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Author Topic: New eras/modules?  (Read 1859 times)

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New eras/modules?
« on: April 19, 2017, 10:58:28 PM »

My knowledge of the work it takes to put together all the mods into what is now BAT is limited, I can only imagine it's quite a task and takes a lot of time and effort, for which many of us are grateful. As well as to the individual modders, skinners and mission builders.

I understand there's a 'Java wall', which limits aircraft #'s, and also the concept that BAT is intended to inspire mission builders, and not neccessarily be an 'everything included' type of sim. The 'what's left' thread, basically a wish list, got me on to my following question. As well as adding VP Modpack to BAT, which was a fabulous idea.

Would adding another era/module, say Korea/Vietnam, or so, be beneficial or technically possible? I know there's a few aircraft already available that IMO should be in Korean missions, and the possibiltily of expanding JTW with more modern aircraft means others will eventually have to go. And the possibility of modders working on Korean/Vietnam era to throw in the mix, like O-2's, Skynights, Skywarriors, whatever, etc.

I've had to replace my Stinsons and PBY's(Mariner substitute), with Bird Dogs and Nomads, in the missions I'm working on, in JTW. No big deal, substitutes can be made, and skin hacks painted up. The additional era could provide some consistency for mission builders though. I've been debating making missions requiring additional mods or transferring aircraft between modules, but I'd rather stick with the BAT plan and make missions anyone can use right off the 'BAT'.

Flight lines could share mods as eras evolve, and appropriate aircraft removed/added as neccessary. Some would inevitably have to be in 2 modules, like Phantoms, but I can only imagine just a bit more room for possibilities. I know arguments can be made for adjustments to other eras, or perhaps a civilian module should things ever evolve to pushing airliners and general aviation around the skies, but I'd argue for Korea/Vietnam years.

I apologize if I missed the thread on this or has been answered years ago, I do try to look before I ask. I also apologize I don't have any missions or campaigns done to back my requests, I'm just a couple months back into IL2 and still learning how to write them properly. I've posted up some amateur skins as a beginner's offering and hope to continue.

And apologies for the long post that might have a short answer like 'no'.

Flying H

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Re: New eras/modules?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2017, 02:54:27 AM »

Hey ecf111, at first, you shouldn´t apologize that much, the community here is a very friendly one (in fact one of the friendlies on the internet!) Besides that, sharing your thoughts and whishes may trigger some modders to try to fulfil your dreams!
To fully explain your thoughts you need to make a thorough description so don´t worry about the length of the post.
Sadly I´m not able to do anything to get you closer to what you describe, as I´m only an addicted "pilot" benefitting from what others are providing in terms of new mods!
And you can fly, high as a kite, if you want to.........


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Re: New eras/modules?
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2017, 05:45:56 PM »

Well I guess I apologized my way out of a discussion! :)  I'll keep looking, I'm guessing it's been answered before or just not a big priority yet, or more difficult to understand then I imagine.

Yes, for the most part everyone here is real friendly and dreams come true! I asked a question about modding the Tigercat into the -3N version, and it came out about 2 weeks later. Then I asked about loadouts on it and they appeared just a few hours later. I appreciate everyone's hard work and hope everything does expand to where we need another module.



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Re: New eras/modules?
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2017, 12:35:43 AM »

Vietnam and Korea are well underway in the Jet Age, which is designed for them, along with the Middle East, the Falklands, the Balkans etc etc. 

There is already a lot more in there than most people realise:

Yesterday evening I spent several hours over Khe Sanh talking to FACs, spotting for Eagle FSB, dropping Snake and Nape with the Scooters out of DaNang, before tanking on the way home.  Then out that afternoon Medevac with a Choctaw and snooping the perimeter with an ARA Rocket Hog.

That night, making the rounds with the Bird Dog and calling in Spooky to keep the pressure up.

Right now we need a lot less wish-listing and lot more mission building!  I'm a campaign maker and we shall have to teach people a lot of these new systems too.  Here's a preview of some of the B.A.T. Vietnam Campaigns coming to the Jet Age soon...



