Operation Silver Fox: The Blitz of Murmansk
A DCG campaign for IL-2 VP Media Modpack. Campaign by Von Ofterdingen (comments/bug reports are welcome at vonofterdingen@gmail.com). A B.A.T. version will be available at a later date.
Campaign Information
This campaign is based on events in the Murmansk battle-front beginning with the German and Finnish attacks on the northern Russian port of Murmansk. To support their Russian allies, the British sent an expeditionary force of land-based Hawker Hurricanes and carrier-based Marlets. Though based on historical data, much of the gameplay is dynamic due to the nature of Lowengrin’s Dynamic Campaign Generator (DCG). The following campaigns are available in this version (I may expand this list if there is interest):
• BF-109E7
• JU-87B2
• BF-110C4
• LAGG-3
• PE-2
• IL-2
I have not included British or Finnish campaign careers as of yet but may do so in the future.
Prerequisites & Compatibility
This campaign was written and tested using the SAS Community VP Modpack. For information, see:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,50919.0.htmlThe campaign may also be compatible with other modded DCG-enabled IL-2 systems, though I have not personally tested any others. The campaign requires Mixx’s wonderful Z’polar map, which is included in the VP Media modpack. I have heard rumor of Mix working on a winter version of this map. I will update this campaign if the winter version becomes available.
You must have installed Lowengrin’s Dynamic Campaign Generator for IL-2 version 3.48 or later. To obtain DCG see the Lowengrin website:
Installation and Settings
• Decompress the Silverfox.zip file and put the uncompressed Silverfox folder into your DCG home directory.
• Make a backup of the DGEN directory that is in your IL-2 game directory.
• Copy the DGEN folder from the Silverfox\DGEN directory and paste it to the main game folder. If prompted to overwrite files, click Yes.
• Copy the Silverfox\Paintschemes folder to your IL-2 game directory.
• Start the DCG program. Select File?Optional Third Party Data Folder.
• Copy the Silverfox\Paintschemes folder to your IL-2 game directory.
• Navigate to the Silverfox folder and select allcampaigns.dcg.
• In the DCG main screen, select Mode ? Off Line Career (Full Auto-Generation Mode).
• On most PCs you will be able to set DCG density settings to Full when using the VP media mudpack.
• Close DCG.
• Start your IL-2 game. Choose one of the Nation/Career options listed above under Campaign Information and slick Start.
• For best results, choose the squadron that is in the same ordinal position as the aircraft you select. For example, if you choose the second aircraft type in a list of three, choose the second squadron in the list as well. This will ensure that you receive the correct aircraft upgrades as they become available.
This is a large and dynamic campaign; I have done testing, but testing a campaign of this scope is near-impossible. If you encounter difficulties, please notify me; solutions are usually available once I know the nature of the problem. Exploding planes on startup are the most common issue; if you encounter this please let me know (this is a problem that can be fixed with relative ease). I have created new Payload assignment files for this campaign, but as noted above it is hard to test all possible combinations.
Thanks to VP Media and the SAS team for bringing us this wonderful modpack, and Paul Lowengrin for the excellent DCG campaign generator. I am personally much indebted to Scharnhorst and Lonestar for their wonderful tutorials on the use and scripting of DCG campaigns.