Just a suggestion. Maybe somebody else has noticed it.
The ailerons animations are reversed. Maybe you can correct that in a further update.
The plane turns in the correct direction when moving the stick to the sides but the animation moves to the opposite way.
Could be. I have notice that too. But better to keep in mind these acts as elevator too: "tailerons" or such.
So I did not mention it before, since banking left and gaining altitude "which way the right taileron better go" ?
But the left one 'down' does not seems right, I'm I right ? Confused.

On another matter: in my 412,2 SAS 5,3, seems AI or autopilot
cant land MirageIIIc, they drive the plane strait into the ground ( anyone seen landings ? ) ;
I suspect is the same for Kfir; have not tried the others... I have not successfully landed myself either,
but had blame it on me for landing too slow. No flap action possible or observed.