The Ground Attack Object, from C&C 412 is resident in B.A.T. This is what it does:
The Ground_Attack object is designed to address problems with AI planes, particularly jets, during ground attack missions. Simply put, the Ground_Attack object will change the behavior of ground attacking AI planes so that they will (hopefully) seldom crash into the ground or fly off into the stratosphere while selecting new targets.
When the Ground_Attack object is present anywhere in a mission, ground attacking AI planes will have a "ceiling" of 1500m AGL above which they cannot fly, and a "floor" of 300m (when dropping bombs) or 100m (when using rockets).
AI planes can still be shot down and catastrophic damage will still cause them to crash, but not matter how much they twist and turn they will not collide with terrain during strafing runs. Mountains or other sudden shifts in terrain height can still do them in, however, so use caution when setting up ground attack missions.
The Ground_Attack object also restricts the AI to bomb or rocket attacks. Once all bombs and rockets have been used up, the AI will proceed to the next waypoint. This is to prevent endless and unrealistic machine-gun or cannon runs. The AI will also jettison drop tanks when starting attack runs.
That explanation is provided with the C&C Readme in your BATDOCS and the object has to manually placed in a mission using FMB.
DZ vehicles.stationary.CandC$DZUnit 1
StmFront vehicles.stationary.CandC$StormFrontUnit 1
RdmWeather vehicles.stationary.CandC$RandomWeatherUnit 1
DynWeather vehicles.stationary.CandC$DynamicWeatherUnit 1
Ground_Attack vehicles.stationary.CandC$LevelUnit 1
I think this C&C Object is our candidate. In which case you will be delighted to know it was resurrected by Sputnickshock, following the great TD 413 mod-smash, then tested and compiled by yours truly exclusively for C.U.P. and then B.A.T. All you need do is open up any mission, you can even jump directly to FMB from the QMBPRO Menu, select the object and place it anywhere on the map (I group C&C in the top right but it can be anywhere). Match Red or Blue with the player side, that's it...