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Author Topic: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace  (Read 7679 times)

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ol' Navy

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Re: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2017, 03:25:47 PM »

Choose Pilot Career and then adjust next screen to look like this..........................

That's what I was after.  I had two possibilities -k.u.k Luftfahrtruppen and Luftstreitkrafte and I didn't have the foggiest idea which one to chose.  Thanks.  Now, if somebody could just tell me how to take off in some of those WWl aircraft, I'd be good to go.  I remember reading here someplace that you shouldn't give them much gas since they kinda take off by themselves.  They do, but just for a limited amount of air time. Those planes sure do crash a lot, at least for me.  Thank goodness there are some airstarts mixed in.


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Re: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2017, 03:43:17 PM »

I am pretty sure that "Luftstreitkrafte", is the Imperial German Airforce which was part of the German Army.

Use autopilot to take off ol' Navy if you just want to have a look at the campaign.

Then turn it off once you are airborne. I do that a lot, then when i want to complete the mission i fly it manually.

The WW1 aircraft do take off very easily, i am rubbish at flying.

But i do enjoy the era, as i find the planes easier to fly than WW2 & Jets.


ol' Navy

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Re: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2017, 03:58:04 PM »

Just got through unzipping into my main BAT folder as directed.  Went into the career screen and mine doesn't look like yours does.  Heck, the little red 'H' up in the top left isn't the same.  Mine is just black background and a white H.  "Air Force" block looks OK.  Career isn't there.  Rank that shows in yours isn't in my dropdown list.  Mine shows Zaszlos or something like that, but I don't guess that really matters since the campaign isn't showing up.  What do you reckon I did wrong?  Any advice is appreciated.


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Re: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2017, 10:34:29 PM »

Then you did not unzip it to the correct place. Most likely you created a new directory inside your Il2 1946 into which it unzipped.....

You can either look for that directory, which will be named just like the zip file (default setting of most zip tools) and sort it out or unzip again into a safe directory anywhere else and look at the folder structure of what you downloaded and then find the respective folder structure in the game. You might even learn a thing or two from doing this.

The "red H" is the country flag by the way.....


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Re: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2017, 02:36:52 PM »

just got home ol' Navy. As vamps said you must have unzipped into an incorrect file structure.

Best bet to get it right. Open the zipfile (i use 7zip as it is free). Open your main Il-2 1946 BAT folder. Then just select both the folders in the zip without opening them and drag them across into your Il-2 folder.

If it is correct it will probably ask you to overwrite some files. mine did anyway. ;)

If you didn't get the same pilot rank as i did, then you have chosen the wrong airforce buddy, i would say.

Which would give you the wrong language for that countries airforce. (i think that makes sense)  :D ;)


ol' Navy

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Re: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2017, 06:29:36 PM »

just got home ol' Navy. As vamps said you must have unzipped into an incorrect file structure.

Best bet to get it right. Open the zipfile (i use 7zip as it is free). Open your main Il-2 1946 BAT folder. Then just select both the folders in the zip without opening them and drag them across into your Il-2 folder.

If it is correct it will probably ask you to overwrite some files. mine did anyway. ;)

If you didn't get the same pilot rank as i did, then you have chosen the wrong airforce buddy, i would say.

Which would give you the wrong language for that countries airforce. (i think that makes sense)  :D ;)


I don't want you guys to think that I haven't been trying to do what you say, it's just with this cancer thing I have going on now by the end of the day I am just about "done in", and my attention span, comprehension, etc., although it may have been pretty good seventy plus years ago, not so much today.  Anyway, in my zip file I have the following folders; #DOF, Missions, Paintschemes, readme.  Now if I understand correctly what you tell me, I need to copy over the first two, #DOF and missions, into my BAT folder?  That will place them where they need to be.  For some reason this campaign and its installation is just beating me up.  In the past, I just didn't have that much trouble.  Before, I would have just copied the file heyrosski-BAT into my missions/campaign/HU folder and been good to go, maybe.  But now....Well.....Thanks to you guys.  Any further advice is really appreciated.  Believe me, I'm trying.  I appreciate you putting up with me.


