Hello tartenmuche, the original versions of the Lysander were done by the guys at Freemodding so any problems you had I can only say please check their thread.

My Lysander is the one that shows as Lysander_1 Lysander 1939 in BAT and is a earlier version than in my release thread that you can find here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,55466.0.htmlHopefully at some time Simon will add this later version, for now it should be enough for you to add it in the WAW folder of BAT and have it load before the older version.

The FM for my model is purely a place holder and really needs the attention of someone who is confident in making one fit this aircraft, I think I used the one from the Storch renamed and with a few changes so it will not follow the performance as written in manuals for the type, sorry. I did try to model the slats and they work but again everything really needs a proper FM to give the aircraft the necessary performance.
All sources are in the download from the link above so if you know anyone with a love for this aircraft who can make a appropriate FM for my model they are welcome to adapt it as they see fit.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.