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Author Topic: What planes do you like to fly?  (Read 8510 times)

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What planes do you like to fly?
« on: February 22, 2017, 11:01:15 AM »

Hello BAT/CUP Fans:).  I wish to create thread with a with friendly and lively discussion about our favorite planes that we fly in Il-2. BAT/CUP team have done a tremendous job in providing us a good list of aircraft.  What we do here is simple:

1. Say what is your favorite plane. You can mention two if you want or more.
2. Write what do you like the most in it.
3. How long have you been flying it?

Starting myself. I like mostly the Fw-190 and the Ki-84 the most. The Fw 190 has power and speed, good armour and good firepower. I feel really safe in that machine. However the Ki-84, although it has very limited protection, I really like its maneuverability and good handling. I have been flying the Fw-190 since Il-2 came out and the Ki-84 very recently.

Hope to see more contributions :)


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Re: What planes do you like to fly?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2017, 02:39:47 PM »

 I like the magnificent P-51D because i can beat your Fw190A/D easily (lol) but seriously.  I love the F-5A/E because it feels like its the equivalent of P-51 in jet.  Both of this aircraft i enjoy executing the combination of high and low yoyo against nimble aircraft.  I have the need.....need for speed.  It must be fun to fly the F-18 or F-16 in combat but they dont have a fair modern antagonist like Mig29 or Su27.
 My third honorable mention is the BF109.  I love this aircraft against the Spits or Huries.  Same tactics...YOYO.



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Re: What planes do you like to fly?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2017, 03:22:22 PM »

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38". (somewhere in "internet")

Because P-38 can beat all your FW-190s and Bf-190s and she has 2 engines vs just only one on P-51 and she has two beams which makes her twice more sexy than any other aircraft. And her props counter-rotate. And her radiators and superchargers look fantastic.
No debates, no discussions. The one and only and holy P-38 !


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Re: What planes do you like to fly?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2017, 03:58:58 PM »

Been flying the Yak-3 for quite some time. Like the La-7 also. Always enjoy the unsung aircraft and against all odds and coming out on top. Performance wise the later Russian aircraft were more than a match against the best the Luftwaffe could come up with. It's because of the Russian aircraft that got me into the Il-2 series to begin with. CFS3 is lacking in this regard but there are some new ones in the works along with a Eastern Front expansion . Also like the Thunderbolt and Hellcat .


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Re: What planes do you like to fly?
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2017, 10:23:43 PM »

Bombers at night.  All types, droning on in the darkness, dodging searchlights and flak bursts in a dark room with a tiny LED light over the keyboard.


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Re: What planes do you like to fly?
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2017, 03:09:54 AM »

Right now it will have to be I-16 and IL-2.

Bit boring for most but:
  • Manoeuvrability of the I-16 and the "against all odds" aspect makes it a very enjoyable plane. I prefer 1941-42 scenarios anyway so it is perfect. I can handle the engine cutting off now but this used to drive me crazy (I was a rookie).
  • For the IL-2, it is incredibly stable and easy to handle. Taxiing with the canopy opened and taking off are really great feelings. Ground attack is what I loved in the first instance about this game. When flying "realistic" missions in the IL-2 I always get remembered about the hardships of the Great Patriotic War. A very humbling experience, especially without (or with insufficient) fighter escort. I fly the single seater mostly or the early models (again the preference for 1941-42). I like flying very low on the way to the target too.
I started flying the I-16 about a year ago, before that I was Hurricane or Yak-1.
For the IL-2,  I started in 2003 then stopped. Started again in 2008 then stopped. Then picked it up again about a year ago.
They are both great for testing my map!


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Re: What planes do you like to fly?
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2017, 12:50:24 PM »

"There is no plane but the P-38, and Dimlee is her messenger"

Completeley agree, Dimlee. I like many aircrafts, but there is only ONE plane. In the real world, I've never seen her, but this year I've had the same dream twice: a P-38 flying above me. I felt really really happy looking at her...

However, I don't fly P-38s very often. Since IL2 came out, I usually fly Russian planes: IL2 and Yaks at the beginning; now I go for I-15s, I-16s, or MiG-15s, depending the era I want to play.

When I feel British, I choose the Hurricane: reliable and easy to fly. I also like the seagull wings of the F4U, although she is too sensitive to joystick movements. And of course, all beautiful WWI vintage aircraft.

The only ones I don't usually fly are German planes. I'm a bit prejudiced.

Captain Dawson

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Re: What planes do you like to fly?
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2017, 03:09:38 PM »

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38". (somewhere in "internet")

Because P-38 can beat all your FW-190s and Bf-190s and she has 2 engines vs just only one on P-51 and she has two beams which makes her twice more sexy than any other aircraft. And her props counter-rotate. And her radiators and superchargers look fantastic.
No debates, no discussions. The one and only and holy P-38 !

I'm with you on this! P-38 > All.

I find my best moments in the P-38 are on lone-wolf missions. The AI is not best suited to the P-38's strengths, so I usually just go it alone. I love the power and speed it has, excellent long range gun accuracy, lots of variation in ammo stores, and the large amount of ammo. With the gunpods, you have 8 50cals and one 20mm. Pretty awesome firepower, and it just saws Ki-84s in two, if they don't blow up first!  :P  Excellent for boom and zoom attacks on enemy Zeros, and enough bombs and rockets to ravage a convoy.

Other than that, I often fly the I-16 in SCW scenarios. Love its maneuverability, and I've finally learned to use its quirks to my advantage. I can quite easily beat multiple ace 109Bs in a lone wolf flight, despite the I-16's somewhat lacking in armament. I love sitting right behind an enemy, prop almost touching his tail, and filling his fuselage with bullets from one of my wing guns. :)

Sometimes I venture into the P-51 or P-40. Spits and Hurris also favorites when I have a hankering for a Battle of Britain experience.
"It's totally foolproof, until you mess something up." -Captain Dawson My OP rig: CybertronPC Palladium custom desktop computer, GPU: NVidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5, CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5 GHz 6M Cache Skylake Quad-Core, RAM: 8.00 GB, Motherboard: Intel H110 Chipset, SSD: 240GB, HDD: 1TB, OS: Windows 10


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Re: What planes do you like to fly?
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2017, 04:12:29 AM »

Messerchmitt Bf. 109 all version. I love this plane ever since I was a kid... :)




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Re: What planes do you like to fly?
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2017, 07:16:38 PM »

Can't forget the Mustang series. One of the greats.


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Re: What planes do you like to fly?
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2017, 04:38:12 AM »

Anyone flying the Italian planes? Those Mc 205 and Fiat G55 rock. I am really impressed by their performance.


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Re: What planes do you like to fly?
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2017, 04:53:22 AM »

Anyone flying the Italian planes? Those Mc 205 and Fiat G55 rock. I am really impressed by their performance.

I am Italian and I love R.A. and Italian planes, but unfortunately I haven't campaigns for R.A....
Could you suggest something about it?


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