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Author Topic: NG-HUD v3.6.1  (Read 109555 times)

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NG-HUD v3.6.1
« on: March 06, 2018, 05:00:04 AM »

From Wikipedia:

"In video gaming, the HUD (head-up display) is the method by which information is visually relayed to the player as part of a game's user interface."

Dear purists and hardcore IL-2 simmers, please restrain from complaining about un-realistic features. We know what we are doing. Thank you.

Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v3.6.1
:: for IL-2 1946 4.12 & 4.13 ::

For a detailed description of v3.6.1 changes, please visit post #307
For a detailed description of v3.6 changes, please visit post #286
For a detailed description of v3.5H changes, please visit post #225
For a detailed description of v3.5 changes, please visit post #211
For a detailed description of v3.2 changes, please visit post #169
For a detailed description of v3.1 changes, please visit post #133 (v3.0 was superseded by v3.1)
For a detailed description of v2.7 changes, please visit post #115
For a detailed description of v2.6 changes, please visit post #89
For a detailed description of v2.5 changes, please visit post #74
For a detailed description of v2.0 changes, please visit post #46


This mod is built upon the 'PAL HUD Config with BombSight Assist' Mod by benitomuso/PAL/Pablo. The version used is the one included in the Visual MOD 9 for v4.12.2 (2016-04-11) that can be found here: Visual MOD V9. Cheers benitomuso, NG-HUD would not exist if it wasn't for your hard work. I hope to see you back in (IL-2 modding) business soon!

Credits also to the SAS admins and SAS members for their support in the SuperSchool, testing, comments, bug-reports, feedback... Thanks!

Special thanks to greybeard, my wingman, for tireless testing sessions, constant feedback and support. NG-HUD is what it is thanks to his observations, comments and inputs.

Last but not least, thanks mission4today.com admins for hosting mod!

  • This mod is certified for offline 4.12 (SAS Modact / HSFX / VP-Modpack / B.A.T.) and 4.13 (SAS Modact). It has not been tested in other game mode, version or super mod.

  • You do not need to add or edit any conf.ini settings. NG-HUD works 'out of the box' and it will not conflict with any settings you may already have from other mods. You can switch between the NG-HUD and other HUD mods anytime.

  • The 'Toggle Speed Bar' controls key is your best friend. I have it mapped to 'H' (for HUD). It will switch between International / Imperial (knots) / US Customary units  / Simple Mode and will further hide the HUD completely if you require more immersion or take screenshots.


In order to enjoy all features of this mod as intended enable/disable the settings below.
    Game settings (can be activated/deactivated anytime during a mission):

    • (ENABLE) Setup > Mis Settings > HUD > Show Subtitles

    • (ENABLE) Setup > Mis Settings > HUD > Show HUD Log

    Mission/Campaign difficulty settings (cannot be changed during a mission/campaign):

    • (DISABLE) Difficulty > Views > No Speed Bar
      Deactivate it to get all NG-HUD features! Otherwise you will get a 'light' version of NG-HUD
This is a list of controls you will use often to interact with the HUD:
    - Toggle Speed Bar (International units / Imperial in knots / US Customary)
    - Toggle Icon Types (AI icons: Range + Type + Callsign)
    - Toggle Taxing Guide Line (Taxi to runway virtual aid)
    - Toggle Map (Mini map + NG-HUD Navigation aids)
    - Toggle Comms (Orders + NG-HUD Aircraft info)
    - Pause Game (Pause + Mission info)
To change cockpit positions I recommend the following controls:
    (X) Jump to Cockpit #1 (Pilot) - X marks the spot!
    (C) Pilot or Gunner position
    (V) Gunsight/Bombsight
That way you can easily go to the Bombsight from any view with a simple X-C-V combination...


The Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD for short) departs from the PAL HUD Config with BombSight Assist Mod in many ways. Most of the code has been revised, many parts re-written or discarded and in addition, it comes with an array of new features that I hope you will find useful. One of the highlights of the NG-HUD is a fake text drop-shadows technique to improve readability. The result is quite noticeable and on-screen text looks and reads better than ever!

Check the information below and have fun with the mod. And remember, if you miss any info... Check the gauges!

