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Author Topic: Tight Formation in CUP?  (Read 1674 times)

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Tight Formation in CUP?
« on: February 26, 2017, 11:00:19 AM »

Hello CUP people:)

When trying to get very close in formation flying the wingman moves to avoid.   I noticed the same thing in HSFX, but once "expert mode" was enabled, flying very close was possible.

Is this possible in CUP? 

Yes normally you wouldn't fly as close as I do, but it's great to fly up nice and tight and look at the wonderful work people have done.  And it's fun:))

"Can you put that in Captain dummy Talk"  Capt Malcom Reynolds // no sim pilots=no one to fly modded planes//no modders =no modded planes to fly


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Re: Tight Formation in CUP?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2017, 07:55:53 PM »

Am I the only one being picky about this? :)

"Can you put that in Captain dummy Talk"  Capt Malcom Reynolds // no sim pilots=no one to fly modded planes//no modders =no modded planes to fly


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Re: Tight Formation in CUP?
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2017, 10:10:25 AM »

No, you can count me in :P. My all-time biggest IL-2 wet dream is to taxi, takeoff, fly, fight, and land(or crash) as part of a huge AI I-15 swarm in service to the chaika hivemind. A dryer and second biggest dream is to have the airframe bounce and shake on the runway during takeoff, landing, and taxi roll, now everying thing is too solid and quiet for light aircrafts operating on a grass field, after all its grass, not glass.

Really love tight formation flying in MSFS, but can`t do it in IL-2 due to odd AI behavior(take off, turn, but landing is worst). Strangely, few have sopken about this during all these IL-2 years with all the space for improvment, like people don`t care. Can`t say that for CUP or BAT as I never used them, but for unmodded AI it`s like that.


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Re: Tight Formation in CUP?
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2017, 07:05:36 PM »

Hey Fallout,

Glad to see somebody else cares:))

This is what I tested today.


-I RTB my AI flight, than I try to join up with them nice and close but they get jumpy.
-when I set up QMB with an additional flight, the 2nd flight could care less how close I got.


-Same.  ( I recommend you try CUP, it is amazing the amount of work they put into it!!)

HSFX 6.0:

-Didn't matter who I joined up on.  All the AI stayed in formation

6.0 is the only HSFX version I have.

Let me know how you make out.

"Can you put that in Captain dummy Talk"  Capt Malcom Reynolds // no sim pilots=no one to fly modded planes//no modders =no modded planes to fly


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Re: Tight Formation in CUP?
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2017, 10:42:20 PM »

I thought there is an option where you can give order to wingman or flight to close in formation.  This is the keys where you order to attack, ask assistance.....etc.


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Re: Tight Formation in CUP?
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2017, 03:21:24 AM »

Hi Creature!

Don`t have my joystick around, but still remember what happened last time I tried that. When I orders RTB and try to approach RTBing AIs in my own section, they just shy away. The way that works is to stay with AIs of another section, they won`t care or even notice you.

Still, it`s difficult staying together even in formation with AI, especially hard when waypoints were few and turns sharp. Can you takeoff and land in formation with them, any tips?
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