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Re: New eras/modules?
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2017, 02:51:20 AM »

Right now we need a lot less wish-listing and lot more mission building!  I'm a campaign maker and we shall have to teach people a lot of these new systems too.

Maybe a manual as good as the BAT's about Campaign making would spark more people into creating new campaign. I would love to learn the trade too, I even tried in two occasions, but both finally were unfinished projects.

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Re: New eras/modules?
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2017, 06:17:55 AM »

Those Vietnam pics look good!

A campaign manual would be nice, there's lots of tips out there, but really I've been trying to figure out stuff like waypoint speeds/altitudes, and timing everything right. It's just a lot of trial and error, but nothing I can't figure out.

My topic about a Korea/Vietnam module was really a question for the future, should there ever be enough modded aircraft to fill up JTW. Right now JTW covers pretty much 1949-present, which is a lot of stuff should it ever be developed. It was just a thought, about stuff I don't know much about, yet.

Monty, your campaigns are inspiring and I've been going through a few in FMB just to see how it's done. Hopefully I can finish one up soon!



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Re: New eras/modules?
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2017, 06:33:30 AM »

I would love to learn mission creation, but i am pretty sure it is way over my head and pay grade.  ;D

I looked at the FMB a month or so back and my head nearly exploded.  :D

Come to think of it my head nearly explodes everyday when i read these forum and realise how much stuff is possible in 1946 with BAT.

I just looked at those screenies from Vietnam missions Monty, air to air refuelling.........WOW.

Have i even got enough years left of my life to play all this amazing stuff, amazing.  8)

As spartan18a posted, a manual like the BAT one for mission building would be brilliant.

But i realise it is a lot to ask, considering the work involved.

Best regards,


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Re: New eras/modules?
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2017, 07:07:19 AM »

I have so far released two CAMPAIGN COMPANIONS - DAWN OF FLIGHT and THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR plus a third previewed right here for VIETNAM.  Do grab them and give them a read and you will find the answers to many questions, some of which you didn't even know to ask.  ;D

We are getting there and proper mission building is being tested, proven and fleshed out for all to understand, both from a campaign building perspective and that of the pilot player.  These are very advanced missions I admit, the stuff packed in there pushes the pilot workload and is so immersive like nothing else.

Not everyone has to start with a whole campaign.  You don't get that kind of experience overnight.  Make one mission.  Make a good mission.  Make a great mission.  If everyone here made just one each and we put them into the B.A.T. Single Missions folder, what would we have?

I don't just mean putting a couple of bullshit aircraft together.  Look up the dates, find out the weather on that day, write a little about what the hell was going on.  How does that look to us now?  How did it seem then?  What were the consequences?  What actually happened?  How is the player going to step into those shoes for an hour or so?

I'm discovering things all the time in FMB and my main point is that so many people just want to talk about QMB or adding some other plane or ship.  For me, any little private test means nothing at all.  A skin, a mod, a campaign, a single mission doesn't mean anything if only you have it.  Our hobby only lives when we share it.  My campaigns are complete when I post them, for all of you, to join in.  That's why we need B.A.T. and that's why we have it.

My friends, we haven't even scratched the surface potential of what we have in there already!  But we will, and more, much much more...


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Re: New eras/modules?
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2017, 10:05:03 AM »

More head exploding Simon  :D this game\sim could be the death of me. :D

Always been mad about 20th century military history, from about the age of 12 (nearly 64 now).

But always about 90% interest in the ground warfare and 10% naval.

So my knowledge of air warfare is very sketchy. Obviously i know the various mainstream aircraft.

But apart from the Battle Of Britain and the bombing campaign against Germany, i know very little about the actual campaigns.

So as well as flight sims being a huge learning curve since Feb, so is the real air war side of things.

Just downloaded the Vietnam pdf manual, thank you buddy.

The other two i already have and have read from start to finish.  8)

63+ years old and like being a child in a sweetshop again. LOL

Best regards,
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