Re: 3 versions of the C IV
If you take a C III and alter the tail surfaces & swap the Benz BzIV for a 260 hp Merc D IVa you've got our standard snub nose C IV
If you get Pfalz to build it you've got the gorgeous sleek a/c that's our early C IV which could also be called a Pfalz C I or Rumpler C IV (pfal)
If you take the Merc D IVa out and replace it with a 270hp high altitude ex zeppelin Maybach Mb IVa you've got a C IV that will climb to 5500m
If you take that Rumpler C IV and strip it out you've got a Rumpler C IV Rubild Mb which will climb to 7300m 
Problem is this machine is also called a Rumpler C VII 
A trainer version with a 180hp Argus A III and no weapons is a Rumpler C VIII
Floatplane with a 160hp Merc D III engine is a Rumpler 6 B-2
From what I can see the only external difference between a D IVa and a Maybach Mb IVa (for IL2 purposes) is the Maybach has a stubby vertical exhaust whereas the D IVa typically has a Rhino exhaust
Thank you very much for the information Alfie, sorry only just catching up with things, so only just found it.

I put the classes and stuff into the download so maybe someone can do something with it all, maybe Gio could do the floater and trainer 3d changes and two extra slots could come from that. I should really have given each type a individual FM file even if the specs were all the same so anyone with the ability to make a good one from my place holder could have added the engine changes, however, currently looking at the Orient pack with Dreamk and as you know health issues prevent me spending much time at the PC.
Eastern Affairs, 1918-1920
Excellent work as always my friend, thank you very much, really appreciated.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete.