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Author Topic: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.1 - 20181002  (Read 29586 times)

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Re: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.0 - 20180115
« Reply #48 on: January 23, 2018, 06:28:11 AM »

Not static; technics.

OK. Just words. Answer Post 43 updated.
 PMs sent.


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Re: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.0 - 20180115
« Reply #49 on: January 23, 2018, 11:31:02 AM »

Hello Hubberranz, yes I can confirm in part what you say is correct, thank you very much, really appreciated. 8)

If I put my Starfighter pack into my test install all is okay with all armaments until I activate the statics and then we get the problem, however, in my main install removing the static entries makes no difference to the problem. o_O

There are nine aircraft in the pack but I have only entered eight in the stationary, must have been a update along the way, could that have a effect.

The main stationary mod requires that all stock aircraft are retained or nothing works, I have always added all types contained in new mods so never actually tested what would happen if one was missed from a pack. 

The usual problems are:

Typo will crash the game.
If you do not enter the technics entry that aircraft will not show.
Remove the mod and leave the statics, CTD.

Recently dona reported the main mod would not activate certain statics in BAT, A-6 Intruder and I confirmed that, only happened three times before in all the time I have done this in my install:  JetBomber, Tu-22 and Baron, the later is okay now and I never did figure out what the issue was with those three, maybe the mod has to be at a certain stage of build.

Stationary aircraft causing issues with a load out is something new to me, how?

I will add the missing Starfighter and see what happens, should allow one more even though the last time I tried to update eclipse declared it was full. :D

Maybe as western stated amount of classes is the key, there are a lot in the stationary mod.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.0 - 20180115
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2018, 09:45:17 PM »

Hi Mission_bug, I have finally found my conflict! I have your stationary mod installed from 11 Nov. 2017 and I had the Mirage entries installed in the stationary and technics
ini's. The IAI KfirC2, Mirage IIIC & CJ gave me the 2 loadout bug. As soon as I disabled these I got the loadouts back. I also added the F-104 entries just to test and sure enough
it went back to just two loadouts. so I disabled the ones that Hubberranz had listed and the loadouts came back once again. So I think we can add my 3 conflicts to Hubberranz ones. By the way this was tested in my heavily modded 4.12 modact 5.3 install


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Re: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.0 - 20180115
« Reply #51 on: January 24, 2018, 03:09:51 AM »

Maybe as western stated amount of classes is the key, there are a lot in the stationary mod.
Absolutely no for the game.  Tested and problem replicated in very small game.
However possible for the static aircraft mod pack in itself (?)

I know you have abandon this way of doing for individual ssp instead, which I very much prefer anyway.
Thanks very much for that.

Glad I'm not insane. Will sleep better.
Tanks PhantomII for feedback. Well done !  ;D


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Re: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.0 - 20180115
« Reply #52 on: January 24, 2018, 04:31:25 AM »

Code: [Select]
The key is the test file that works.


A- make TWO copies of your test file that works.

B- try to import the problem in one copy to prove if this is wright:
   - install old technics.ini;  test.   I expect no bug.
   - SKIP copying of MAPMODS, STD, XTD, and all already in place mods and preriquisites mods that work.
   - copy all other files of main game into this ( long process ) and test if bug is now there.
   - if so, you have successfully transfered the bug ang proved me right.

You may skip step B and go directly to C, but C is a lot more work and you don't want to work for nothing if I am wrong all the way!

C- start again in second test copy:  ( if the problem as been transferred by tecnics.ini and mods )
  - install old game technics.ini
  - add a bunch of mods; test
   - SKIP copying of MAPMODS, STD, XTD, and all already in place mods and preriquisites mods that work.
  - add a bunch of mods; test
  - and so on; zero in on culprit mod ( in list mode, I do column of mods by column of mods ). Long process.
  - if you find a mod that creates bug, ask what does it have to do with technics.ini , can I modify technics.ini
     or get rid of mod. It worked fine for me.

Note: when I say "copy in" mods files, I don't mean install them; just copy and make the files present in the test game.
However the mods you want to test must be installed. Obviously G.91; you can try F-84F; I did Jetpack4.

Some people don't have the time or the patience for this.
I understsand. It is possible to do something else while a copy is en route.
"Skip" questions happen at the very end of a copy process.

Good luck with that.


Some mods files work in combination: aerial mines with ships-extra2. Aeral mines files alone will crash the game.
Some mod may need specific button file: Hs-123_409for412,2; with wrong button, this file will crash the game.
Nullify "-" any such file temporarily.
IMP: In C , I should add to that: - you need the stationary-planes-pack mod files present while testing, for this particular problem to show.
                                                - you need all entries of it or your current tecnics.in file that you want to debug.
                                                - you need adding in some airplane mods files and see if they now start the problem, which was none existent before.
                                                - you don't have to install these.
                                                - You can install G.91; F-84F in pack; of Jetwar1956core v1.4 for: F-86F40, Sabre Mk5, Sabre Mk6.

"Method" is part of PM previously sent to PhantomII
Reply: It was the Kfir C2, Mirage IIIc & CJ entries. I also tried the F-104 entries and got the same as you.


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Re: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.0 - 20180115
« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2018, 04:49:05 AM »

Hello guys, I updated the full stationary to include the extra Starfighter, no change.

