Thx guys.
But first that certainly was somewhat rude!

If one does not mean to be rude, well then one shouldn't be. I am here because I am new to the mod and was just asking questions.
I do hear you though. Has anyone actually investigated the issue and attempted a proper solution? There are proper ways to install into the program files folders or you would not have any programs at all. I can see the easy method of just copying it out and using the folder outside of program files, but now I am certainly more curious than anything else (I work in computer technology).
For now we will "do as we are told" but later I might post in the tech help section to see if anyone has determined the real reasons for this issue.
How about the rest of my questions (and I am glad I read about copying/moving it somewhere - that is not in the BAT install instructions anywhere I can see)? Are the current answers all good?