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Author Topic: DYNAMIC LIGHT MOD  (Read 955 times)

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« on: October 31, 2017, 07:49:46 AM »

Hi Monty and BAT team,
Could you look into possible testing and adding into BAT of :-
               "vas_dynamic light mod"  by stuka_40   2010-07-24  (size 17.8KB)
I know it's an old mod,but I have been using it in BAT_Angels High sevice pack 1
so far without a problem.

PS, (I have also used your classchecker.exe to check that there are no conflicting classes)

The mod adds a touch more of an effect to any night campaign or night mission when used say,
to light up inside a hanger or building  or sentry gates etc, prior to take off or landing
Permission may be needed from stuka_40 if he is still active
Anyway if you try it yourself you may like it enough to add to BAT
Cheers edc1 (stan)
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