Hello guys, this aircraft as you know has been in WIP for such a very long time that I bet you thought you would never
see a link, maybe you hoped there never would be one.

Anyway, I have decided to upload the current work here as I now think it is getting near to what I hoped, a working
model that at least looks something close so I thought you might want to have a look.

Please feel free to take a look, take the piss, tinker or whatever you wish. Have a good laugh at me and my ugly
duckling as well while you are at it, I am sure it will be deserved.

Any constructive critique would be really appreciated as would any help and advice that will finally bring the project
to a conclusion but please be aware I upload this as it is now when it is still a long way from being fully functioning.
New link added 21st May 2020 for the full mod, this replaces the previous version and all the previous fixes
that have now been removed as they are incorporated along with my latest updates for the wheel covers.https://www.mediafire.com/file/5kfw7i1a473o3tg/PS_Westland_Lysander_Final_WIP_build_R.C._updated_May_2020.7z/fileThe link includes a template and some basic skins along with the source files if you feel the need to tinker.
B.A.T. users please use the link below:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/j8hgs6o6e3j4res/PS_Westland_Lysander_wheel_spat_alterations_for_BAT_users.7z/fileThe full mod exists in B.A.T. already so the above link only adds this most recent update by me, see readme.

Additional changes since the last full update:
Andy, (SAS~vampire_pilot) added a hook to the TT version of the Lysander to allow it to tow a glider:
Fixes by Birdman to the reticle and gun alignment, also adds updates to the existing lod figures to give a better view at distance, no lods still though.
Reticle fix by 9ball previously in the thread was superseded by the above from Birdman.
There is now a set of files that enable you to change the GearL2_D0 and GearR2_D0 from the existing closed up version to one where the side panel of the wheel covers have been removed and further detailing added to include the mud scrapers.
Two folders are included 'GearL2_D0 and R2_D0 covers off' and 'GearL2_D0 and R2_D0 covers on', just copy and paste the two meshes inside for the option you want and allow to overwrite those already in each types plane folder, for example:
3do/plane/Lysander_1 (paste into each named folder if required).
(The process has been tested in my 4.12 with ModAct 5.30, I returned the files to the closed version you already have so you can decide yourself which aircraft to alter if any)CowlingRingFlaps_D0 altered on the port side due to showing colour from another part when Finnish late skins were applied.
All the previous default skins were updated to include the new wheel cover changes as well as the previous skins for the PaintSchemes folder. Copy and paste the PaintSchemes folder and allow to overwrite your existing skins. ( A small selection is included in the download, however, they should fit all versions so copy and paste any of those from the Lysander_1 folder into the others if you want.
Any skins you had transfered previously to other folders will need to be ovewritten also to allow the new paintwork to show on the new detail parts for the wheel covers.
Six new unpublished Finnish skins using the early Green, Brown and aluminium scheme with enlarged insignia, coded, insignia only and blank.
Please remove previous version as there have been numerous changes to this update.
Links to weapons used for this aircraft:
Add the folder '0_PS_Westland Lysanders 19th May 2020' to your mod folder and add the following entries:
Lysander_1 air.Lysander_1 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Lysander_2 air.Lysander_2 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Lysander_3 air.Lysander_3 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Lysander_3_SD air.Lysander_3_SD 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Lysander_TT air.Lysander_TT 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
If you wish to use the Self stationary Planes add the folder/folders starting 'PS_Lysander_1_SSP. to your mod folder and add the following entries:
Add to Stationary.ini:
Lysander_1 vehicles.planes.Lysander_1Static$Lysander_1 1
Lysander_2 vehicles.planes.Lysander_2Static$Lysander_2 1
Lysander_3 vehicles.planes.Lysander_3Static$Lysander_3 1
Lysander_3_SD vehicles.planes.Lysander_3_SDStatic$Lysander_3_SD 1
Lysander_TT vehicles.planes.Lysander_TTStatic$Lysander_TT 1
Add to Technics.ini:
// Self Stationary planes
Description Lysander_1
Icon Plane
Class air.Lysander_1
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Description Lysander_2
Icon Plane
Class air.Lysander_2
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Description Lysander_3
Icon Plane
Class air.Lysander_3
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Description Lysander_3_SD
Icon Plane
Class air.Lysander_3_SD
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Description Lysander_TT
Icon Plane
Class air.Lysander_TT
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
To do list:
All parts require lods, however, I doubt I will get around to this part so consider the plane finally finished.
See readme for credits and notes for earlier versions.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. May 2020.