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Author Topic: XF-85 goblin  (Read 5869 times)

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XF-85 goblin
« on: June 18, 2017, 05:57:07 AM »


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The McDonnell Aircraft Corp. XF-85 Goblin, the smallest jet-propelled fighter ever built, was a “parasite” designed to be carried by a

B-36 bomber. If the host ship was attacked, the Goblin would be launched from the bomb bay to protect it. The Goblin was egg shaped and

its wings — swept back 37 degrees — could fold upward. It had no landing gear and was launched from the bomber. It was then recovered

using a hook and a retractable trapeze under the parent airplane. For emergencies, the Goblin had a steel skid under the fuselage and

small runners on its wingtips.

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The tiny fighter was stable, easy to fly and recovered well from spins. However, hooking the Goblin in flight to its bomber’s trapeze

was difficult. Its first fully released flight was on Aug. 23, 1948 at Muroc (now Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.). Lowered by the trapeze from

the mother ship — a Boeing EB-29 nicknamed “Monstro” — McDonnell test pilot Ed Schoch released the Goblin and made three unsuccessful

attempts to reconnect the X-85 to the trapeze, but the small jet was buffeted wildly by the larger jet’s turbulence. On the last attempt, the

Goblin hit the trapeze with such force that the canopy was smashed. The pilot managed to make a belly landing using the Goblin’s skid on a

dry lakebed.Ultimately, only three of the seven flights of the Goblin resulted in successful connections with the arresting trapeze. The test

program was canceled in 1949, and the Goblin never flew from a B-36. Docking had proved too difficult. But by that time, the Goblin was

no longer needed. In 1949, the Boeing KB-29P, with its flying boom aerial refueling system, had solved the problem of long-range fighter

escort for bombers.

McDonnell built two prototype Goblins, and one joined the collection at the U.S. Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

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First flight Aug. 23, 1948
Wingspan 21 feet
Length 14 feet 10 inches
Height 8 feet 4 inches
Weight 5,600 pounds
Ceiling 48,000 feet
Power plant One J34 turbojet
Accommodation 1 crew
Armament Four .50-caliber machine guns

I rather like this aircraft, reminds me of the F9C, "attach yourself to a zeppelin" scheme that flopped miserably. If you can't actually get it to attach to a bomber, you can just use the ME 163 landing wheels that jettison for takeoff, and you can use the skids to land. with all that said, it could also be a good joke aircraft because of how tiny it is. not holding my breath though. I would love to see it in anyways.
Hope I haven't reposted by accident, i checked search and the only things that came up were the goblin engines used on British aircraft

all facts and specifications taken from http://www.boeing.com/history/products/xf-85-goblin.page


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Re: XF-85 goblin
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2017, 07:03:50 AM »

DAMNNNN, That's a One Finest Aircraft.
My Greatest and Best Regards KT503


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Re: XF-85 goblin
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2017, 02:08:39 PM »

Nice sketches right there  :-|


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Re: XF-85 goblin
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2017, 10:32:29 PM »

I must say this "request" leaves much to be desired and somehow lives on the edge of our request guidelines.
For instance:
Why is the drawing on the 2nd image just a 300px png when the original drawing was a scalable svg from wikipedia?
What is the aircraft "D" in the upper right corner of the third image?
Why are there just 2 drawings when the internet holds tons of it?

Best regards - Mike
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Re: XF-85 goblin
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2017, 03:25:07 AM »

Why is the drawing on the 2nd image just a 300px png when the original drawing was a scalable svg from wikipedia?
What is the aircraft "D" in the upper right corner of the third image?
Why are there just 2 drawings when the internet holds tons of it?

Lazy attitudes, the same we'll give to their requests 8)
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Re: XF-85 goblin
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2017, 03:30:16 AM »

Yes that's what I'm afraid of, but I thought it'd be more polite to ask first.
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: XF-85 goblin
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2017, 04:08:26 AM »

I understand - but at least he made an effort compared to some of the really poor request we've had thrown at us. I'm not meaning to dishearten him, but it's all the sticky for the request thread... :-X Modders need not only numerous, but good quality art and images to use as references..

Though just saying, this could be ported if the model is freeware.. With permission of course :P
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Re: XF-85 goblin
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2017, 04:51:59 AM »

at least he made an effort compared to some of the really poor request we've had thrown at us
Absolutely true, that's the reason why this request has not been locked and dumped.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: XF-85 goblin
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2017, 08:23:03 PM »

well, it was my first request and one of my first posts on the site, not to mention I am one of the only people I've even SEEN anywhere that knows what this thing is, but in case need more images, i've got them right here:


I by no means was trying to make it look like i was lazy; i was not, I just looked through the other requests and they contained a similar amount of images at a similar quality. As for the blueprints, I may not have found anything the first time, as that kinda makes sense. under a google image search of "mcdonnell douglas xf-85 blueprints" or "mcdonnell douglas xf-85 schematics", by the forth row it's giving me blueprints for F-15s, harriers, and Tomcats.

Sorry bout that guys


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Re: XF-85 goblin
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2017, 04:49:03 AM »

Sorry bout that guys

Don't be 8) It happens so much we just gave up and it's become a meme of SAS of some sort. Just follow the sticky guidelines and you'll be free of such SASS. (GET IT?? :)) )

I also see a FSX Model of that in one of your attached images, maybe one of our gifted porters can port more freeware again..? Who knows.

But to be honest, this is more of one of those aircrafts where little to no one demands it, and really isn't popular, there's a chance, but it's not as high as the others since it's one of those 'experimental few made' aircrafts.

But here's to someone doing it. 
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