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Author Topic: BAT online servers  (Read 2323 times)

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BAT online servers
« on: May 24, 2017, 11:22:39 AM »


Are there any active BAT servers at the moment?


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Re: BAT online servers
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2017, 11:33:33 AM »

I doubt that there is one ..

You'll have to keep in mind that BAT was developed for offline use only .. many of the Mods in BAT don't feature any net replication at all and therefore using them online may result in one or another weird thing happening.
Now, personally I don't think it makes sense to run a Server when you know that weird things are imminent .. but maybe that's just me ;)

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Re: BAT online servers
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2017, 11:35:59 AM »

Gotcha, thanks!


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Re: BAT online servers
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2017, 07:31:09 AM »

We ,2/jg11, have been flying  BAT 10 on line for a couple of months now. We even  use it  for our own designed campaigns. So far it has worked fine. We do not have a server set up but instead have a few members of our squad that can act as hosts for our weekly games.
We did note that it is best to test each mission before use. In doing so we  found that some substitutions in aircraft may be needed.  It is also wise to test each mission to ensure that everything works as wanted. Even after multiple  testing however we have noticed that missions never work out exactly the same way twice. That is, the AI will fly where you ask and try a do what you ask of them but results are never a forgone conclusion. Which adds to the interest.


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Re: BAT online servers
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2017, 12:46:43 PM »

We ,2/jg11, have been flying  BAT 10 on line for a couple of months now. We even  use it  for our own designed campaigns. So far it has worked fine. We do not have a server set up but instead have a few members of our squad that can act as hosts for our weekly games.
We did note that it is best to test each mission before use. In doing so we  found that some substitutions in aircraft may be needed.  It is also wise to test each mission to ensure that everything works as wanted. Even after multiple  testing however we have noticed that missions never work out exactly the same way twice. That is, the AI will fly where you ask and try a do what you ask of them but results are never a forgone conclusion. Which adds to the interest.

Thank you for sharing you experience. It gives a hope.
Did you try only one particular era (as WAW) or all?
Did you do any adjustments in JSGME, for example, disabling some (or all) mods?


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Re: BAT online servers
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2017, 01:50:46 PM »

We do fly coop missions mainly in WAW but have on occasion have flown some Jet Age missions.  I understand one of our members is presently working on a coop  Korean War and a Viet Nam campaign as well. Our online play is coop and we like to fly  campaigns of two categories the first is  player made non dynamic and the second is player made dynamic campaigns.
As for the JSGME we have found in the past that they can cause game compatibility issues. Our solution to this is to insure everyone has the same mods activated   in the same order, as order can also cause issues. Honestly we seldom use them but a player is free to use any mode that does not cause a compatibility issue.
 Aircraft type and model issues are usually the commonly known ones that have stemmed  from  aircraft being adopted into BAT before they were fully developed or tested. Thus the need to switch to different aircraft.
One thing we have become aware that did not seem to be such an issue before is the need to be more controlling of AI performance in online missions.
Mission testing is much more important now as one can not rely on everything going exactly as one wanted. This is both good and bad but if on want an Ai to attack a target one does expect it to do so and this can take so doing to get it to do so.
Also we have become aware that different maps or versions of maps can cause difficulties. We have  developed certain  mission building protocols to overcome  these issues as they become known. One such issue is unexpected bumpy airfields .  In this case a map builder seems to have forgot to smooth out an airfield.  In solo offline play these are usually not even noticed but can unexpectedly appear when used online and lead to restart nightmares. This is due to the change in the number and skill level of players involved. The answer we came up with was to simply overlay any airfields without runways, with a Test Runway   4,5, or 6. the larger red airfields, found in the Stationary Ship listing. Doing so usually solves the problem but these too have some interesting traits one need to be aware of before using them.
As this seems to be turning into a book it might be best, If you wish more info on our online play discoveries or even to join in on our line game, that you
send me a  PM


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Re: BAT online servers
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2017, 05:58:30 PM »

Just my 2c, I am currently preparing to play BAT Online with friends but I have experience playing CUP online. What I would recommend if you want the least problems is to play vanilla MP missions when you're starting out. So you can enjoy the retextured planes/maps and cool effects, but since the missions are made for default 4.09/4.11/4.12, you usually won't run into as many issues as you would with any others. Like said above I don't know about any servers because mainting a consistent game state across all players is hard enough among friends let alone an entire server. So I'd recommend getting hamachi and playing privately with friends. It should work but the further you go into the mods content the more likely you are to find issues. So yeah, at first, keep it safe with vanilla MP missions, if that works, move on from there. There is the fact that BAT indeed is designed for offline play so if you run into issues you will not receive support to the degree that SP issues would.
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Re: BAT online servers
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2017, 11:48:15 AM »

Just ran Bat version3.1 on Hyperlobby . no problems encountered .We also flew mission in BAT version 2 expn10 with some of the group using BAT v 3.1, no problems occurred. Everything ran smoothly and no one got the dreaded "you are running a different version'' error. So it seems that a group does not even have the same  exact version to fly on line together as long as the versions  are not too far out.
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