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Author Topic: re BAT aircraft FM comparisons to previous IL-2 1946 versions  (Read 2380 times)

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I presently fly a variety of Il-2 1946 based derivatives, most notably HSFX 7.03 Expert mode, UP3 patch pack 2.1,and Pre-DBW2. I also have Rise of Flight installed, but mostly prefer WW2 aircraft. My question is how the Flight modelling of BAT compares with current Il-2 1946? I still use 4.12 as I have not upgraded to 4.13 due to HSFX being still based on 4.12.

While I fully appreciate the great selection of aircraft, campaigns, missions, and different eras brought together in one package, this for me is not so desired as I am not a jet jockey, and WW1 aircraft for my limited time is well served by ROF. My inquiry then is regarding the FM of the BAT aircraft - I trust this would all be 4.13  based, correct? Or do the various mods included offer differing FM to select aircraft? HSFX Expert mode FM's are my personal favorites as present, especially with the Fw 190 aircraft tight in maneuvering I prefer, though I've read something about very nice Fw 190 family offerings within C.U.P. [now BAT] some time back.

Please share your thoughts as to the benefits of BAT to someone such as myself; I imagine some of the mods of individual aircraft skins and sound must be outstanding, but please share your inputs. Is there a way to just download the WW2 section, and if so how would this compare to my present selection listed above?

Thanks for any and all responses, perhaps other fence sitters will benefit from your feedback and recommendations.




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Re: re BAT aircraft FM comparisons to previous IL-2 1946 versions
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2017, 03:39:31 PM »

As BAT is a collection of mods made to work with each other... the FM is not down to BAT but down to the original modder's work with each individual FM....

So the question you should really be asking is...... how do all the hundreds of mods on SAS and other sites FM's compare to vanilla 4.13 ?


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Re: re BAT aircraft FM comparisons to previous IL-2 1946 versions
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2017, 05:14:02 AM »

Hi Pugo3.
Sudgest you download the BAT manual.
There you find answers to most of Your questions regarding BAT.
You,l find it here:

And yes, you could have WWII era, (WAW) in BAT as only part of installasion.
God Luck!


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Re: re BAT aircraft FM comparisons to previous IL-2 1946 versions
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2017, 06:43:56 PM »

I'm afraid that until "BAT IL2 Compare" is born, there is no way to answer this question.
But who could build such version of IL2 Compare - with hundreds of new models...


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Re: re BAT aircraft FM comparisons to previous IL-2 1946 versions
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2017, 04:18:33 AM »

Yep, it's so sad that Il-2 is basically a black box. While it is the biggest ever database of flight and technical info on hundreds of aircraft, there's no way to directly access the data which was used to program it. I have to look up in external sources at what altitude the supercharger has to be activated, or what on-board weapons the actual model has, and with how many ammunition, just to name a few. It's just absurd that people have spent hundreds of hours on research and modeling, and their intelligence is now laying hidden in the code.


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Re: re BAT aircraft FM comparisons to previous IL-2 1946 versions
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2017, 04:05:56 PM »

I still use IL2 Compare 4.11 when it's about stock game. It was the last version probably (and with missing ammo data, unfortunately).
I remember good manuals and tools created by the community. Just to name a few:
- Hardball Aircraft Viewer (4.08) by Matt Henderson
- Cockpit Reference Guide by Neural_Dream (very old, 2005)
- Cockpit Arrangement Guide by Corsican Corsair (2014) - probably the most complete one of its kind. It includes engine controls and lot of other information.


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Re: re BAT aircraft FM comparisons to previous IL-2 1946 versions
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2017, 04:31:36 PM »

I still use IL2 Compare 4.11 when it's about stock game.

Me too. Still I find it a nonsense that every piece of data, encoded in the game, has to be looked for elsewhere. We're all test pilots with planes captured from the enemy, with no operating manual available. I can live with it, but it's just annoying.
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