Yes indeed the red entry typographical error here not in the 4.13.4m installation, my mistake. I had all of the files in place correctly.
And you say those entries that you found go into the static.ini? Any particular place in the static.ini that they get placed or just put them at the end?
Where did you find the entries?
I found the entries - just insert them in the 4.13.4 static.ini file, at the top just below these title bars;
Title House
I got HSFX working (had to reinstall 7.0 then 7.0.1 then 7.0.2 then 7.0.3. I think the hsfx history mod got corrupted or some type of files entry was messing up, but all is good now. Both standard and expert mode are working. All of the jsgme mods I have work. All of the effects mods work in the MODS folder. I just have not added any mod ships, mod maps or mod planes yet.
The entries were in the in the full_static file that comes with the checker - I had to scroll down painstakingly to find them.
Those are the entries in the big quote-box in my reply #53 above - the quote-box is just below where I wrote EDIT in red - there are seven entries - for example this is the first one
Title small_halfmoon
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Airdrome/small_halfmoon/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/Airdrome/small_halfmoon/dead.sim
AlignToLand 0
Body WoodMiddle
Panzer 0.1
Copy them all from the quote-box and insert them in your static.ini file as follows -
Open your static.ini file by double clicking on it - it usually opens in notepad
IL2 4.3.4/Mods/STD/com/Maddox/il2/objects/static.ini
Near the very top of the text you should see a title bar, thus
Title House
Just underneath this, go ahead and paste the entries as per my example in the quote-box at the bottom of my reply #53 above - save the file and you are done.
Note - always make a backup copy of any files you are modifying, just in case of mistakes.