For me, Dawn of Flight is WWI in 412! That means the planes TAXI.
planes in ww1 didnt taxi 
Nor did they appear one behind the other lined up like 'ducks in a row'. TAXI is a very significant feature in the new FMB. In Dawn of Flight this function means that the aircraft can Spawn ANYWHERE and take-off in a much more 'natural' looking manner and formation.

For the player it means that you can start from your maintenance tent, surrounded by ambient sounds, your aircrew and glorious detailed scenery. You will usually start up and swing her around into the wind, that much they did do, and it means that DoF missions start with a huge degree of atmosphere and realism compared to earlier, obselete, versions of Il2 mods.

The 'TAXI' function also facillitates staggered and side by side takeoffs, rather than the one by one limitation previously imposed. To see a flight of Albatros biplanes start up and lumber into the air together, more like a gaggle of geese, or Battle of Britain Spits, lifting off together and climbing out side by side, is FAR superior to earlier versions of Il2.

Spawning a mission player aircraft, or AI, ANYWHERE YOU WISH TO PLACE IT, also makes Helo combat plausible and allows for in the field deployments and Vietnam style Helo starts.

I wish more people would understand just how important an advance the 412 FMB was. The realistic airfield starts alone killed 410 and converted me to 412 in a second. What a pity 413 undid all that progress by breaking so many mods! There's no point in the latest TD 'patch' without the best mods. That's why we have B.A.T. in its present form.
The newest B.A.T. campaigns showcase these features and as a result they stand apart from all earlier work. I hope that those converting older material will always bear in mind the reason that they went obselete and incorporate the new features into their B.A.T. updates.

Thanks to RDDR for these fantastic No.152 Squadron skins. Spitfire Scramble, and the earlier WWI Campaigns, will be hitting the flightlines as soon as we have B.A.T. Expansion Pack Seven safely launched...