Hi edc1,
you can make your own mod via JSGME and place each campaign in the proper module. Using JSGME you can select or unselect which campaigns are loaded or not.
Maybe you should have a look at this thread:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,54599.0.htmlI've tried it and it works fine.
However, I think it is much easier doing as Monty suggested in Reply 15 at the same thread. Campaign designers should select a name for their campaigns that suggests in which module should they be played (for example, naming them WAW_BattleOfBritain, or TGA_Races). Monty puts the year in which campaigns take place (as 1916_SOMME, 1917_SCOUT), which suggests that they should be played in DOF module. Once you install the campaign that you want to play, I suggest to change their names to fit these conventions. Just remember to use underscores (_) and no spaces, so the game can read the name of the campaigns.
I would suggest to use YEAR_MODULE_SHORT NAME as a general scheme, so campaigns would appear chronologically ordered, and the module that should be used would be completely clear to users.
For example:
Good luck!