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Author Topic: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926  (Read 32603 times)

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Re: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926
« Reply #48 on: December 29, 2018, 09:01:09 AM »

CTD on mission loading:

Code: [Select]
[3:54:05 PM] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
[3:54:05 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Mig_19.<init>(Mig_19.java:71)
[3:54:05 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Mig_19S.<init>(Mig_19S.java:34)
[3:54:05 PM] at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
[3:54:05 PM] at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[3:54:05 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1274)
[3:54:05 PM] at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:144)
[3:54:05 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1078)
[3:54:05 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:653)
[3:54:05 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$600(Mission.java:123)
[3:54:05 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:409)
[3:54:05 PM] at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
[3:54:05 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
[3:54:05 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:422)
[3:54:05 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
public static void main (String[] args){}


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Re: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926
« Reply #49 on: December 29, 2018, 09:16:57 AM »

The String, not just not on the Readme, it’s on the Strings line
My Greatest and Best Regards KT503


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Re: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926
« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2019, 03:26:18 PM »

Left wheel is fitted in reverse fashion like if it is using some of the data from the wright wheel; consequently it has an hollow hub
as seen FROM right, shown here, and also this makes the left wheel turn in the opposite direction. Concerns S, SV, SM-12 models.

Mig-19S , Mig-19SV and SM-12 variants only.                                                                 412,2 SAS 5,3

...data FIX:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/o931mzddm5by3dd/Mig-19S%252CSV%252CSM-12_LeftWheel_Fixes.7z/file


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Re: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926
« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2019, 10:35:34 PM »

Never noticed this before, thanx Hubberranz!, I'm using BAT v3.5 and it worked perfectly for the S, SV, and SM12PMU but interestingly it doesn't fix the left wheel problem on the SM12PM? I copied the heir file and named the copy SM12PM & tried SM12PMU but neither worked, is the PM based on a different model? Not a big deal at all I'm just asking as I'm trying to learn a bit. I see in the air.ini the MiG-19_S=heir19S, the MiG-19_SV=heir19SV, the SM_12 is the SM12PM in the air.ini but the heir.sm12 doesn't work on that model, the SM_12PMU is the air.ini entry for the SM12PMU and it seems the heir.SM12 does fix that one. Thanx
Intel I9-9900K 4ghz CPU, Nvidia 2080Ti 11gb GPU, 64Gb DDR4-3200ram, 2Tb SSD boot, 4Tb SSD, 2Tb SSD, 8Tb 7200rpm HDD+32Gb Intel Optane


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Re: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926
« Reply #52 on: January 20, 2019, 05:13:33 AM »

...or vice versa... ??? ( Because what was provided is not PMU in my 5.3 / SM-12 is SM-12PM in BAT3.5 ).

Yes there are two different files and hier.him. The other one is OK in my 412 SAS5.3. I do not operate latest BAT.
Here try a FLASH solution ( hier = PMU of Pack Mig-19 v1.2 , now included, so both are there now and should be OK ):

HIER of both from latest version of BAT are hard to locate. I ran out of memory when/after checking files of BAT v3.5 and v3.0.
as I was looking for results with such filelist:

Code: [Select]
No luck.              ( the first line is PMU in my SAS 5.3 ! ).


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Re: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926
« Reply #53 on: January 21, 2019, 08:32:55 AM »

Thank you again for taking a look at this, sorry for delay in response wasn't on line yesterday. I'll try the file you posted, but please don't go crazy trying to track this down, first I'm using BAT3.5 and you're using another version so I can imagine how much that complicates it alone!, second I was more interested in an answer to the question as I'm trying to figure it out (but I'm obviously in WAY over my head here LOL!), so please don't use your time trying to solve this as your original fix works for Mig19S, Mig19SV, and SM-12PMU in BAT3.5 (I can definitely live w/the strange wheel on the SM-12PM), you work on so many things and add so much to the game I don't want to side track you with a minor problem here. For comparison though in BAT3.5 in air.ini the SM-12 is as below:
SM-12             air.SM_12            1 NOINFO  r01   SUMMER
SM-12PMU          air.SM_12PMU            1 NOINFO  r01   SUMMER
I can't get the 3do entries as they're integrated in the classfiles I guess?
In BAT3.5 the SM-12 shows on the QMB list as the SM-12PM (this 1 has the wheel problem still)
                     SM-12PMU shows as SM-12PMU (your original fix works on this 1)
Thanx Again
NOTE: tried the V1.1, same as the 1st, fixes 19S, 19SV and SM12PMU but SM12PM still has "odd" left wheel, many thanks, no need to spend more time on this pretty much complete fix as it is Thanx!
Intel I9-9900K 4ghz CPU, Nvidia 2080Ti 11gb GPU, 64Gb DDR4-3200ram, 2Tb SSD boot, 4Tb SSD, 2Tb SSD, 8Tb 7200rpm HDD+32Gb Intel Optane


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Re: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926
« Reply #54 on: March 02, 2019, 01:02:48 PM »

hi I have problem with the space when I tried to copy paste from all the post explain the way to fix it from the fist post and other post but not working I I tried many times to make space when I compare with another raw but not working I added mig-21 and  mig-15 and mig 17 from jet era mod and working perfectly . by the way I install mig-19 V3.1 and working but I fail to making V 1.2 working and I am sure the spaces between text the problem can someone help me and make the spaces between text for air.ini and plane I'll be great full. thank you again and I'm sorry for my bad English.


