error log
[5:14:37 AM] BMPLoader bmp8PalTo4TGA4 s=PaintSchemes/Skins/AV-8B/AV-8B__generic_07.bmp s1=3DO/Plane/AV-8B/summer s2=PaintSchemes/Cache/AV-8B
[5:14:37 AM] INTERNAL ERROR: '3DO/Plane/AV-8B/summer/skin1o.tgb' Has non squared size or != 1024
[5:14:37 AM] INTERNAL ERROR: TGA '3DO/Plane/AV-8B/summer/skin1o.tgb' has unsupported format
[5:14:41 AM] BMPLoader bmp8PalTo4TGA4 s=PaintSchemes/Skins/AV-8B/AV-8B_US_1988_Marines_VMA-542_23.bmp s1=3DO/Plane/AV-8B/summer s2=PaintSchemes/Cache/AV-8B
[5:14:41 AM] INTERNAL ERROR: '3DO/Plane/AV-8B/summer/skin1o.tgb' Has non squared size or != 1024
[5:14:41 AM] INTERNAL ERROR: TGA '3DO/Plane/AV-8B/summer/skin1o.tgb' has unsupported format
[5:14:44 AM] BMPLoader bmp8PalTo4TGA4 s=PaintSchemes/Skins/AV-8B/AV-8B__generic_01.bmp s1=3DO/Plane/AV-8B/summer s2=PaintSchemes/Cache/AV-8B
[5:14:44 AM] INTERNAL ERROR: '3DO/Plane/AV-8B/summer/skin1o.tgb' Has non squared size or != 1024
[5:14:44 AM] INTERNAL ERROR: TGA '3DO/Plane/AV-8B/summer/skin1o.tgb' has unsupported format
Perhaps when we want to apply 1024x1024 standard resolution custom skins on the aircraft, the default skin resolution of it has to be 1024x1024 standard one.
AV-8B's default skin is 2048x2048 high resolution one, so every custom skins may have to be in the resolution 2048x2048.
After overwriting default skin file "\#SAS\!!!!_US_Marine_Aviation_Pack\3do\plane\AV-8B\summer\skin1o.tgb" by 1024x1024 down grade one (and also default damage skins "~\3do\plane\AV-8B\Damage1o.tga" and "Damage2o.tga" ? ), those 1024x1024 custom skins will be OK.