The Speedbar:

Speed, altitude, heading and more!
  • New background with new icons
  • Background icons will show a reddish/bluish tone depending on the Army of the player/actor. Neutral are white.
  • New G warning to add immersion (internal views only)
  • Speed will turn yellow when close to VmaxAllowed and will turn red when exceeding VmaxAllowed
  • Switch between IAS and TAS speed by activating the mini map
  • Vertical-speed indicator besides the altitude
  • Altitude and vertical speed will turn yellow when exceeding -100 m/s and will turn red when exceeding -200 m/s
  • New sector indicator besides the heading (for all actors!) Based on a work by 4S_Vega
  • Night-Mode: icons & font brightness reduced during night operations

Cockpit indicators:

Designed to display information on screen that is either of your concern or require your attention. Good care was put to avoid cluttering the screen with messages you don't need nor care about. Anything you will see on-screen is there for a reason.

Each indicator will be displayed above the speedbar only if it is a user-controllable feature of the aircraft, it is not damaged and it is engaged/enabled.

Available indicators:
  • Attached / Smoke trails / Canopy / Hook / Bay doors / Tailwheel / Engine(s) selected
  • Chocks / Gear / Wings / Flaps / Airbrake
  • Navigation & Landing lights
  • Stabilizer / Autopilot / Trim indicators

The Navigator:

The EngineMod causes waypoints to be 'skipped' for no apparent reason. You may notice it when flying as Flight Leader. Any custom install or mod-pack that includes the EngineMod as of this release can be impacted, in example B.A.T. Linebacker (all modules) (Fixed in B.A.T. v3.5 Musketter) and VP-Modpack (JETWAR addon only). Find a temporal fix in Reply #149

Flying with an icon-less map is a thrilling but daunting task. Unless you spend a good deal of time studying the briefing and taking copious notes you just don't know where to go next. Because flying without map icons is so immersive, NG-HUD gets new navigational skills! You no longer have to focus on an icon, dot or line but on your surroundings and actual geographical features of the map. A map without icons is a new world ready to be explored...

Review 'THE CHECKLIST' section above and optionally enable/disable map icons/path at will. Bring up the mini-map to get detailed information of your current goal.


There can be up to four members in your Flight: Flight Leader / Flight Wingman / Element Leader / Element Wingman

External views info has been enhanced should you need to identify who's who in your Squadron...


When you are the (real or virtual) Flight Leader, bring up the mini-map and you will get:
  • Next / Single / Final waypoint + distance + ETA
  • Waypoint type + Altitude
  • Heading to the next Waypoint + waypoint sector location

As the Flight Leader you must 'check' each and every waypoint for the navigator to switch to the next one. Remember that you can optionally change to the next/prev waypoint via Orders Menu anytime when being a (real) Flight Leader (Flight No. > Navigation)

You should be able to follow the predetermined route without much trouble with the navigation helper. Mission Abort!? Don't panic: forget about the waypoints and request a vector to home base.

Needless to say that your Flight must have the required payload to carry out an Air Strike, otherwise the "Ground Attack" waypoint will be ignored...


When you are not the (real or virtual) Leader, make sure not only to follow your appointed Leader but to also follow orders! You will have on-screen:
  • Orders from your Leader
  • Leader to follow + Altitude
  • Heading to your Leader + Leader sector location

Real vs Virtual Leader scenarios:
  • When you are the real or virtual Flight Leader you are in charge of your Flight.
    -Flight members will follow you. Make sure to 'check' all your waypoints.

  • When you start as Flight Wingman the navigator points to the Flight Leader.
    -The Flight Leader dies, you become the virtual Flight Leader (go to 1).

  • When you start as Element Leader the navigator points to the Flight Leader.
    -The Flight Leader dies, the navigator points to the Flight Wingman.
    -The Flight Wingman dies or is dead, you become the virtual Flight Leader (go to 1).

  • When you start as Element Wingman the navigator points to the Element Leader.
    -The Element Leader dies, the navigator points to the Flight Leader.
    -The Flight Leader dies or is dead, the navigator points to the Flight Wingman.
    -The Flight Wingman dies or is dead, you become the Flight Leader (go to 1).
Some notes:
  • Death refers to the aircraft not being in a flyable condition: critical damage, no fuel...
  • When you are a 'virtual' leader your wingmen might follow but you cannot give orders. This is a game limitation.
  • 4.13's Javelin Formation has been obviated to guarantee compatibility between game versions. Only a handful of 4.13 missions will be impacted.

