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Author Topic: an Idea concerning ships for a future expansion pack...  (Read 2593 times)

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an Idea concerning ships for a future expansion pack...
« on: April 03, 2017, 01:15:03 PM »

Dear Monty and all the other guys who created this wonderful pack...

I am on the verge of dropping my old beloved modified CUP for the new BAT experience, yet I am still not completely ready to do a final cutover...
has something to do with ships, as in my heart, I am a navy flyboy and ships are an ingredient of that experience for me...

my suggestions are simple and can be achieved with what we have mostly, and I do not have a problem to do it myself, but I do not want to fiddle around with all the ini files once a new expansion pack is released...

ok, now for my suggestions:

exchange the US and IJN stock BBs with a proper West Virginia BB and Nagato BB for example;
also exchange the HMS Fiji class CA with a proper HMS Fiji (which we have already)
as a stock US CV we could use the very nice USS Enterprise CV-6 model;
oh and has ship extension pack already been added?

with the exception of the last question/suggestion, everything can be done with a short editing session in the necessary ini files plus creating a folder with the proper name and the necessary files in it for the USN and IJN Generic BBs...

just a quick idea, what do you guys think?


Peter Lynn

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Re: an Idea concerning ships for a future expansion pack...
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2017, 07:43:31 PM »

This is a really great idea, Phil. I too have always been a Pacific theatre enthusiast. ai have made an attempt to correct the ship types in a number of missions like the two CV-6 Enterprise campaigns....It makes such a difference to encounter Yamato and Musashi in the Sibuyan Sea in the Leyte missions flying flak suppression ops instead a line of KGV class BBs. :)


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Re: an Idea concerning ships for a future expansion pack...
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2017, 08:28:15 PM »

Hi Phil

I assume you are talking about B.A.T. -  World at War.  The Jet Age features a more modern fleet but now that SAS Engine MOD 2.7.3.W has been rationalised across the group there are more possibilities for every era.  Ship Extension 3.0 is standard in B.A.T.

The Nagato is already in B.A.T. along with the Chitose and Chiyoda Class.  The Yamato and Musashi are also there along with a fleet of lesser known escorts and destroyers.  The IJN is actually much larger in B.A.T.

HMS Fiji is also in there now but the Enterprise, by Asheshouse, alongside his Lexington are co-dependant and we don't have direct links for it, or the West Virginia.

Basically there are a few remaining ships, not even double figures.  They are not being held back or ignored.  The truth is that ships are complex to install because of their many co-dependencies.  These increase with the size of other content and the entire process becomes much more complex if the ship model in question is pre-412, with older classfiles.  We tread very carefully.  It isn't as easy as dropping in new aircraft and I have been at this for many years.  The ships have been added slowly and steadily to keep everything in B.A.T. working beautifully.


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Re: an Idea concerning ships for a future expansion pack...
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2017, 09:21:07 PM »

Monty, the Enterprise was introduced with the CV-5 Yorktown as a pack.....


Hope this helps....


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Re: an Idea concerning ships for a future expansion pack...
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2017, 10:03:35 PM »

Those are already in B.A.T. in fact the navies of the world are better represented than ever.

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Re: an Idea concerning ships for a future expansion pack...
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2017, 10:42:18 PM »

Indeed they are. I think that Phil was asking about the possibility of going through the default ships and where possible, removing the defaults where the model is incorrect and replacing with the correct or more correct type. I have done this as far as replacing some default ships in campaigns as the Enterprise Gold campaign with more recently produced accurate or suitable vessels. There are lots of cases where for example the Marat has been used in this campaign rather than ships like CA IJN Myoko which have been created since and would be much more suitable as a Default IJN Heavy Cruiser.
I must say your pics above look quite wonderful!

Peter :)


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Re: an Idea concerning ships for a future expansion pack...
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2017, 07:41:03 AM »

Thanks, I like the fleet review, we should do this for the manual, its surprising just how much is actually in there.

Those old campaigns had some charm and did use, of necessity, a lot of hacks, both ships and planes.  While most were well written with regard to the briefings, the missions are better re-built from the ground up really.

Doing this in B.A.T. would result in the injection of so much extra content too.  Carrier wings could use spotters, close air support could use shore based FACs, GCI from the ships could be appropriate in places too.  While we are about it the actual aircraft need re-assigning too.  Wasn't that old Enterprise campaign pre-JapanCat Zeroes?  Plus better flak effects, barrage, artillery spotting missions.  Even the most classic old campaign becomes a bit like driving an old car when you own a full custom shop.  It has to come in for a refit.

As for our fleet in B.A.T. considering the task and available content - its pretty complete as far as I can see.  If there are links for better models than these I would like to see them.


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Re: an Idea concerning ships for a future expansion pack...
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2017, 08:18:44 AM »

Hello Simon!
I was not hunting for better models, I just meant to replace the Generic Ships in BAT with better ones that ARE available; my now rather old CUP uses the Tennessee as a replacement for the stock US BB - Battleship Row looks so much better with those than the British KGV BBs;
also, the stock Generic IJN  BB could profit from using the Nagato; and while I am at it I might replace the HMS Fiji CA (still uses a US CA model) with the proper Fiji that is also available.
I will play around a little this evening and see what is possible, but everything I intend to do is possible with what we have, no need for new stuff here....


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Re: an Idea concerning ships for a future expansion pack...
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2017, 12:07:01 PM »

to follow up on my idea - I did some messing around with a cloned WAW2 folder just to not mess up my stock BAT;
the result is very nice :)

IJNBBGeneric: changed from King George V class to Nagato class - no need to add new content, just editing three ini files
USSBBGeneric: changed from King George V class to Colorado class - no need to add new content, again just editing three ini files
HMS_Fiji: changed from USS CA to new Fiji from Ashe - no need to add new content, again, guess what, editin three ini files

to make my collection of IJN BBs complete, I added the Haruna and Kongo class BB mod - easily done within 5 minutes;

to do: maybe replace the USCVGeneric (currently a Saratoga Class CV) with the USS Enterprise or Essex (dunno if I will do it though)

it adds so much more immersion to have correct Generic ships and not see those British battlewagons in places where they should not be - did not the Japanese sink the PoW (sister of KGV)? in the stock game, they use it as their generic BB :D

well, just a food for thought..I am currently building a clone of WAW2 and will do my dedicated theatre modules again I think...it is mostly PTO flying for me anyhow so correct ships there are a must for me :D



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Re: an Idea concerning ships for a future expansion pack...
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2017, 02:52:31 AM »

Presumably you are talking about flying, what, DGen?  How does this help in any way?  Since I make bespoke campaigns this is simply not an issue.  From FMB the mission designer decides what objects to place.

B.A.T. is designed to enable the creation of new campaigns.  We need new material, and some old material converted, rather than bending B.A.T. to fit old stuff.


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Re: an Idea concerning ships for a future expansion pack...
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2019, 09:33:30 PM »

Is this the full list of theese fleets in B.A.T. for today?
Do you plan to add missing ships in the next expansion packs, such as Kongo and Haruna BB, USS Brooklyn, Daihatsu/TokuDaihatsu/Shohatsu pack and other?
If not, how can I add them in B.A.T myself?

Big thanks for your work on B.A.T.!
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