Yes you're right vampire, i just checked in the air.ini
I distinctly remember that the PBY-5 had it's own slot and some special loadouts like rockets, bombs and cannons in some version prior to 3.7...if i find confermation i will PM you.
Meanwhile i'd like to request, if possible, to fix the view of noseart for all P-51Ds. It seems that a 3D update broke the viewing of personal nosearts, while the B-17/24/5, A-20, P-38/40/47 are all ok.
Other suggestions are that the A-26s have a gunsight problem, if i shoot i can clearly see the shots going about 1cm low (no convergence problem); and the second is that the dorsal turret of the B-26 is almost unusable due to the fact that at 10deg left and 20deg right i hit my tail if i shoot. I think the hitbox for the tail is a bit too big.
I know that both of those are probably mod-related and if they are out of place here i will write under each individual mod.
If they could be fixed in the next patch i'll be really happy