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Re: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926
« Reply #55 on: March 02, 2019, 09:28:13 PM »

Code: [Select]
MiG-19S air.Mig_19S 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MIG-19SV air.Mig_19SV 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MIG-19P air.Mig_19P 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MIG-19PM air.Mig_19PM 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MIG-19SU air.Mig_19SU 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MiG-19PU air.Mig_19PU 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
SM-12 air.SM_12 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
F-6 air.F_6 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
FT-6 air.FT_6 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
It is best, when in such "ini" trouble, to implement one line = one plane at a single time: it then becomes clearer if another reason
is the cause for one particular plane to not work when all the others do.
Plane.properties is non critical, but will not "translate" properly when spaces have an issue.
Code: [Select]
MIG-19P            MiG-19P Farmer B, 1955
MiG-19S            MiG-19S Farmer C, 1956
MIG-19SV           MiG-19SV Farmer C, 1956
MIG-19PM           MiG-19PM Farmer E, 1957 
MIG-19SU           MiG-19SU Farmer C, 1956
MiG-19PU           MiG-19PU Farmer E, 1956
J_6                Shenyang J-6, 1961   
SM-12              SM-12 Farmer S, 1957
SM_12PM            SM-12PM Farmer S, 1958
SM-12PMU           SM-12PMU Farmer S, 1958
F-6                Shenyang F-6, Farmer C, 1957
FT-6               Shenyang FT-6, Farmer F, 1960
Some of the above are old designations no longer in use. It does not matter: it is just a dictionary.


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Re: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926
« Reply #56 on: March 03, 2019, 11:44:52 AM »

I used the air.ini and plan ru in the last post and same problem not working stopped in 60 !!!! ok I have question any relation between Mig-21 pack 4.1 and mig-19 pack 1.2 I read in one of the posts I should install Mig-21 pack to make mig-19 pack working and I'll try to see if working to make next step by installing mig-19 pack and thank you again Hubberranz for your advise.   


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Re: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926
« Reply #57 on: March 03, 2019, 11:59:37 AM »

Activate only one plane at a time and use Error log.   60% is a plane missing something.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,19308.0.html  ...log shows what it is.

If  ,  and that is IF any other plane was in need, just the files of that plane being there would work.

Be sure your 3do file is not too far, like in an overpackaging.      Must have path such as     #SAS / Mig-19 / 3do

Verify base requirements such as Jetera v3 , common utilities, proper engine -mod  , and the two weapons mods.
First post for details.

State your ENVIRONMENT properly. ( ... what game version and/or packs your'in; activator U use ? ... ).


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Re: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926
« Reply #58 on: March 04, 2019, 12:41:52 PM »

hi Hubberranz I chick the folder 3do and have just two folder mig-19 and sm-12 is that normal ??? and where the other variants?? I think I have another folders to make this pack working. you ask me about the version I use 4.12.2 and SAS mod act 5.3, SAS Engine 2.8.12w,_WeaponsPack V1.3, 1956 Core v15 20180923, SAS AI Engine HotKeys Carriers v25, SAS AI Flyables_5.30 for IL-2_4.12.2m, SAS Buttons 10.5, SAS Common Utils 10.9, SAS JSGME Options for Modact 5.3x with patch, but I still I can't making working and I tried to choose a plane one by one every time but I failed and game crash in 60% but when I delete what I added the game working perfectly without any problem, I have question can I get mig-19 V 1.1???
and it's same mig-19 V 3.1 I tried to copy paste between the two versions and work with the air.ini and plane text for both version with V 3.1 text and thank you again to solve my problem.


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Re: MiG-19 Pack V1.2 20180926
« Reply #59 on: March 05, 2019, 06:03:41 PM »

Again, try only one plane, so = one line entry in air.ini...   and PRODUCE + POST an error log after this 60 % crash event.
"when I delete what I added", should be only this line, not the package. The Package should not cause 60%.

If you do not produce an error log to us, nobody can help you.

Ps:  ...do not survey 3do content, just verify it's path. The two types u mentioned are cockpit files.
There are four types in plane file. Never tried v1.1. "V3 is of an older pack, previous the one by Vega, I believe.
Content of 3do is Cockpit + Effects + plane., not the two files above mentioned as content , by the way.
If you doubt a content, then re-download, re-install.

You mentioned "SAS JSGME options"! Try: disengage all you can prior U test.
SAS AI Engine HotKeys Carriers v25 *, I don't have; SAS AI Flyables_5.30, I have.
as for 1956 Core v15 20180923, I still use 000_1956_Core_v14.     * = seems I  have that one within an obsolete archive of "Jetwar V1.2".

ADDENDUM: NB that I mentioned earlier the need of two weapons mods, and I see you present only one ( v1.3 ); you should also have WESTERN WEAPONS PACK GENERATION 2016, last of the requirements of first post.
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