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Author Topic: Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT  (Read 7181 times)

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Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT
« on: October 15, 2017, 08:55:13 AM »

A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT

Updated for DCG 3.49 Final

Fulmar attacking Morane attacking Swordfish

Download MediaFire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/x7vv26gd57dyww3/Battle_Of_Madagascar.rar/file
Download M4T: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=2461

On May 5th, 1942 British forces launched Operation Ironclad. The goal of the operation was the invasion of Madagascar, which was Vichy French controlled at the time.

You can select one of the following careers:



No. 881 Squadron FAA   Fighters      Martlet II
No. 810 Squadron FAA   Bombers      Swordfish
No. 800 Squadron FAA   Fighters      Fulmar
No. 880 Squadron FAA   Fighters      Sea Hurricane Mk.I
No. 827 Squadron FAA   Bombers      Albacore


RAF None      Recon      Lysander III
SAAF None      Recon      Beaufort II


Armée de l'air de Vichy  (Luftwaffe):

EC 565       Fighters      Morane-Saulnier MS.406
ER 555      Bombers      Potez 633 63.11

Select Vichy French under Luftwaffe. Roundels are correct, radio chatter is in French but unfortunately names and ranks are German. Sorry. This is the best I can do.


B.A.T Expansion pack 11 or later
DCG 3.49 Final or later


Decompress the Battle Of Madagascar.rar into your DCG home directory.
Make a backup of the DGEN directory in you IL-2 game directory and copy DGEN folder from Battle Of Madagascar folder to main game folder, overwrite if prompted. 
Copy Skins Folder from Battle Of Madagascar folder and paste it over PaintSchemes/Skins in four IL-2 game directory.
Start DCG, select Optional Third Party Data Folder.
Navigate to the Battle Of Madagascar folder and select allcampaigns.dcg
Select Off Line Career (Full Auto-Generation Mode) in the DCG main screen.
Launch Il-2 and select one of the above-mentioned careers.

Credits and thanks:

SAS team for BAT
Paul Lowengrin for DCG
Tailspin and Lonestar for DCG tutorials that got me started creating DCG campaigns a long time ago

If you encounter any bugs or oddities, please let me know!

Edit: Added M4T link
Edit: Updated 26.8.2020

"A truth ceases to be true when more than one person believes in it." -Oscar Wilde


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Re: Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2017, 10:57:39 AM »

Fantastic! Thank you very much.


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Re: Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2017, 03:23:40 PM »

Great, your DCG campaigns are great.
Many thanks Shakaali  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2020, 05:07:44 PM »

Martlet II gives you a f3f4 wildcat
Potez 633 gives you a ju52
Albacore gives you a swordfish


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Re: Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2020, 12:03:08 AM »

Martlet II gives you a f3f4 wildcat
Potez 633 gives you a ju52
Albacore gives you a swordfish

Sounds like a class file problem. Are you using the class file included in the zip?
"A truth ceases to be true when more than one person believes in it." -Oscar Wilde


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Re: Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2020, 01:24:30 AM »

Decompress the Battle Of Madagascar.zip into your DCG home directory.
Make a backup of the DGEN directory in you IL-2 game directory and copy DGEN folder from Battle Of Madagascar folder to main game folder, overwrite if prompted. 
Copy Skins Folder from Battle Of Madagascar folder and paste it over PaintSchemes/Skins in four IL-2 game directory.
Start DCG, select Optional Third Party Data Folder.
Navigate to the Battle Of Madagascar folder and select allcampaigns.dcg
Select Off Line Career (Full Auto-Generation Mode) in the DCG main screen.
Launch Il-2 and select one of the above-mentioned careers.
yes, i've done this.


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Re: Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2020, 03:09:08 AM »

Hmm, interesting.

Could you paste the contents of dcgerror.txt using the
Code: [Select]
Code function?
"A truth ceases to be true when more than one person believes in it." -Oscar Wilde


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Re: Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2020, 09:50:33 AM »

Tested the campaign. Campaign uses an obsolete version of Lysander and that will be replaced by a random plane. 

However, all the other planes, including Martlet II, Potez 633 and Albacore load as they should.

I will update the campaign to use another version of Lysander. Also, I will change Potez 633 to correct type Potez 63.11 that was not available back when I made this campaign.

Stay tuned.
"A truth ceases to be true when more than one person believes in it." -Oscar Wilde


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Re: Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2020, 03:10:05 PM »

Hmm, interesting.

