In SAS, about B.A.T. contents, new A-4F/M from free modding site are often talked about their bombs hooked position problem or other compatibility problem.
SAS members ... not only I ... try to solve it with more evolved features for that special modeled A-4 Skyhawk.
Because of too much new features, too high goal was set, this project is
NOT FINISHED, though ......
its stage becomes stable and I decide to publish to the public as a Beta version 0.9.4 .

Aircraft list:
- A-4E
- A-4E Buddy Tanker (AI only)
- A-4F (Early)
- A-4F (Late)
- A-4M
SAS new features:
- More natural gear suspension working.
- Leading edge slats moving as historical and their expanding affects real time flightmodel.
- Later models have ground spoiler function with Airbrake extending.
- Nose gear steering is passive or positive in each models' historical features. (WIP)
- Air refueling in 2 way interface.
- All weapon carrying hooks are rearranged to make historical positions.
- All weapons are switched to Generation 2016 models in researching historical combos (Napalms, HIPEG pod, Illumination Flare, Missiles, Nukes) using correct launchers.
- With it, ZUNI lanucher / 2.75" rocket launcher's
Fairings affect to decrease real time flight model drag value. (not only eye candy)
- Small external 3D retouch, adding E model with a straight refuel nozzle.
- Red flashing Anti-Collision lights working with Engine MOD 2.7.3w's toggle key.
- A-4M's Laser designator function for AGM-65E missile and PavewayII Laser guided bombs.
- correct 3D scale , just 1:1 to real.
- rebuild external 3D with decreasing fps damage.
- use more historical Radar Warning Receiver function.
- Carriers' Catapults use A-4 special cable hook 3D model.
Not finished , omitted things for today's Beta publishing:
- A-4M's HUD cockpit.
- gear doors collides to bombs, coming from scaling down to real 1:1 and original model's incorrect shapes.
- some other 3D correction (tail pipe of E/F, canopy of E/F)
- added models don't have own default skins.
- Laser targeting "Hold" function is omitted.
- AI doesn't use Laser designator or shoot Laser guided weapons.
- flightmodel has a bit too high lift effect.
- small sound non-historical workings on RWR.
Version-up plan:
3 months .... Laser designator operation brashing up
1 year or more .... 3D rebuilding , HUD cockpit
Original credit:
huge thanks to all involved
BEN Harber AKA Midnight 7 author and builder of the original plane model meshes used for import for his wonderful model and his kind permission to use this model for our sim
DENN- KURPIN ORIGINAL SKINS FOR THE MODEL SUPPLIED * as marked in the skins folder some of these skins were made for other models but fit this model quite well i have included them for some variety
KIWI_THE_IWIK for the k4 KAHU skin i have included * small mix up as i thought it was a DENN KURPIN skin apologies to KIWI
class file works rotating gear, slats , canopy open ,and a host of other fixes
Class file works for, mirrors, new center bomb pylon appear disappear, slot , no cockpit AI for skyhawk , ZUNI CAP DISSAPEAR, working AAM sidewinder code adaption , and a host of other fixes new code etc
GUMPY SKINS * as marked in the skins folder
TEXX for original SKYhawk files the plane is based on
SAS STOREBROR for holding up the works
Barnesy 12
import , lods , damage meshes ,pilots , tanks , zuni's ,miniguns ,other 3d additions ,new canopy glass etc, work external cockpit , new wheels ,Gear, tanks , ECM meshes , stand in cockpit, textures , matt file adjustments etc,set up , skins, template, heir edits ,research, mesh reworks from the original ,new weapons, and other screwing around to make this work
and last but not least
the Freemodding test pilot crew
Tofolo, Tiger, Gumpy,Hamm,RIBs,Willy,Slipper
and freeil2modding for the support , input and advice
Maddox games for class file and any other in game content adapted for this add-on
due to the lineage of the texx model i have based this add-on my apologies if i have missed some one please inform me asap and will rectify any credits
again a huge thanks to Ton and CW for their input which makes this ADD ON great !!!
*For the mod guys pack makers etc read the modders read me to avoid any confusion !!
no repacking reposting without permission final !!
SAS reworking member credit:
benitomuso (Pablo) , western0221 , SAS~Storebror , 4S_Vega , NS_Koty , SAS~Tom2 , and other Beta testers
Download: (Clean install is needed) patch to v0.9.4 :
A4E-Skyhawk air.SkyhawkA4E 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
A4E-Skyhawk_tanker air.SkyhawkA4E_tanker 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
A4F-Skyhawk air.SkyhawkA4F 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
A4F-Skyhawk_late air.SkyhawkA4F_late 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
A4M-Skyhawk air.SkyhawkA4M 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
i18n/ :
A4E-Skyhawk A-4E Skyhawk, 1962
A4E-Skyhawk_tanker A-4E Buddy tanker, 1962
A4F-Skyhawk A-4F (Early) Skyhawk, 1967
A4F-Skyhawk_late A-4F (Late) Skyhawk, 1968
A4M-Skyhawk A-4M Skyhawk, 1970
i18n/ : text file in the v0.9.5 archive
keymap of A-4M
MISC_7 : Laser hold on the ground (omitted)
MISC_10 : Laser On/Off
Increase / Decrease Sight Distance : Laser spot position far or near
Sight Drift to Left / Right : Laser spot position left or right
Once Laser Off, spot position returns to the center.
A-4M's Laser designator makes its Lase spot only in its front area in historical. So it cannot guide itself's Paveway LGBs.
They need JTAC ground laser designator objects in the future (not made now), or friendly laser designator Jets nearly with Laser-on.
SAS Common Utils 1.09 or later,40490.0.htmlIL2 1956 - The Jet Era, Version 1.33,15649.0.htmlSAS Engine MOD 2.8.7 western 26/Jul./2018 or later,52489.0.htmlWeapon pack Generation 2016-ii (ver 07/May/2018) or later
JetPit Common Materials (ver 18/May/2018) or later,53426.0.htmlWeapons Pack V 1.3 2016.09.23 or later,48603.0.html