During the work on the mission files for my Poland 1939 Campaign I noticed that the Poland 1939 map
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,42327.0.html could be improved, so I contacted Uzin about it.
But since he was busy working on his Yugoslavian map, he gave me permission to make the updates myself.
So in September 2016 I started edit the Poland 1939 map with the following improvements:
-Remove or move interfering objects. Sometimes there was 4 interfering objects on top of each other.
-Remove or move trees from railroads, streets and roads.
-Improve the objects placement, so they match the terrain textures better.
-Add objects to some smaller towns that have no objects at all.
-Improve road connections and road layout.
-Improve rail connections and road layout.
Here are some before/after screenshots from FMB:
WarzawSmall townLeginowoRail connectionRoad connectionThe updates will be announced here at the same time as my Poland 1939 campaign is released.
Updating is very time consuming and tedious, so I haven't the energy to update everything on the map unfortunately.