I'm playing Monty's DOF "The Eastern Front" Mission #8. Instructed to join three bombers, cross front line with AAA threat, then once through, on to enemy air base. Well, all went well until the AAA started up. I was high, AAA went after bombers. All three shot down, then at me, I was side slipping, getting some damage.
After getting through AAA, I got a "Mission Complete", a long way off from enemy air base. I looked behind and watched with dismay as my eight fighter allies were ALL shot down by AAA. Twelve planes never made it through that AAA barrier, I was the soul survivor. Well, bombing the enemy airbase, which was a long way off, by myself, just did not seem a wise decision, so I aborted. Went a ways south to "get around" the AAA and landed at home base, alone. Wasn't going to fly through that mess again.
I don't think the mission was designed to have everyone shot down by AAA and terminate the mission. Or maybe it was. Who knows, but intentionally or not, that AAA was really heavy and almost impossible to get through for AI flyers. Was it a 4.12.2m AI update that made AI more accurate, including AAA? Just an issue with WWI where the aircraft are slower? What ever the case, AAA is a serious threat to AI aircraft, if its set too heavy. Let alone a serious threat to yourself.
Every mission is enjoyable, even these "abort" missions, but it just seemed odd how all my AI allies were stripped away by AAA and no one left to carry on the mission. Except for little old me. Odd.
PS: Mission #9 was more of same, but next day. This time one of three bombers got through. Bomber escorts got through because AAA on bombers. I and four other escorts, who took off from the base to join, did not have any luck, all of us got shot down. One bomber and four fighters made it, I hope they did well. For me, the war was over, as I joined all the other POWs.