Hello guys, glad to know you both also like the changes, thank you very much, really appreciated.

Amazed at how quickly and effectively you work!
Not so much that I do things quickly really, generally you will first see the project some weeks after I begin work on it, this alteration is no different, what happens is I take images as I go so appearances are deceptive because you guys see quite a few of those posted in quick succession long after they were actually done, I kind of take notes using pictures as I find it is usually better to convey the process that way sometimes rather than actually describe what has happened, especially if I am also trying to make a tutorial of some sort that might have to cross language boundaries.
Once I know I am going to run with a project I then tend to stick with it as health issues permit, I struggle to use my hands and arms for long periods so I tend to spend a lot of time thinking about how I am going to do it, as you see with some of the mess I make that is not always so successful. Because I already prepared some images in advance that allows me to post at least something whenever I reply to the thread irrespective of whether I was actually able to do anything to it for a few days or not, it gives that sense of a effectively planned and executed work flow, all smoke and mirrors really.

Anyway, main thing is it keeps my mind active and if it also gives you guys some enjoyment in the game then all is good and I think well worth the all the aggravation and effort that goes into it.

Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.