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Author Topic: Making deaths applicable in career mode?  (Read 976 times)

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Making deaths applicable in career mode?
« on: September 20, 2017, 10:03:11 AM »

OK, so maybe someone, somewhere has already dealt with this...

I play single-player careers most of the time, and one thing has always bugged me about IL2's career modes - namely, there's no option to "die". Obviously you can be shot down and killed/captured in any given mission, but when this happens there's no option to "apply" the result to your career; the only way to simulate your pilot's death/captivity is simply to delete that particular career...like he'd never existed. Highly annoying, for two reasons:

1) makes all the time you spent flying missions to that point feel like a bit of a waste;
2) a large proportion of the top-scoring real-life aces (especially German ones) didn't survive the war; needless to say, their achievements are still remembered and recognised.

I guess what I'm saying is it would be nice to have the option to see "KIA" or "POW" under the (Missions) Completed tab instead of 100% (or however many missions you've flown to that point). I appreciate this is not specifically a BAT issue, but it seems like a good a place as any to mention it. Is it just me? Surely not...


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Re: Making deaths applicable in career mode?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2017, 02:38:12 PM »

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