Could you paste the contents of dcgerror.txt using the
Code: [Select]
Code function?
Code: [Select]
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.107] Parameter String0 = F:\games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\DGen.exe
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.111] Parameter String1 = de
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.115] Parameter String2 = 0
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.119] DCG.ini processed.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.134] Loaded messages processed.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.138] DCG is active.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.146] Game version checked [1946].
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.150] Game version includes IL2AEP [True].
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.153] Game version successfully set up.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.167] Begin Parameter Check
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.174] Setting new log file date.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.178] Game Path = F:\games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.183] Finding configuration file to determine log file name.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.187] Logfile = eventlog.lst
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.203] Reading Campaign Data.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.881] The map is Madagascar.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.930] Setting up patrol areas.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.935] Patrol Area moved into action radius.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.940] Patrol Area moved into action radius.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.943] Setting up patrol routes.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.948] Target Locations processed.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.953] Patrol Route check has reset the Minimum Action Radius to 297 Kilometers.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.964] Ship names and classes loaded.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.988] Import of Squadrons Begins.
[2020/08/26 09:06:57.997] Squadron Merging Begins.
[2020/08/26 09:06:58.1] Import of Squadrons Complete.
[2020/08/26 09:06:58.64] Master Mission Imported.
[2020/08/26 09:06:58.116] No entry found for Player Squadron in the squadids.dcg file.
[2020/08/26 09:06:58.705] No entry found for Player Squadron in the squadids.dcg file.
[2020/08/26 09:06:58.886] The aircraft assigned to 881sq0 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:06:59.54] The aircraft assigned to 880sq0 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:06:59.222] The aircraft assigned to ER-555_Mada2 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:06:59.388] The aircraft assigned to ER-555_Mada3 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:06:59.548] The aircraft assigned to 827sq0 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:06:59.697] The aircraft assigned to gb010 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:07:00.516] The aircraft assigned to ER-555_Mada0 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:07:00.744] Set Target Nation Began.
[2020/08/26 09:07:00.749] Set Target Nation Ended.
[2020/08/26 09:07:00.765] Checking Stationary List
[2020/08/26 09:07:00.942] Set up patrol routes for CV groups.
[2020/08/26 09:07:00.948] Column List routine complete.
[2020/08/26 09:07:01.22] Stationary Objects Check.
[2020/08/26 09:07:01.28] Ship names and classes loaded.
[2020/08/26 09:07:01.33] Campaign Preferences Saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:01.43] The scenario is "Madagascar".
[2020/08/26 09:07:01.560] Campaign Data Files = F:\games\il_2_sturmovik_1946\il2dcg350b8\Battle Of Madagascar\
[2020/08/26 09:07:01.566] Campaign Backup Files =
[2020/08/26 09:07:02.139] Campaign Info processed.
[2020/08/26 09:07:02.148] The map is Madagascar.
[2020/08/26 09:07:02.152] Setting up end campaign parameters.
[2020/08/26 09:07:02.226] Campaign Preferences Saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:02.236] Campaign Preferences Saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:02.242] Completed reading Territory information.
[2020/08/26 09:07:02.247] Reset Objects.
[2020/08/26 09:07:04.85] Stationary Objects Check.
[2020/08/26 09:07:04.263] Campaign Preferences Saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:04.273] Determine the starting location of a column.
[2020/08/26 09:07:04.287] Removing nearest matching non-player squadron.
[2020/08/26 09:07:04.292] Deleting squadron ER-555_Mada2.
[2020/08/26 09:07:04.399] 800sq0 #3 pilot's name changed due to duplication.
[2020/08/26 09:07:04.467] gb010 #6 pilot's name changed due to duplication.
[2020/08/26 09:07:04.476] gb010 #8 pilot's name changed due to duplication.
[2020/08/26 09:07:04.509] Pilots saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:04.519] Squadrons saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:05.734] Pilots reloaded.
[2020/08/26 09:07:05.739] Determine the airfield of a squadron.
[2020/08/26 09:07:05.787] 881sq0 attached to HMS Illustrious
[2020/08/26 09:07:05.799] 810sq0 attached to HMS Illustrious
[2020/08/26 09:07:05.809] 800sq0 attached to HMSIndomitableCV_4
[2020/08/26 09:07:05.819] 880sq0 attached to HMSIndomitableCV_4
[2020/08/26 09:07:05.828] 827sq0 attached to HMSIndomitableCV_4
[2020/08/26 09:07:05.844] Player squadron is tentatively based at Unknown.
[2020/08/26 09:07:05.851] Player squadron is based at Unknown.
[2020/08/26 09:07:06.623] gb010 #8 pilot's name changed due to duplication.
[2020/08/26 09:07:07.140] Begin Time Table Initialization.
[2020/08/26 09:07:07.145] Begin Time Table Check.
[2020/08/26 09:07:07.177] End Time Table Check.
[2020/08/26 09:07:07.187] Campaign Created.
[2020/08/26 09:07:07.193] Campaign Preferences Saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:07.578] Parameters processed.
[2020/08/26 09:07:07.583] Grand Campaign Trigger Check.
[2020/08/26 09:07:07.588] The scenario is "Madagascar".
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.109] Campaign Data Files = F:\games\il_2_sturmovik_1946\il2dcg350b8\Battle Of Madagascar\
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.115] Campaign Backup Files = F:\games\il_2_sturmovik_1946\il2dcg350b8\Backup\Madagascar_DE\
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.638] Campaign Info processed.
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.644] The map is Madagascar.
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.659] Setting up patrol areas.
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.664] Patrol Area moved into action radius.
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.668] Patrol Area moved into action radius.
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.673] Patrol Area moved into action radius of enemy patrol box.
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.678] Setting up patrol routes.
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.682] Target Locations processed.
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.688] Patrol Route check has reset the Minimum Action Radius to 277 Kilometers.
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.693] Completed reading Territory information.
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.698] Set Target Nation Began.
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.704] Set Target Nation Ended.
[2020/08/26 09:07:08.708] Checking Stationary List
