It took me some time but here it is - a collection of Air Ground ordnance used in the verious post ww2 conflicts - roughly in the period 1946 -1986. This first installment contains unguided bombs and napalm for the US, Israel, Argentina, the UK and France - its second part will include clusters and rocket pods.
The passage from one generation of ordnance to the other is never clear cut - and you have for a long time a persistance and coexistence of old and new - the Marines are the worst (or the best) case - they systematically collect left over ordnance and stock it in their gigantic stores in the Californian desert (dry air - no corrosion!) to use them at will - as they did in Vietnam and elsewhere.
Here's the list of bombs included in these packs (for modding weapons arrays, just add bombgun before each name to get the java name of the bomb)
As usual bombs name include weight, category (GP, frag,...) denomination (if specific), mod (if present), Fuze (if specific) here are the links:
US the patch for the Anti-Runway bomb (copy it instead of what is in the above linked folder)
a) UK and French bombs will be uploaded in the coming hours/days - most French bombs of teh period are already part of the Israeli pack.
b) Argentinian bombs are limited to the bombs used during the period of the Falklands/Malvinas conflict in 1982
c) These bombs are modelled to the Il2 standard and are therefore compatible with the other Il2 ordnance that were used on the same planes during the period. As the ordnance form Western's generation 2016 that do not respect this standard, I had to remodel correctly in accordance to the Il2 standard, ordnance pieces used during this period, although similar ones were released by Western but with its own standard, which is incompatible with the rest of Il2 ordnance/ planes, adding some goodies.
1) USUSAF used "M" bombs / napalm, USN used "Mk" bombs / Napalm, Marines used everything including a huge ammount of ww2 ordnance.
The M1 fuze extension was USAF development, Snakeye (Mk14, Mk15) was a Navy extension - only in the last years of the Vietnam war, the USAF began using Snakeyes and develop the MAU-91 tail for the M117. Till then they used "daisy cutters" with hernia bar ("rods") or with M1A1 fuze extension.
USN used USAF provided M117 with M1 fuze extrension ("Daisy") only sporadically for clearing patches of jungle to create helicopter landing pads.
USAF bombs

USN bombs

Israela) This pack does not include the various US WW2 bombs "remade" in Israel in the 1948 period from various parts bought from scraps all over the world, and used in the 1948 and 1946 conflicts, nor the US bombs acquired after 1968 (Mk81, Mk82, M117, M118)
b) Fuzes include indigenous 669 super-quick fuze and Tadmor proximity fuze, as well as the 7-12 and 7-15 low level fuzes ( local copies of the well-known M16 detonator, with a random average delay of around 9 to11s ) and the 20-60 long delay fuze (20-60 minutes) . Longer delay have always been problematic for the Israeli air force, due to the hot environment - a problem solved only with the appearance of electronic fuzes.
c) photo evidence of Israeli bombs with markings is very difficult to find (not to speak of the factious "display painted" bombs)> If members of the forum can upload pics, I'd be delighted.
d) for local production bombs of the 1948 period, I modeled only those for which I had photo evidence and dimensions. A lot remained to be modeled but I lack correct info on dimensions.
e) This pack introduces a new category of ordnance: the Anti runway - here the PPM-70 used in the 6 days war (and still used today as the Condib-70 by a number of countries all around the world)

3) ArgentinaArgentinian fuzes were a headache for pilots during teh Falklands / malvinas conflict. Argentinian seem to have been fascinated by delay fuzes and this led them to some rather unadapted choices . Adding to that the arming time that became critical when the pilots atttacked at low level UK ships......This brought them to try strange patterns (such a US AN_M bomb with a British tail, so as to use a British pistol).
Bombs used by Argentinians included ...British bombs, Spanish bombs and locally produced versions of these bombs
Although French Bombs were furnished by Peru during the war they were tested by teh Argentinians, but not used during thr conflict.
The Israeli made bombs (130kg, 360kg and 70kg anti runway) were introduced after the conflict.
US M117 were not used by Argentinian aircraft during the conflict, although they were used by the FAA before.
Mk82 Snakeye were used in limited number by the Argentinians.
Fuzes include the SSQ Superquick (a copy of the Israeli Fuze 669) , the GammaR low level (5m arming, 12s delay), the KappaIII instant fuze (45m arming), the Kappa E (33m arming, instant or 3s delay) and KEMA electronic (0s arming 3s delay) and the British Pistols No76 (instant) and No78 long delay (25 to 30s)
This pack introduce a new functionality - the airburst time fuze (something planned in the fuze class since Il2 early days, but never implemented as such!)

I will be happy to make cod file for suitable aircraft - just post your suggestions in this threadATTENTION!1. Each of these packs include a cod folder so you can see by yourself how these bombs look and behave in the game, using a test plane. Do not forget after that to delete these cod folders (or to rename them -cod so that they will not be loaded)
for the US bombs this test plane is the P-51D-5NT 1944
For the Israeli bombs this test plane is the Spitfire LIXe 1944
For the Argentinian bombs this test plane is the F6F5, 1944
2. The bombs having for suffix "Tadmor", "VTbar" or "VTring", have proximity fuze and therefore need to have the proximity fuze mod installed (,51988.0.html)