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Author Topic: Managing all the objects  (Read 2434 times)

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Managing all the objects
« on: April 24, 2017, 04:21:34 PM »

Is there an easy way to manage all thjose 5000 objects? When I bould some missions it is very frustrating to locate what I need....


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Re: Managing all the objects
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2017, 05:06:06 PM »

In the newer game variants, they have names instead of numbers which helps. But for me, when i was using older games, i had a file with all my favorites listed with their number. So trees, certain buildings and hangers, and figures and airfield objects were easy to find. I would share it but its long since lost. :(

You could also re-arrange the order of the static.ini to make them list in whatever order you wish, ie: put your favorite objects at the top. But i WOULD NOT recommend that route unless you were VERY comfortable with .INI operation, and be sure to make a backup BEFORE you do this.

If you decide to MOVE the objects in the list. Here is an example for reference:

In game you see this Junk is at number 4185 in the list.

Here on the left you see the Junk's INI entry almost at the bottom of the static.ini list. On the right, I have copied it to the top of the list to load first because I like it for scenery. I added the title also. You CAN leave the origional entry in place for this method it will simply show up twice in the list.

Here is an in-game shot after i moved the entry. Now it is in number 0 of my list.

AGAIN, backup your static.ini if you try this method!

Good luck and take care
cogito, ergo sum armatus


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Re: Managing all the objects
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2017, 02:11:29 PM »

So there is no easy solution as I hopen. Thank you anyway. Best solution might be to make a document with the starting numbers of the groups.....bunkers...trenches...etc.


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Re: Managing all the objects
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2017, 04:32:55 PM »

If you are using BAT, there is a text list in each of the era directories (i.e. WAW, DOF, etc) called Static_list_FMB.txt. This files are very helpful.


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Re: Managing all the objects
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2017, 10:02:06 PM »

For me.  It is a yellow legal pad...and an ink pen.

Cheers and prost
I am a moron.


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Re: Managing all the objects
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2017, 01:08:20 AM »


1. extract the Static_Objects_list.7z
2. copy your static.ini into its folder
3. run _StaticIniImages.exe
4. check the generated _StaticImagesSTD.html file in a browser

(warning: it only has images for UP3 objects so the images may not show correct graphics for newer modpacks)

there's also this pack:


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Re: Managing all the objects
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2017, 08:42:08 AM »

Here is how I manage mission building objects.  It evolved while I was doing some building work on a project.
  1. Open a new mission and name it something like "Object template".  The map you pick is a minor detail but a simple map with a lot of flat area helps.  I will mention the only map drawback later.
  2. On a flat area of the map, open the object viewer and starting wherever you desire, start laying out objects and grouping them by whatever category you will best remember them.  For example, I have all the churches grouped together, English building, french buildings, pacific style buildings, factory stuff, wharves and docks including all the raised items to fit on top of docks. Roads and railroads with all the vehicles grouped in one area and trains and trains stuff.  It sounds tedious but it can be done quicker is you take one short cut.  For the long lists of items like personnel, ordnance and stuff that have many small variations, you can place just a few and when you need such an item, just select that item and your object viewer  will 'jump' to that area of the object list.
  3. Once assembled, save the mission.
   Now when you have opened and saved a new mission you are starting to built, exit that new mission open the object template, select all the objects, copy them, re-open the new mission and paste the template of objects into a neutral area.  Now when you need oil tanks, go to that collection in the template, select the tank you desire, move to the area you need it placed, click to place that object.  Need a German soldier?  Locate where a few soldiers group, select one, open the object viewer and your list has jumped to that area of the object list and you can now  scroll till you find the one you specifically need.
   Is it a perfect solution?  It works for me.  The only drawback is there are only so many objects that a video card will support and if you start placing objects but they have no textures, you have hit that point.  Fortunately,  since you will delete the object collection at the end, it is more a warning and you will lessen the object count when you delete the collection.
   The only map selection consideration is if the map does not have an object in it's static.ini, it will not place on the map.  This is a good way to detect such limitations on a map but it means if you build your template on a winter map or a pacific ocean only map and your mission is summer or Europe, some limitation of objects will exists that will frustrate mission building.
   I hope my description of this method is not too convoluted to understand.  It is not perfect but I found it over time (as I got use to my layout of objects) it became quicker than scrolling the viewer especially since it allowed me to 'grab, copy, paste' many similar objects I had grouped together) and arrange them (such as building a factory) rather than one object at a time.


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Re: Managing all the objects
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2017, 10:10:27 AM »

The little program works very well. There is no image for every object, but it is very easy to locate objects now!


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Re: Managing all the objects
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2021, 05:48:50 AM »

For me.  It is a yellow legal pad...and an ink pen.

For me it is always a small white piece of paper, a pencil and then I need my reading glasses.


FAC N° 9 ...cheers mein Schatz
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