[2020/08/26 09:07:09.911] Stationary Objects Check.
[2020/08/26 09:07:09.917] Grand Campaign Master Log Check.
[2020/08/26 09:07:09.922] Master Log routine begins.
[2020/08/26 09:07:09.964] Copying Eventlog to log.dcg.
[2020/08/26 09:07:09.984] Mission Path = campaign\de\dgen_m_madagascardoe0\
[2020/08/26 09:07:09.990] Mission log is not for active campaign: [Aug 25, 2020 8:10:21 AM] Mission: campaign\de\DGen_Q_Riga41doe0\194109120.mis is Playing
[2020/08/26 09:07:09.995] Mission log is not parsed as new campaign: [Aug 25, 2020 8:10:21 AM] Mission: campaign\de\DGen_Q_Riga41doe0\194109120.mis is Playing
[2020/08/26 09:07:10.19] Check for Game Mode.
[2020/08/26 09:07:10.25] Campaign Preferences Saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:10.124] Master Log routine ended.
[2020/08/26 09:07:10.130] Completed reading Territory information.
[2020/08/26 09:07:10.139] Checking for campaign transfer (2/2).
[2020/08/26 09:07:10.148] The scenario is "Madagascar".
[2020/08/26 09:07:10.675] Campaign Data Files = F:\games\il_2_sturmovik_1946\il2dcg350b8\Battle Of Madagascar\
[2020/08/26 09:07:10.681] Campaign Backup Files = F:\games\il_2_sturmovik_1946\il2dcg350b8\Backup\Madagascar_DE\
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.233] Campaign Info processed.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.239] Campaign folder (F:\games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\missions\campaign\de\DGen_M_Madagascardoe0\) selected.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.252] Ship names and classes loaded.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.308] Setting up patrol areas.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.313] Patrol Area moved into action radius.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.320] Patrol Area moved into action radius.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.324] Patrol Area moved into action radius of enemy patrol box.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.329] Setting up patrol routes.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.334] Target Locations processed.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.339] Patrol Route check has reset the Minimum Action Radius to 277 Kilometers.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.345] Completed reading Territory information.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.350] Set Target Nation Began.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.355] Set Target Nation Ended.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.360] Checking Stationary List
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.373] Stationary Objects Check.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.393] Set up patrol routes for CV groups.
[2020/08/26 09:07:11.400] Column List routine complete.
[2020/08/26 09:07:12.751] Squadron base routine started.
[2020/08/26 09:07:12.772] Squadron base routine ended.
[2020/08/26 09:07:12.783] Check for Duplicate Squadrons.
[2020/08/26 09:07:12.788] Load Pilot Information.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.143] ErrorWarning before MasterLog Check =
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.154] Territory Capture Check.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.161] Montagne_d'Ambre lost 3 Allied troops.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.167] Montagne_d'Ambre lost 2 Axis troops.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.172] Montagne_d'Ambre lost 3 Axis troops.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.178] Montagne_d'Ambre lost 3 Axis troops.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.203] Stationary Objects Check.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.275] Get Squadron Information.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.280] Advance time.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.286] Begin Time Table Initialization.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.291] Begin Time Table Check.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.305] End Time Table Check.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.490] End Stationary Front Routine.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.498] Creating column paths.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.559] Offset armor's first waypoint.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.567] Check/Fix Distance between waypoints.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.573] Set up tank/artillery columns.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.638] Estimate Column road distance.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.645] End of column road routine.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.650] Squadron base routine started.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.667] Squadron base routine ended.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.673] Generate Flight Missions
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.680] Campaign Preferences Saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.695] Neither side are the aggressor.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.705] sa010 generating waypoints.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.712] gb010 generating waypoints.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.719] 827sq0 generating waypoints.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.731] 810sq0 generating waypoints.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.738] ER-555_Mada3 generating waypoints.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.746] 880sq0 generating waypoints.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.754] 800sq0 generating waypoints.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.761] 881sq0 generating waypoints.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.768] EC-565_Mada1 generating waypoints.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.775] EC-565_Mada0 generating waypoints.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.781] ER-555_Mada0 generating waypoints.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.789] Check for Armed Reconnaisance along roads/rails/sealanes.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.795] Fighter Sweeps between two locations.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.808] Check for Reconnaisance at sea.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.828] Check for Active Bridges to Bomb.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.837] Check for Column Attack Missions.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.845] Check for Anti-Shipping Missions.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.852] Check for Defend Column Missions/Patrol.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.861] 881sq0 determines CAP point for 3_Chief
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.878] Check for Bugouts.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.887] Check for Transfer Missions.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.893] Check for Preset Escort Missions.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.901] Check for Escort Missions.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.920] End of Squadron Mission Assignments
