AD skins for the FM Skyraider, original or 4S_Vega's version. Thanks to Barnesy and Ton for the original, and Vega for working on his modifications. Thanks to dona for a couple of layers from his template, and the original Tim 'Piglet' Conrad FSX template.
original mod at
![no, no! ]nono[](
4S_Vega version, recommended for BAT, or stand-alone.,57808.0.htmlThey're 1024 24bit, so you need the 1024 default textures loaded.
54 skins, individually marked and varied states of weathering. I had a lot of spare time to drink coffee and skin all day this week...
Skins are grouped by carrier/squadron/dates, NOT by skin folders in the game, you'll have to make them. This way you don't have to install them all at once. US Navy Attack/Fighter/Composite squadron skins for the 50's era carriers currently in BAT, USS Essex, Valley Forge, Kearsarge and Boxer. Land-based Marine Attack/Composite/HQ squadrons skinned as well. Blank and generic included.
BAT/Vega users place in the Paintschemes/Skins/AD-4 skin folder, and place the Marine and Navy composite skins into your Paintschemes/Skins/A-1H folder(or both). This way land-based Marines and night versions get flares, daisy cutters/other loadouts, and the rocket pods coming online late in the war.
FM users place in Paintschemes/Skins/A-1H_Skyraider folder.