yes Max.,24990.0.html
You re right, but I don´t know how to "open" the cargo file skin. I could re skin it, but the ideal situation its a new 3d model and that added cargo to the loadout.Anyway, if any clue on opening the file please, let me know.
When I downloaded the Junkers-52 Family upgrades a few years ago I also did many changes to the entire skins and some files for it.
I have those files and so can you. Just download the same package available here. The skins are in TGA (Targa) format and you
may be able to re-paint them using GIMP or Photoshop.
When you download the 3 Junkers 52 family pack, You will find the skins inside the folder .... \3do\Plane\Ju-52_3mg3e
It is named "ordnance".
My version looks like this.... in this size. No alpha-channel transparency.

Making a new box is totally different. It also involves changing many mod-airplane files to include the new addition. Extra work.

If there is a modeling artist kind enough to do an entirely new box model, that is up to them.
I am unable to create a new box and at the moment I am done making any more changes to these Junkers 52. My versions
are perfect as they are now. If no one wants to use my upgrades, then there is nothing I can do. I already shared and posted
what I use for my own personal game.