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Author Topic: JTW jets crash on takeoff  (Read 1139 times)

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JTW jets crash on takeoff
« on: November 21, 2017, 09:33:50 AM »

I loaded up a mig-21 and tried to take off from an airfield, I did everything normally and as I was speeding down the runway, my nose dipped forward and my plain exploded, I tried again with other planes and other airfields and still no success.  Can someone help and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you
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Re: JTW jets crash on takeoff
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2017, 09:43:30 AM »

Just from my experience (and not much flying jets in IL-2), You must start rotating and pulling back on the stick earlier.  See what the speed is when the nose dips... then try again pulling the nose up before you reach that speed. You will rotate with the nose up going down the runway for a bit before you become airborne.
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Re: JTW jets crash on takeoff
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2017, 12:26:42 PM »

some jets can have odd lift calculation in certain situations. like, as if they invert pulled back stick and go nose down, crashing the front wheel.

but. you can figure out the exact rotation speed, that's possible and most likely a close window. Don't pull right away full back, pull at the right time and IIRC the Mig then likes to be ripped off the runway really fast and hard.
also, I found it helpful in a lot of cases to keep all flaps in on take off....


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Re: JTW jets crash on takeoff
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2017, 12:57:25 PM »

Hello, I am just testing MiG-21 and preparing some training missions, since it is a rather difficult plane to fly. Small mistakes can lead to fatal explosions.

Concerning takeoffs, I've seen that rolling on the runway at 350 kph or faster will produce the total destruction of the front gear, the plane nosing down and a subsequent nice and quick explosion.

However, you won't be able to takeoff with a speed below 300 kph. So, when rolling on the runway you have to take a close look to your speed, and as soon as you get 300 kph, you must pull back steady and quickly, so your nose get up from the ground and prevent the collapse of the front gear. Keep on pulling back, and you will see that you slowly begin to ascend. Maintain the joystick back until you are 100-200 m above the ground and your plane clearly begins to speed up. Then you can set flaps to neutral and rise your gear.

I've only prepared four training missions, but I will upload them as soon as possible so you can practice takeoffs, landings and interceptions. Take a look at the Campaign/Missions Jet Age in the next few days.

Good luck!


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Re: JTW jets crash on takeoff
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2017, 11:56:07 AM »

Hi again Ranger97,
I've just uploaded four training missions for the MiG-21. The two first are dedicated to takeoff and landing. Maybe they are useful to you.

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