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.926] SAAF (Bristol Beaufort II) at Diago_Suarez_Airfield: Destroy any enemy ground units in the area around Montagne_d'Ambre.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.932] <none> (Westland Lysander) at Diago_Suarez_Airfield: Fly an artillery spotting mission over Montagne_d'Ambre.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.939] No. 827 Squadron FAA (Fairey Swordfish I) at Diago_Suarez_Airfield: Destroy any enemy forward defenses in the area around Montagne_d'Ambre.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.945] No. 810 Squadron FAA (Fairey Swordfish I) at HMS Illustrious: Destroy any enemy forward defenses in the area around Montagne_d'Ambre.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.951] Vichy French Madagascar Bombers (Junkers Ju52) at Port_St_Louis_Airfield: Fly an armed reconnaissance mission over Indian_Ocean.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.958] No. 880 Squadron FAA (Hawker Hurricane II field mod) at Diago_Suarez_Airfield: Protect Mangaoka_Depot.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.964] No. 800 Squadron FAA (Fairey Fulmar I) at Diago_Suarez_Airfield: Escort Fairey Swordfish Is of No. 827 Squadron FAA to Montagne_d'Ambre.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.970] No. 881 Squadron FAA (Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat) at HMS Illustrious: Escort Fairey Swordfish Is of No. 810 Squadron FAA to Montagne_d'Ambre.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.977] Vichy French Madagascar Fighters (Morane-Saulnier MS-406) at Ambaro_Airfield: Fly a sweep over Mangaoka_Depot.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.983] Vichy French Madagascar Fighters (Morane-Saulnier MS-406) at Port_St_Louis_Airfield: Fly a sweep over Mangaoka_Depot.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.989] Vichy French Madagascar Bombers (Junkers Ju52) at Ambaro_Airfield: Fly an armed reconnaissance mission over Indian_Ocean.
[2020/08/26 09:07:13.998] Building Mission and Property Files
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.3] Check Delay Time Settings.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.9] Reset Airfields.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.15] Determine Weather.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.20] Date Settings Loaded.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.57] Aces Loaded.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.66] Ace Paints Loaded.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.435] Events Log Written.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.441] Advance Date.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.449] Campaign Preferences Saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.461] Updated F:\games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\missions\campaign\de\DGen_M_Madagascardoe0\conf.dat.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.466] Set Time.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.474] Set Weather.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.481] Weather determined.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.487] Sort pilots.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.570] Determine Pilot Skills for ER-555_Mada3.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.616] ER-555_Mada3 begins enroute to target.
[2020/08/26 09:07:14.854] Determine Pilot Skills for 810sq0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:15.128] Determine Pilot Skills for 810sq0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:15.420] Determine Pilot Skills for 827sq0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:15.724] Determine Pilot Skills for 827sq0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:16.85] Determine Pilot Skills for sa010.
[2020/08/26 09:07:16.331] Determine Pilot Skills for ER-555_Mada0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:16.596] Determine Pilot Skills for EC-565_Mada0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:16.873] Determine Pilot Skills for EC-565_Mada0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:17.150] Determine Pilot Skills for EC-565_Mada1.
[2020/08/26 09:07:17.422] Determine Pilot Skills for EC-565_Mada1.
[2020/08/26 09:07:17.707] Determine Pilot Skills for 881sq0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:18.13] Determine Pilot Skills for 881sq0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:18.320] Determine Pilot Skills for 800sq0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:18.659] Determine Pilot Skills for 800sq0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.5] Determine Pilot Skills for 880sq0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.337] Determine Pilot Skills for 880sq0.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.643] Determine Pilot Skills for gb010.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.826] Recon List Creation.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.843] Recon List Saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.849] Campaign Preferences Saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.877] Set Target Icons.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.882] Remove Bridge ID Numbers.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.915] Set Map Objectives.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.926] Add Briefings & Summaries.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.932] Add Buildings.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.937] Extra Buildings and Cameras Compilation Begun.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.943] Extra Buildings and Cameras Complilation Completed.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.950] Set up player plane slot.
[2020/08/26 09:07:19.955] Translate Special Location Names in Summary.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.60] Remove Summary's Underscore.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.123] Remove Summary's Bridge Number.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.182] Summary's Article Fix.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.226] Clean Up Text Complete.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.235] Write Crew Text File.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.252] Write Aces Text File.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.289] Write Squad Text File.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.306] Write Base Text File.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.320] Log Book Section Complete.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.326] Logbook Compiled.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.332] CampFolder = F:\games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\missions\campaign\de\DGen_M_Madagascardoe0\
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.420] Set Target Nation Began.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.426] Set Target Nation Ended.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.438] Campaign Preferences Saved.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.447] Mission Generated  [05/05/1942]
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.456] Setting up patrol areas.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.462] Patrol Area moved into action radius.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.468] Patrol Area moved into action radius.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.473] Patrol Area moved into action radius of enemy patrol box.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.478] Setting up patrol routes.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.484] Target Locations processed.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.489] Patrol Route check has reset the Minimum Action Radius to 277 Kilometers.
[2020/08/26 09:07:20.497] Form Create Complete


