slowly began the equivalent of 'National Awards'.


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Re: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2017, 10:46:01 AM »

Historically completely correct jpten! That is for instance why a pilot like Fritz Beckhardt, who was from the State of Hesse, got awards other pilots did not. (Like the Grand Duchy of Hesse Bravery Award)


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Re: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2017, 10:52:10 AM »

Hi jpten,
thank for the additional info. I've been digging into German medals and it seems it will be a difficult set. About 40 different medals from different German states. I think that Prussia set should be the default one, but I'm thinking about how to include other states medals (maybe including several sets that could be activated or de-activated by the user by renaming DE folders).
I will focus on allied awards to gain experience before dealing with German complexity.

Thanks for your help!


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Re: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2017, 01:35:03 AM »

Hello everyone!

After a long time, I have finally updated my set of awards. Now you have British and French medals. British sets includes RFC, RNAS and RAF. There are also some international sets for each country: if you select these sets, from time to time your achievements will be rewarded by allied countries.
For example, flying for France, but earning some British medals:

Read the manual for more information!

New links are updated in the first post.


Flying H

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Re: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks
« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2017, 08:51:57 AM »

It´s not possible to read or DL the manual! Could you please provide it in anoter form? Zipped maybe?
And you can fly, high as a kite, if you want to.........


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Re: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2017, 10:00:23 AM »

I had no problem reading or downloading the manual. Is your pdf viewer up to date?

  @Spongebob, That is a great looking manual.  Well written and organized.


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Re: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks
« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2017, 06:11:41 PM »

I take off my hat, before work size, SpongeBob  :)
One question, was this work included in the expasion 7 pack?

Regards, sorry for my English grammar, I do not speak it



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Re: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2017, 11:32:19 AM »


Flying H, the manual is in PDF format. It shouldn't have any problems. As jpten suggest, maybe it is a problem with your pdf viewer.

jpten, your kind contributions guided and encouraged me. It is a great satisfaction for me if I please such a dedicated follower of medals as you are.

DOGO, por tu logo puedo suponer que eres argentino ¿no? Saludos desde España. Me alegro de que aprecies mi trabajo. No está incluído en la expansiones 7 ni 8, porque compartí mi archivo algunos días después de que se publicaran estas expansiones. De todas formas no creo que merezca la pena, porque es un set en construcción, y aún faltan conjuntos de medallas importantes, los de los imperios Alemán y Ruso, entre otros. No obstante, puedes descargarlo e instalarlo sin problemas, en teoría no debe interferir en absoluto con los demás archivos de BAT, ya que simplemente añade una carpeta que no existía previamente y sólo afecta a la presentación de nombres e imágenes en el juego. Conforme vaya preparando nuevos conjuntos de medallas iré actualizando los enlaces y se podrán instalar sin ningún problema.
¡Un afectuoso saludo!

Sorry, I don't want to offend non-Spanish speakers, this is the translation: The sets of medals are not included in expansion 7 nor 8, because I share it after Monty released his expansions. However, at the moment I don't think it would be worth it, since my awards are still under construction. Important sets such as those from German and Russian Empires must be finished yet. However, you can download and install what I have already done withouth further problem. Theoretically they shouldn't interfere at all with any BAT files. It just adds a previously non-existant folder and it only affects how the names and images are displayed in game. As soon as I finish new sets, I will update the links and you will be able to install them without problems.



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Re: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2017, 08:01:59 PM »

Si compañero soy del otro lado del gran charco, de Argentina 8), te agradezco la respuesta y ya mismo los instalare y ansioso esperare ganarme DFC, en la campaña publicada de KevinHoggard  60 Squadron RFC Campaign  :)

If my partner is on the other side of the big puddle, from Argentina, I thank you for the answer and I'll set you up and anxiously wait for you to win DFC, in the published campaign of KevinHoggard 60 Squadron RFC Campaign  (you forgive for my grammar)  :(


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Re: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2017, 01:19:10 PM »

Hello everybody!

I have now finished the Russian Empire awards. Needed information is rather scarce in English internet sources, but digging in Russian Wikipedia led to a lot of information. Thanks Google translator, because my knowledge of Russian is close to none!

However, I would appreciate feedback from our Russian friends.

Links to the files and manual are updated in first page.

By the way, I am grateful to Monty for including some of my medals in the last expansions (I ignore if it was in Expansion 10 or 11, because I upgraded both of them very recently and withouth checking differences between them). However, these medals belong to my first attempt and by now are quite outdated (only French and Russian medals, with some historical unaccuracies). So I recommend to upgrade to the new version and you will enjoy French, Russian and British medals.

Next step: German Empire!



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Re: Dedicated Great War awards and ranks
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2017, 07:30:55 PM »

Congratulations Bob, it's an exquisite work, many hours of reading surely.

Saludos y descargando  :)
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