And a couple of clarifications:
  • The Navigator is limited to your Flight of up to four aircraft. Remember that you may be part of a Squadron and the Squadron Leader can have top-secret orders or different goals...
  • When you engage the Autopilot your current waypoint can 'reset', or the landing waypoints can change dramatically. NG-HUD does not alter the game functionality in any way. When you enable the Autopilot your aircraft becomes an AI drone... My advise? Try not to use the Autopilot. Use the Level Stabilizer instead.

Bombardier / Bombsight view:
  • Background removed
  • Removed "Horizontal distance to target" and "Time to target" values (I found them unnecessary and misleading)
  • "Angle" renamed to "Optimal elevation"
  • New Bomb-bay doors status (open/closed/auto)
  • Stabilizer / Autopilot / Trim indicators
  • New 'Turn indicator' above the Trim indicator. The Turn indicator will activate only when the Stabilizer is engaged. It displays the rate of change in the aircraft's heading and it is extremely sensitive. Maintaining a straight course on target has never been easier! (Thanks SAS~Storebror for the code!)

Gunner view:
  • AI-Enabled information when Autopilot Automation is off ('Toggle Level Autopilot' key)
  • Machine gun type and bullet count in (manual) gunner position

Pause menu:
  • Time compression information when different than 1x
  • Local time (24h/12h)
  • Outside temperature (°C/°F)
  • Mission time information

Most of the HUD elements will hide when you accelerate time starting with 8x. Don't be alarmed, it is a meassure to bypass thousands of calculations and boost performance with time compression. Pause the game while in ultra speed mode to unveil HUD elements. If you really need to have speed/heading indicators when you accelerate time switch to the Dashboard (non-cockpit) view.

External Views info:
  • GAME OVER message: Player dead / Player captured / Player bailed out / Aircraft inoperable
  • Actor names: Squadron Flights and roles / other Friendly, Hostile, Neutral actors

Orders/Comms Pad:
  • New background (enlarged to accommodate long orders) and new icon
  • Flight number and Flight/Element Leader/Wingman role
  • Aircraft type, gross weight, remaining (internal) fuel and nitro percentages
  • Powerplant information:
    • Engine status (Off/Starting/Inoperable) / Output power
    • Magnetos (hidden when 1+2 are selected)
    • Engine temperature and Output oil temp percentage (above 100% the engine overheats)
    • Radiator (C.E.M. only)
    • Propeller Pitch (C.E.M. only)
    • Mixture (C.E.M. only)
    • Supercharger speed (C.E.M. only)

  • Loadout presets and ammunition count (plus Drop tanks count)

  • Directional beacons, Bomb & Torpedo info (stock features) moved to the orders submenus (just access any submenu, ie 'E'-Technical)

A small but useful ferature is a dynamic "Comms Tower" icon. The icon will be active when there are beacons or radio stations in the mission, otherwise it will be disabled:

Radio chatter subtitles:
  • Subs moved to the left side of the screen (single player only)
  • Font color replaced with colored army badges (Ground control is orange)
  • Small font size (subs are mostly chatter anyway)

  • Bottom-right log: Background removed, position adjustments

For a detailed description of v3.6.1 changes, please visit post #307
For a detailed description of v3.6 changes, please visit post #286
For a detailed description of v3.5H changes, please visit post #225
For a detailed description of v3.5 changes, please visit post #211
For a detailed description of v3.2 changes, please visit post #169
For a detailed description of v3.1 changes, please visit post #133 (v3.0 was superseded by v3.1)
For a detailed description of v2.7 changes, please visit post #115
For a detailed description of v2.6 changes, please visit post #89
For a detailed description of v2.5 changes, please visit post #74
For a detailed description of v2.0 changes, please visit post #46


Please note NG-HUD v3.6.X is already built in BAT, starting with v4.1.2

Optional downloads for B.A.T. 4.1.2 (or later) users:

Downloads for non-BAT users:

The mod comes in one zip but it contains different versions for ModAct / B.A.T. (v3+) / VP-Modpack. Download the mod, extract it, pick a version and enable it using JSGME.

Now hosted at Mission4Today!