Removed full stationary from main install and all SSP entries except those for Jetwar, all load outs returned.

Added SSP back and the load outs back to previous with only two.

Deactivated the G-91 R1 SSP and all okay again.

Added back full stationary and back to were we were before with only two load outs.

Going around in circles, definitely is my full stationary mod, why though?

There is nothing in the stationary mod java that has anything to do with armaments and at the moment it is only affecting certain aircraft, strange.

Is there something specific to our three installs causing issues with it?

Has something been added recently to the java of some of the updates from Vega and western?

Testing every stationary entry would be a real pain and most likely would throw up nothing else so I guess it comes down to what we need most, full armaments or the statics, we each have to make that call ourselves.

Only way forward is if you remove the full stationary mod then you will have to make a request for any SSP in the two specific threads by Epervier and me, each does specific periods.

Thank you very much for the testing, really appreciated. ;)

Time I retired from this mad stuff I think, gives me a headache. :D

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D



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Re: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.0 - 20180115
« Reply #54 on: January 25, 2018, 11:06:50 AM »

- Just a thought: lately there are guns-rockets? (F-8) ?????????? ( ..I do like them, by the way... ).
- In my working game I have all the classes of  :     000_PS_Stationary Planes 4.12.2 11th November 2017
- dropdown bug SEEMS to concern a few modern planes. ( ? those equiped with such weapons as the bugged weapons drop downs needs ? ).

- warning: removing static-planes entries can affect missions content at airfields; saving a mission eliminates non existent items.
  They wont be back.

- reintroducing later the missing items using same name will only reintroduced items in meanwhile unsaved missions.
  ... if exact same names are used for the said items...
- playing a mission in FMB has the effect of saving that mission...


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Re: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.0 - 20180115
« Reply #55 on: January 25, 2018, 01:06:03 PM »

000_PS_Stationary Planes 4.12.2 August 11th 2017 pack: was fully tested in my rig;
found only F-104 x 3 causes conflicts. ( ..with the mods I have in my full game...; don't have all ).
Kfir C2, Mirage IIIc & CJ entries not found.
updating to recent pack
000_PS_Stationary Planes 4.12.2 11th November 2017
All thecnics.ini  lines of  "My entries" applied; import of problem confirmed.
Had zero dropdowns G.91, not two at moment.
Kfir C2, Mirage IIIc & CJ entries found.
Applied PhantomII cure; no more problems for G.91 present. Update of post 43 with PhantomII data.
NEW: CF_104 and inclusively CF_104L both cause dropdown cutoff of F-86F40 in Jetwar1956_Core_V1.4. Post 43 updated.
Resolved. All known conflicts removed: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,57793.msg638482.html#msg638482
F-84F is verified OK.                   
- No more testing possible at my end. -

Anyone with further conflict has mod files in their game that I don't have: ( 412,2 SAS 5,3 heavily modded ).
Such person should conduct his own tests: see method post #52. You can do your part in a collective effort.
Method: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,57793.msg638669.html#msg638669
TestFile: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,57793.msg638342.html#msg638342
Notes: - I do have most Russian planes: their technics.ini lines now entered and they have no effect on the three buggered subjects.
           - I don't have most of the frankens.

Thanks to PhantomII who saved me two days of work.

Time flies.

Repeat for a Known issue as mentioned at end of post 35 with a picture, just in case:
...found ( not exhaustively searched ) a small error  in loadout: No 125 of G91R4:
No125 loadout of R4 reads 2xDt250lt+2xM30(50Kg/GP)   ..but shows as 4x bombs.
This loadout follows 2xDt150lt+2xMk81/669(120Kg/GP)
and precedes          2xDt250lt+2xM30/669(50Kg/GP)  , which are both OK


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Re: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.0 - 20180115
« Reply #56 on: April 03, 2018, 01:49:41 PM »

Adding G91 in B.a.t. is very easy, only put the folder into the jtw one, then editing air.ini and plane placed into jtw folder, pasting the text at first page.

Where do I have to put the plane lines into it?
The G91 Folder is going complete into the #JTW3 folder?
And the air.ini is unter #JTW3/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects , right?

Thanks for your patience.


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Re: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.0 - 20180115
« Reply #57 on: May 26, 2018, 11:04:11 AM »

Adding G91 in B.a.t. is very easy, only put the folder into the jtw one, then editing air.ini and plane placed into jtw folder, pasting the text at first page.

Where do I have to put the plane lines into it?
The G91 Folder is going complete into the #JTW3 folder?
And the air.ini is unter #JTW3/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects , right?

Thanks for your patience.

:( it does not work in BAT

I can see the plane on QMB, charge weapons, but when I launch the mission I find myself in the water...


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Re: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.0 - 20180115
« Reply #58 on: May 26, 2018, 12:06:35 PM »


Maybe try a different Map! Not every map works in every module in QMB due to incompatible objects in the mis files.


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Re: Fiat G.91 by Gio - V1.0 - 20180115
« Reply #59 on: May 27, 2018, 09:11:26 AM »


Maybe try a different Map! Not every map works in every module in QMB due to incompatible objects in the mis files.

It could be the same even for FMB?
I planned a dogfight mission on Vietnam map, with two AB, one red & one blue, but, when I launch mission with "create new server" I can chose all the airbases but nothing happens when I chose Arming or fly...
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