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Author Topic: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul  (Read 49513 times)

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Re: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul
« Reply #48 on: July 24, 2018, 04:04:25 PM »

Thanks for your patience and continuing help.

I just finished supper and the grand children will be back shortly.  I will add Boomer's objects and the missing NG-NB objects to my HSFX installation, but if I can't get to it tonight it might be a day or so before I do that.  I will report my results after I do that.

What is the missing object tool of which you speak?
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Re: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul
« Reply #49 on: July 25, 2018, 03:10:29 AM »

What is the missing object tool of which you speak?

This is a useful programme that will check your static.ini list compared with objects in your modmap folder

Some of the links no longer work but this first one on the page still seems ok
Also - more tales of frustration here

Google search "IL2 1946 static ini checker" or "IL2 1946 missing objects" for lots more info



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Re: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul
« Reply #50 on: July 25, 2018, 03:00:25 PM »

I will check them out.

Installed Boomers' Objects, the four .sfs files and the two lines in the .rc file and now my HSFX install crashes at 60%.  I removed those files and entries and it still crashes at 60%.  I disabled all mods and jsgme mods except for the HSFX History mod which is required to launch the game and it crashes at 60%. Removed your map and associated _tex files and entries for your mod and it still crashes at 60%.  If I disable the HSFX History mod and all mods and launch this installation of the game it loads and the game runs.

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Re: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul
« Reply #51 on: July 25, 2018, 04:59:41 PM »


Downloaded and Ran the missing objects tool for the IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - 4.13.4m Free Modding Mod Activator installation where the sq_Coral-Sea_Solomon-Sea map apeaars in the FMB, but cannot save th emission.


Missing objects in your static.ini:


I had added Boomer's Objects and .rc entries see below.

These files are in the root directory


.rc file has these entries

@sfs MOUNT up_objects01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects04.sfs

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Re: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul
« Reply #52 on: July 25, 2018, 05:15:40 PM »

FWIW the instructions for running the tool were kind of sparse.  Here are the step by step directions that I followed to get the results.

1:   Run the program

Window Opens

Pop UP prompts to select path to stati.ini

2.     Click Okay

3:   Select Path to stat.ini first which saves it to the static_ini_checker in this programs folder:  (c:/Ubisoft/game folder/MODS/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects)

4:   click on static

Path is saved to static.ini checker and you don't have to perform these four steps for future object searches in this installation of the game.

5:   Click Search (drop down list appears: make choice such as missing objects, etc.)

Window opens and displays map folders in (c:/Ubisoft/game folder/MODS/mapmods/maps)

6:   Click on the map folder you want to search

7:   Click on actors.static

Pop Up prompts to select static,ini manually

8:   Click Okay

9:   (c:/Ubisoft/game folder/MODS/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects/static) click on static.ini

10:    Click okay

11:   Results appear in a notepad window
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Re: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul
« Reply #53 on: July 26, 2018, 03:47:46 AM »

Installed Boomers' Objects, the four .sfs files and the two lines in the .rc file and now my HSFX install crashes at 60%.  I removed those files and entries and it still crashes at 60%.  I disabled all mods and jsgme mods except for the HSFX History mod which is required to launch the game and it crashes at 60%. Removed your map and associated _tex files and entries for your mod and it still crashes at 60%.  If I disable the HSFX History mod and all mods and launch this installation of the game it loads and the game runs.

You say two lines in the rc file. there should be six new entries in the rc file for all six of the sfs files. Here is the end part of my HSFX rc file

@sfs MOUNT fb_3do25.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do26.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do27.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do15.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do17.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do18.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do19.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do20.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do21.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do22.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do23.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do24.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do25.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do26.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfx3do27.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_maps.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps07p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps08p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps09p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps10p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps12p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps15.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps17.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps18.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps19.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps20.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps21.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_hfxmaps01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfxmaps02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfxmaps03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfxmaps04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfxmaps05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfxmaps06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfxmaps.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_sound.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound06.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_hfxsounds.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfxsounds01.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_hfxcontrol.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfxPaintSchemes.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_hfxbeta.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_objects01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects04.sfs

#preload REGISTER
@file .preload

Check that you rc file ends similarly with the new 3do27, maps21, and the four up SFS files correctly located in the appropriate groups.
The six SFS files just go straight in the main directoy.


Downloaded and Ran the missing objects tool for the IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - 4.13.4m Free Modding Mod Activator installation where the sq_Coral-Sea_Solomon-Sea map apeaars in the FMB, but cannot save th emission.


Missing objects in your static.ini:


I had added Boomer's Objects and .rc entries see below.

These files are in the root directory


.rc file has these entries

@sfs MOUNT up_objects01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects04.sfs

I got the same results for 4.13.4 - So I will assume the objects are in there somewhere (eg probably in Boomers up objects).
We now just have to find the correct entries in the full_static.ini provided with the checker (very tedious task  ::( ).

Also, I assume the entry in red above is just a typo?