Configurable options in detail

Settings bellow will be added automatically to your conf.ini


Adjust HUD elements position in pixels
(from left, from bottom, from right, from top)
- Allowed values: Any positive number
- Default value: 0,0,0,0
(previous entries ngHUDleft, ngHUDbottom, ngHUDright, ngHUDtop are now obsolete)


Enable/disable the sector coordinates in the Speed Bar
[Views > No Speed Bar] difficulty setting must be off
- Allowed values: 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled)
- Default value: 1


Set maximum number of subtitle lines to be displayed
[HUD > Show Subtitles] misc setting must be on
- Allowed values: 1 to 15
- Default value: 8


Display the "time menu" when the map is on
(useful for testing missions and online play)
- Allowed values: 1 (yes) or 0 (no)
- Default value: 0


Pause the game on mission start (offline only)
- Allowed values: 1 (yes) or 0 (no)
- Default value: 0


Show/hide the FPS counter at the top of the screen
- Allowed values: 1 (show) or 0 (hide)
- Default value: 0


Set the position of the log at the bottom or in the middle of the screen
[HUD > Show HUD Log] misc setting must be on
- Allowed values: 1 (bottom) or 0 (middle)
- Default value: 1
(Previous entry lowInfoHud is now obsolete)


Set maximum number of log lines to be displayed
[HUD > Show HUD Log] misc setting must be on
- Allowed values: 1 to 10
- Default value: 3


Main messages (excluding "Mission Complete", etc) exceeding X characters will be displayed at the bottom of the screen instead of in the middle
- Allowed values: Any number from 0 to 100
- Default value: 5 (shift to the bottom messages with more than 5 characters)


Code: [Select]
v3.6.1 - 23-Apr-2021
- New conf.ini setting: ngHUDshiftmsg. Check the "CONF.INI SETTINGS" in this readme.
- Some more adjustments to improve performance during time acceleration

v3.6 - 20-Feb-2021
Maintenance update:
- New conf.ini options! Check the "CONF.INI SETTINGS" in this readme.
- NG-HUD is now certified to work in large screen resolutions (4K and beyod)
- HUD elements hide when accelerating time starting with 8x to boost performance
- Orders menu: the "Comms Tower" icon is active only when there are beacons in the current mission
- Time menu: mission time is now displayed in hours + minutes (instead of only minutes)
- Sonic speed indicator («s») removed. It never worked as intended anyway.
- Minor changes and adjustments here and there.

v3.5H - 02-Jan-2020
Special build compatible with the HSFX 'Message' trigger (v1.2):
- Messages are independent from the LogCenter
- Orang-ish tone + drop shadows
- Multiple lines of text allowed!

v3.5 - 15-Nov-2019
- New 'Minimalist' HUD mode when "Views > No Speed Bar" is disabled.
- New HUD modes when "Views > No Speed Bar" is enabled in the difficulty settings.
- A camera gets inserted when the actor is destroyed and it becomes null (ie: Ordnance View)
- Taxiing Guide Line gets enabled automatically on mission start when the player is the
  Flight Leader (feature available only when the NoSpeedbar difficulty setting is set to off)
- Multiplayer: bring up the mini map to display local time, mission time and temperature.
- Multiplayer: Navigator disabled in dogfight mode.
- Multiplayer: Added HUD army colors to Dogfight mode.
- The Attached indicator never worked as intended and it is now limited to drone aircraft.
- Center Log, Morse Text and Radio Subtitles brightness reduced at night.
- 'Aim' mode reset to off on mission start.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.

v3.2 - 09-Feb-2019
- Radio chatter subs clear up when hiding the HUD to allow nice screenshots
- Chocks indicator removed when airborne to prevent a rare bug
- NG-HUD versioning number moved to the order's submenus
- Larger mouse pointer. Get back a smaller cursor by deleting:


- Adjust in the conf.ini the HUD position. Useful for ultra wide monitors, three-monitor
  setups and non-standard resolutions. Values are in pixels and defaults are 0.
  Always use positive numbers! (distance from right, from left, from bottom, from top)


  Note: the playing/recording timer gets created in a different class and will always be
  located in the right-most size of the screen.

- Scalable HUD backgrounds and font position adjustments for ultra HD screens.

    Change font sizes to your needs:

    NG-HUD/font/arialb8.font     // IL-2 FMB header
    NG-HUD/font/arial8.font      // IL-2 FMB body
    NG-HUD/font/arialb10.font    // IL-2 GUI header
    NG-HUD/font/arial10.font     // IL-2 GUI body

    NG-HUD/font/arialSmallZ.font // HUD icons (aircraft range/type/callsign)
    NG-HUD/font/hud.font         // HUD text
    NG-HUD/font/lcd.font         // HUD non-cockpit view indicators (Ctrl+F1)
    NG-HUD/font/sub.font         // HUD radio chatter subs

    Ultra wide monitors and three-monitor setups:
    IL-2 uses the overall screen width to determine font sizes and that means you will probably
    get by default a huge font size and you will have to adjust font sizes manually.

