There are planes in the JTW air.ini list, which I want to use in the WAW
I would do this the other way round: installing WAW-period planes I want into JTW.
Afaik JTW is a balanced pack wich needs all this latest engmod+patches stuff
wich is necessary to make the latest jets working.
To get this Jets working in WAW is much harder than the other way round imho.
The first thing you can try is to make the
default 412 planes working in JTW,
just copy parts of #SAS com... air.ini into JTWs air.ini and give it a try.
This should work in most cases without having to install any other stuff.
But be aware that you will have this default planes then without all the 3d-fixes etc
as they come with WAW modul...
To just copy air.ini lines for
modded planes from WAWs air.ini
and then just to paste this into JTWs air.ini will not work I'm pretty sure
as this planes have their needed classfiles somewhere in WAWs "Classes-ObjectsAir"
or wherever and the 3do files are hidden in the SFS files .. so no joy without this files.
And to "simply" mix the JTW SFS files with the WAW SFS files and to copy the classfile folders
from WAW into JTW (or the other way round)? .. maybe it works after some fiddling
but frankly: I would not waste my time with this as I'm pretty sure that this then becomes
a huge "mingle-mangle" wich maybe simply ends with: its impossible CTDs.

So its better to install
modded planes as you see them in WAW into jtw
manually as you would do it with ie a fresh and empty ModActivator 412 install.
And the same with 3d-fixes etc for
default planes.

But thats all wild guessing from my side, maybe another member
alread didwhat you're asking for and so can give you a better advice.