I have just added the engine to the F16.
Now that actually was a lot of work as to do that I had to create a lot of components and add them to the entity component system. Generic engine component, turbine, fuel tanks, etc.
In order to test it I am now adding an input mapping system, so you can define which button on which device maps to which command.
While doing this I added interlocks so we can do engine start up correctly. I found a F16 pilots manual which details all the procedures.
The problem I have is that none of the documents I have explain what happens when you get it wrong.
Some are obvious. No electrical power, engine does not spin up.
Others are not.
The throttle should be at 0 for spin up, what happens if I left it at 100% ?
The throttle should be advanced to idle when the engine spins up to 20% RPM, what happens if I don't ?
That sort of thing.
If anyone comes across answers to any of these sort of questions, or accident reports which mention improper startup procedures, please, please post them here.
Cheers guys