- Some pilots don't want to know the sector/grid they are in. You can now disable the sector
  indicator in the conf.ini. Possible values are 0 (off) and 1 (on - default)


v3.1 - 04/09/2018
- Fixed a (Navigator) bug where certain takeoff/landing waypoints would not be displayed
- Lifted the restriction to have 'Realistic Navigation' enabled to use the Navigator

v3.0 Gold - 01/09/2018


- New night background
- New Flight number and Flight/Element Leader/Wingman information
- Aircraft type, Weight and Fuel (plus Nitro if available) merged into one line to save some space
- Hidden Fuel and Engine info from glider types
- New engine status: Off / Starting / Inoperable
- Magnetos indicator will not be displayed when the 1+2 are selected (magnetos don't do much anyway
  and the indicator takes precious space when C.E.M. is enabled)
- For the sake of completeness Oil temperature (percentage) has been added to the engine monitor.


- Again, for the sake of completeness I added the Tailwheel (locked) indicator: it will only be
  displayed when the gear is lowered and the aircraft is near ground (or sea).
- Aileron, elevator and rudder trim indicators converted to keystrokes.
- Recalculated the moment the speed indicator turns yellow. Instead of using VmaxH, the formula
  now is (VmaxAllowed - ((VmaxAllowed - VmaxH) / 2)). It should change to yellow less often.
- Fixed wrong sector Y reading (stock bug: NG-HUD now mimics this bug). The sector indicator works
  now well in every map and situation. Since the grid coordinates are ok now the sector indicator
  has become an integral part of the HUD and it cannot longer be disabled (ngHUDsector conf.ini
  setting has been removed)
- ngHUDicons conf.ini option is no longer available either: The speedbar images and icon files can
  be edited directly if needed.
- G-warning code revisited to be triggered only when the aircraft is airborne
- NG-HUD gets new navigational skills! Check "The Navigator" section in the Readme.


- 'No Speed Bar' (or hardcore mode) now also includes station names (bombardier, gunner...)
- Pause menu visible in Wonder Woman view
- New external views actor identifiers (members of your flight, other flights in your squadron...)
- Morse text repositioned to the middle-left (below the orders menu) and color changed to bright
  yellow (thanks blackshark for the report!)
- Drop-shadows applied to other elements of the HUD (Mission Complete, etc)
- New log entries: HUD units / HUD icons / Taxiing guide line
- HUD icons have now a bold typeface for better readability
- Log color brightness will progressively decrease/increase at sunset/dawn
- Bottom-right Log can be moved to the middle-right by adding lowInfoHud=0 to the [game] section of
  your conf.ini. If you are in 4.13 you can change this setting in-game by enabling:
  Setup > Mis Settings > HUD > Show Info HUD at Bottom of Screen
  (you have to restart the game for this change to apply)

v2.7 - 01/07/2018
- Bug-Fix: lead bomber aircraft freeze in B.A.T. Dawn of Flight module
  (Thanks vampire_pilot for the report!)
- Bug-Fix: HUD hidden by default when game intro movie is enabled
  (Thanks Ettles for the report, this issue baffled many from day one!)
- Bug-Fix: Orders-menu extra info not visible in some non-cockpit modes
- Bug-Fix: Dashboard gauges in non-cockpit view didn't hide with 'Toggle Speed Bar' controls key
- Bug-Fix: Extra Orders-menu info didn't hide with 'Toggle Speed Bar' controls key
- Extra Orders-menu info still visible even when NoSpeedBar difficulty setting is enabled
- [Engine/s selected] cockpit indicator removed when in Autopilot mode
- Dollar ($) character removed from actor and weapon names
- Weapon slots darkened when bullet/bomb/cargo count equals zero
- Speedbar will remain visible even when the Game is Over
- Added Gear, Folding wings and Airbrake cockpit indicators percentages
- New, smaller friendly/foe pointer indicator for non-cockpit views

v2.6 - 12/05/2018
- Enhanced radio chatter subtitles for better readability. Subtitles hide when the Comms menu is
  triggered. (You can enable/disable subtitles anytime. Go to "Setup" > "Misc Settings" > "HUD" >
  "Show Subtitles")
- TAS will now be displayed in the speedbar when the minimap is activated
  (ngHUDtas conf.ini setting has been removed and is no longer available)
- IL-2 GUI font sizes revised and changed for consistency and best (imho) readability

