MiG-19S air.Mig_19S 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MIG-19SV air.Mig_19SV 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MIG-19P air.Mig_19P 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MIG-19PM air.Mig_19PM 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MIG-19SU air.Mig_19SU 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MiG-19PU air.Mig_19PU 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
SM-12 air.SM_12 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
F-6 air.F_6 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
FT-6 air.FT_6 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
It is best, when in such "ini" trouble, to implement one line = one plane at a single time: it then becomes clearer if another reason
is the cause for one particular plane to not work when all the others do.
Plane.properties is non critical, but will not "translate" properly when spaces have an issue.
MIG-19P MiG-19P Farmer B, 1955
MiG-19S MiG-19S Farmer C, 1956
MIG-19SV MiG-19SV Farmer C, 1956
MIG-19PM MiG-19PM Farmer E, 1957
MIG-19SU MiG-19SU Farmer C, 1956
MiG-19PU MiG-19PU Farmer E, 1956
J_6 Shenyang J-6, 1961
SM-12 SM-12 Farmer S, 1957
SM_12PM SM-12PM Farmer S, 1958
SM-12PMU SM-12PMU Farmer S, 1958
F-6 Shenyang F-6, Farmer C, 1957
FT-6 Shenyang FT-6, Farmer F, 1960
Some of the above are old designations no longer in use. It does not matter: it is just a dictionary.