I found the entries - just insert them in the 4.13.4 static.ini file, at the top just below these title bars;

Title House

Insert them as follows


Title House

Title           small_halfmoon
MeshLive        3do/Buildings/Airdrome/small_halfmoon/live.sim
MeshDead        3do/Buildings/Airdrome/small_halfmoon/dead.sim
AlignToLand     0
Body            WoodMiddle
Panzer          0.1

Title           garage
MeshLive        3do/Buildings/Slovakia/garage/live.sim
MeshDead        3do/Buildings/Slovakia/garage/dead.sim
AlignToLand     0
Body            RockMiddle
Panzer          0.45

Title           Baraq-Usanit
MeshLive        3do/Buildings/Pacific/Baraq-Usanit/live.sim
MeshDead        3do/Buildings/Pacific/Baraq-Usanit/dead.sim
AlignToLand     0
Body            FuelSmall
Panzer          0.50

Title           Abri_1
MeshLive        3do/Buildings/46/Abri_1/live.sim
MeshDead        3do/Buildings/46/Abri_1/dead.sim
AlignToLand     0
AddHeightLive    -0.7
AddHeightDead    -0.7
Body            WoodMiddle
Panzer          0.01

Title           Abri_2
MeshLive        3do/Buildings/46/Abri_2/live.sim
MeshDead        3do/Buildings/46/Abri_2/dead.sim
AlignToLand     0
AddHeightLive    -0.7
AddHeightDead    -0.7
Body            WoodMiddle
Panzer          0.01

Title           Indust_FactoryHouse2
MeshLive        3do/Buildings/Industrial/FactoryHouse2/live.sim
MeshDead        3do/Buildings/Industrial/FactoryHouse2/dead.sim
Body            RockBig
Panzer          0.24

Title           Airdrome_ControlTCamo
MeshLive        3do/Buildings/Airdrome/ControlTCamo/live.sim
MeshDead        3do/Buildings/Airdrome/ControlTCamo/dead.sim
Body            WoodSmall
Panzer          0.025


I tested in 4.13.4 - the Coral Sea map works fine  ;D
Let me know your progress with HSFX



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Re: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul
« Reply #54 on: July 26, 2018, 05:21:43 PM »

Yes indeed the red entry typographical error here not in the 4.13.4m installation, my mistake.  I had all of the files in place correctly.

And you say those entries that you found go into the static.ini?  Any particular place in the static.ini that they get placed or just put them at the end?

Where did you find the entries?

I found the entries - just insert them in the 4.13.4 static.ini file, at the top just below these title bars;

Title House

I got HSFX working (had to reinstall 7.0 then 7.0.1 then 7.0.2 then 7.0.3. I think the hsfx history mod got corrupted or some type of files entry was messing up, but all is good now. Both standard and expert mode are working.   All of the jsgme mods I have work.  All of the effects mods work in the MODS folder.  I just have not added any mod ships, mod maps or mod planes yet.
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Re: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul
« Reply #55 on: July 27, 2018, 03:38:46 AM »

Yes indeed the red entry typographical error here not in the 4.13.4m installation, my mistake.  I had all of the files in place correctly.

And you say those entries that you found go into the static.ini?  Any particular place in the static.ini that they get placed or just put them at the end?

Where did you find the entries?

I found the entries - just insert them in the 4.13.4 static.ini file, at the top just below these title bars;

Title House

I got HSFX working (had to reinstall 7.0 then 7.0.1 then 7.0.2 then 7.0.3. I think the hsfx history mod got corrupted or some type of files entry was messing up, but all is good now. Both standard and expert mode are working.   All of the jsgme mods I have work.  All of the effects mods work in the MODS folder.  I just have not added any mod ships, mod maps or mod planes yet.

The entries were in the in the full_static file that comes with the checker - I had to scroll down painstakingly to find them.
Those are the entries in the big quote-box in my reply #53 above - the quote-box is just below where I wrote EDIT in red - there are seven entries - for example this is the first one

Title           small_halfmoon
MeshLive        3do/Buildings/Airdrome/small_halfmoon/live.sim
MeshDead        3do/Buildings/Airdrome/small_halfmoon/dead.sim
AlignToLand     0
Body            WoodMiddle
Panzer          0.1

Copy them all from the quote-box and insert them in your static.ini file as follows -

Open your static.ini file by double clicking on it - it usually opens in notepad

IL2 4.3.4/Mods/STD/com/Maddox/il2/objects/static.ini

Near the very top of the text you should see a title bar, thus

Title House

Just underneath this, go ahead and paste the entries as per my example in the quote-box at the bottom of my reply #53 above - save the file and you are done.
Note - always make a backup copy of any files you are modifying, just in case of mistakes.



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Re: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul
« Reply #56 on: July 27, 2018, 06:59:24 AM »

I installed and placed everything exactly where your directions and subsequent posts have directed me.  I still can't save a mission with this map.

I can create and save a mission using cyberbolas rework of Singapoer.  I opened Lonestars's Truk map and I can create and save a mission with that map.

I don't understand why I am still having an issue with your map.  I ran the object finder tool after placing the static.ini entries where they were supposed to be and the  tool and it came back with a message stating no objects were missing.

At this point I think I will delete everything related to this map and reinstall it and see if that works.

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Re: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul
« Reply #57 on: March 23, 2020, 04:56:47 PM »

I am confused with a very interesting situation! I use 4.13.4 version with SAS Modact 6.4. The map is loaded. All textures specified in its load.ini are available, otherwise I would not be able to load the map. All objects are available. Missions are saved. But the map shows only one texture everywhere! One texture only everywhere! How it is possible? What I did wrong? Please any advice  :)



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Re: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul
« Reply #58 on: March 23, 2020, 05:01:05 PM »

Oilpalm_greenfields_02 texture covers all ground, I mean this is the only texture on all the ground, hills and mountains. Except the airfield. Never encountered such problem


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Re: Coral Sea & Solomon Sea including Rabaul
« Reply #59 on: March 25, 2020, 08:43:02 AM »

Updated version of Coral Sea - Solomon Sea Map available in 1st post

Coral Sea - Solomon Sea; 1943 - Operation Cartwheel

New download link available in 1st Post https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,57423.msg634400.html#msg634400

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