This is the starting point of an ongoing series of Jet War campaigns set during the Iran-Iraq war of 1980 - 1988.Supersonic jets clash over the desert. Chose your side, chose your cockpit.
Iran - Iraq War Campaigns by vampire_pilot - General overhead Read Me
All campaign downloads always contain the medal pack
Aircraft skins available in separate download
- Unzip to a new folder
- read individual campaign read me
- Campaigns go to:
\[Il2-1946 main directory]\Missions\Campaign\IR\
\[Il2-1946 main directory]\Missions\Campaign\IK\
- New Islamic Republic of Iran Awards Pack included! (vampire_pilot)
- New Iraq Saddam Hussein Era style Awards Pack included! (vampire_pilot)
- Aircraft skins not included. See separate download!
Best experienced when activating these Mods in JSGME:
- DEF-SKIES_#JTW3 (recommended for experiencing cloudless blue skies over the desert)
Recommended settings:
- No Instant Success to OFF
- Start at highest Rank
Some familiarity with modern jets is recommended. Take off and landing can be tricky to figure out, as well as operating the missile and bomb armament.
But you can always learn on the job.
Assign Keys to:
- Deploy Drag Chute
- Select Missile/Rocket (lets you toggle through your various missiles)
- Rocket Salvo Size (lets you chose how you want to fire your missiles, particularly relevant for unguided air-to-ground)
- Toggle Bomb release mode (Toggles through your various bombs and their release modes)
credits for the original Iraq map goes to agracier.
The campaigns:
33 mission Iranian fighter-bomber campaign
The F-4 Phantoms of the IRIAF were used in bomber, fighter, interceptor and recon roles. The sturdy ships continued flying under the most dire circumstances.
The "mother of all campaigns"
Originally created by "vern" years ago, this always has been "the ultimate jet war campaign" for me. Over the years, the Phantom mod and others evolved and the original campaign became obsolete and wasn't compatible anymore with current mod versions. I totally revamped the campaign for
BAT Angels High. New mod aircraft, new skins, new ground objects, C&C features. No more additional mods needed for this one.

30 mission Iranian fighter-bomber campaign
The F-5E Tiger II was the backbone of the IRIAF ground attack forces during all of the war and remains in service to this day. Suffering the highest losses of all units, the F-5E were also a crucial element of success.

30-mission campaign for IRIAF Tomcats during the Iran-Iraq War, spanning 1980 to 1988, mostly based on "Iranian F-14 units in combat" by Cooper/Bishop.
79 F-14A Tomcat were delivered to the Imperial Iranian Air Force 1976 - 78. Following the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, the air force was renamed the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) and the post-revolution Interim Government of Iran canceled most Western arms orders and the USA enforced a wide scale boycott.
In 1980, an Iranian F-14 shot down an Iraqi Mil Mi-24 helicopter for its first air-to-air kill during the Iran–Iraq War.
After a rough restart, the Persian 'Cats with their extremely powerful AWG-9 radar and the unsurpassed AIM-54 Phoenix missile system became the nightmare for the mainly Soviet equipped Iraqi Air Force of Saddam Hussein...
Beware. This aircraft system is tracking and shooting down opponents literally at the other end of the map in Il-2. Play it with style

26 mission Iraqi fighter campaign
The MiG -21 was one of the Iraqi Air Force mainstay fighters and interceptors at the beginning of the conflict.

IrAF Su-22 / M / M3
32 mission Iraqi bomber campaign
The Su-22 variant was used in a bomber role by Iraq. Intense ground pounding campaign.
Take a look at the readme.

12 mission IrAF ground attack campaign.
The Su-25 saw action during 1987 and 88 in the final phase of the war.

19 mission campaign for IrAF MiG-23 fighter!
The MiG-23 was a mainstay fighter for the IrAF during the war.
>>> Combined Campaign Download Pack - All campaigns in one!<<<BAT 3.7 ready>>> Iran-Iraq War skin pack download v3.0 <<<*Skins for all the campaigns!*A basic collection of all the skins needed for the first set of campaigns!
Skins by Texx, mm, vampire_pilot and unknown sources.
17. Aug 2019
Combined Campaign Pack v3
23. June 2018
v1.0 of MiG-23 posted
13. December 2017
v1.1 of F-4 campaign posted
10. December 2017
posted Su-25 v1.0
21 October 2017
posted Su-22 v1.0
7 October 2017:
First time posted.
v1.0 of F-4, F-5, Mig-21 campaigns posted
v1.0 of skin pack posted