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Re: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2017, 08:49:33 AM »

Sorry to hear that.

But I can't say anything more than what I already suggested.


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Re: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2017, 03:24:58 PM »

Yup just drag the two folders out of the zip, together or one at a time into your BAT install and they will install to the correct location, ol' Navy.

I am not quite as old as you buddy, but i have huge problems  with anxiety, depression, social disorder and other physical symptoms of the illness.

So i know exactly where you are coming from, in regards your own lack of stamina, comprehension and attention span.

Just keep coming back if you cannot get it to work buddy, eventually we will sort it out.

Sorry that i am not any good at explaining stuff in print.

See my piccie, my main IL2 1946 BAT folder is open in the background.

The zip with the files for the campaign is opened over the top.

I have selected the 3 folders in the zip with the mouse and holding down the Ctrl key.

Then you just drag them to the left of the zip while holdeing the left mouse button + Ctrl key into the IL-2 folder.

Allow overwriting of files if asked.

Click the piccie to make it bigger.


ol' Navy

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Re: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2017, 10:22:48 AM »

Good news!  I got it to work.  Let me tell you what I did for future reference.  I  followed your directions above, but before I did that, I deleted by HU campaign folder from BAT.  I then copied the one that was in CUP to BAT, and then your recommended method and all went well for the campaign.  Now that the good news was covered, let me tell you what happened that was sorta "bad news".  All the other campaigns I was playing (I usually have more than several going; WAW, DOF) disappeared from my loading screen.  The only one there is this 2-seater ace.  I can still select the others again, but they start from scratch.  Funny to say the least.  But that isn't catastrophic either, because for the most part I had forgotten how they started and I can play them again.  But let me ask - do you know where those campaigns (up thru the latest mission flown) I was playing might be "hiding"?  They have to be "somewhere" don't they?  To tell the truth, I have forgotten which ones some of them were I am embarrassed to say.  Oh well, I had just started to get into DOF missions, and so nothing is really lost there.  Thanks for all your help.


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Re: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2017, 01:40:50 PM »

Losing/breaking all running campaigns is known behaviour...

This happens when you delete campaign folders which are part of running campaigns... You most likely did that when deleting your HU folder. Your running campaigns are lost completely, they cannot be retrieved, sorry to say that.
The progress of all your campaigns is stored in one file and this file got reset when it detected broken paths with your deleted HU folder.

-> never delete (or rename) campaign folders which contain campaigns that you haven't deleted from in-game pilot menu before.

However, I cannot think of any reason why you would have had to delete your old HU folder. This makes no sense, and definitely is not necessary. I believe I miss a part of your story here.

But I'm happy these campaign do work now. Have fun!


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Re: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2017, 02:36:10 PM »

Very pleased to hear you got it working ol' Navy, enjoy buddy.  8)


ol' Navy

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Re: new DOF2 campaign - 2-seater ace
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2017, 06:49:36 PM »

Thanks to you guys for your help.  Deleting the HU folder was kinda my "last resort" and it pretty much just came to me in a vision (I have a few of those nowadays).  All I can tell you here is that my "old" HU folder had a bunch of stuff in it, and the one I copied from CUP had about half.  I feared I had done something to clutter it up, so I tried it.  At that point, I had even gone through the Checkpoint for DOF process and reinstalling those expansion packs thereafter.  No luck there.  But I have a backup of BAT on one of my drives so I just figured what the heck.  I would try it, and it worked.  If not, I would have bothered you guys again and tried something else.  Heck,  I even have the correct red H (the flag?) up in the left corner of the screen like is correct.  And the ranks are accurate.  Many thanks for your assistance.  Just call me hard headed.  I wasn't gonna let this beat me. 
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