Cockpit’s for Edlor’s excellent DH-103 series of aircraft are now complete. As per Edlor’s suggestion, I have adapted the Tempest cockpit with the following additions and alterations:
second engine RPM, boost, oil temp. rad temp and oil pressure gauges
second engine throttle handle (animated)
second engine prop pitch handle (animated)
second engine superchager handle (animated)
flap position marker now on panel indicator(animated)
tailhook down light on panel (below tail gear indicator lamp) for Sea Hornets only
internal canopy moves in sync with external cockpit frame
nose mounted landing light
boost gauges relabelled for the Merlin 130/131 engines
night lights and damage models added for additional gauges
replaced ring control column with stick control column
fuel gauges now moved to centre panel (to allow for additional engine gauges) and relabelled to reflect the DH-103’s internal fuel capacity
radiator shutter handle now animated
removed cushion/frame around gunsight
'for steer' placard moved

To do justice to Edlor’s work, I am going to spend a few more weeks implementing active collision boxes, a basic skin damage model, and some simple second/third level LOD’s for these aircraft.
cheers mace