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Re: Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2020, 02:24:34 PM »

Updated the links in the first post. Potez 633 changed to Potez 63.11. (still as a bomber). Lysander updated. Minor tweaks.


Something is messed in your installation. This should not happen and I cannot reproduce it:

Code: [Select]
[2020/08/26 09:06:58.116] No entry found for Player Squadron in the squadids.dcg file.
[2020/08/26 09:06:58.705] No entry found for Player Squadron in the squadids.dcg file.
[2020/08/26 09:06:58.886] The aircraft assigned to 881sq0 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:06:59.54] The aircraft assigned to 880sq0 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:06:59.222] The aircraft assigned to ER-555_Mada2 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:06:59.388] The aircraft assigned to ER-555_Mada3 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:06:59.548] The aircraft assigned to 827sq0 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:06:59.697] The aircraft assigned to gb010 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.
[2020/08/26 09:07:00.516] The aircraft assigned to ER-555_Mada0 is not present in the class file. A substitution has been made.

Please redownload and reinstall.
"A truth ceases to be true when more than one person believes in it." -Oscar Wilde


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Re: Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2020, 04:51:01 PM »

Which version and build of DCG are you using? i've looked through all of your files and i can't find anything wrong. I've looked through my files and there's nothing wrong on my end either. I'm using v3.50 build 8


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Re: Battle Of Madagascar - A campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2020, 12:07:54 AM »

Which version and build of DCG are you using?

3.49 final. I'll try updating.
"A truth ceases to be true when more than one person believes in it." -Oscar Wilde
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