v2.5 - 20/04/2018
- NG-HUD v2.5 is now certified for offline 4.13 (4.13 OPB sight timer and speed info messages will
  be missing)
- New Loadout presets and ammunition count in Orders menu (plus Drop tanks count)
- Bomb, Torpedo and directional beacons info (stock features) moved to the orders submenus (just
  access any submenu)
- New Machine gun type and ammunition count in (manual) Gunner station
- G warning will now display an image instead of loading a whole font set.
- Code clean up: additional redundant code deleted. PAL HUD Config extra features removed to improve
  performance. conf.ini settings below are no longer available (you can always switch to PAL HUD
  Config mod if you need any of these):
  - ngHUDspeedbarRPMSet=X
  - ngHUDspeedbarAoASet=X
  - ngHUDspeedbarAoSSet=X
  - ngHUDspeedbarDragSet=X
  - ngHUDspeedbarGMode=X
  - ngHUDspeedbarSpdKMH=X
  - ngHUDspeedbarSpdKnots=X
  - ngHUDspeedbarAltMeters=X
  - ngHUDspeedbarAltFeet=X
- Supercharger indicator will now display compressor stages 1s/2s... instead of the previous
  0x/1x... (C.E.M. only) - Thanks to greybeard!
- Improved prop pitch percentage detection (C.E.M. only) - Thanks for your superb support greybeard!
- Fixed: softlock issue when actor hits ground - Thanks for the report JCTiggs!
- Fixed: "Attached" indicator removed from bomber types
- New cockpits/stations detection code. Bombardier / Observer / Gunner will be now correctly
  detected in both 4.12 and 4.13 versions of the game.
- Drop shadows applied to the bottom-right log
- New auto (a) radiator (cowl flaps) and prop pitch indicators (C.E.M. only)

v2.0 - 29/03/2018
- Speedbar size reduced as much as possible
- NoSpeedBar difficulty setting will now display heading/sector, the Pause menu and ext. views info
- Font sizes, positions and colors revisited and standardized
- New Night-Mode: icons & font brightness reduced during night operations
- New Trainer indicator: Attached
- New Trainer indicator: Engine #number(s) currently selected
- New Trainer indicator: Navigation & Landing lights / Smoke trails
- Chocks/Gear and Wings/Flaps indicators merged to take less space
- New flaps percentage
- Trainer indicators stack in order (bottom-up) to take less space
- Fake drop-shadow technique applied to Orders menu
- New aircraft gross weight, remaining fuel (droptanks fuel get ignored) and nitro info in the
  Orders menu
- New engine(s) information in the Orders menu:
  - Output power
  - Output water temp (Cylinder head temperature gauge)
  - Magnetos
  - Radiator (C.E.M. only)
  - Propeller Pitch (C.E.M. only)
  - Mixture (C.E.M. only)
  - Supercharger stages (C.E.M. only)
- New Bombsight Turn indicator background
- New 'local time' (24h/12h) in PAUSED menu
- New 'outside temperature' (°C/°F) in PAUSED menu
- Improved 'Game Over' detection: Player dead / Player captured / Bailed out / Aircraft inoperable
- Fixed: Pause and external views info hidden from FMB
- Many other small improvements I did not bother to document

v1.0.1 - 08/03/2018
HotFix update to prevent VisualMOD9 from crashing when using it with the NG-HUD. Both NG-HUD and
VisualMOD9 can be used together as long as NG-HUD loads first.

The following VisualMOD9 menu settings will not work:

Options > HUD Mode (Disabled - won't take any effect)
Options > HUD Units > True Air Speed (Disabled - won't take any effect)
Options > HUD Units > S.I. Always (Disabled - won't take any effect)
Options > HUD Units > Show Extra Info (Disabled - won't take any effect)
Options > Hide HUD information (Disabled - won't take any effect)

v1.0 - 06/03/2018
Initial release!

I hope you have fun with this mod and... See you in the skies! - whistler ;)
NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v1.0
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2018, 05:00:23 AM »

Here you have one additional feature extracted/ported from the VisualMod9:
Disable head-tracking in external views (use mouse)

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gvxncj7bi5oukkq/Disable_Head-Tracking_In_External-Views_4122_2018-02-16.zip

It is NOT configurable.

From the Readme:
com\maddox\il2\engine\hotkey\HookView.class [6CEC31F64B80CABC] modified
from original 4.12.2 to disable head-tracking in External Views (use mouse)
An idea by benitomuso (ported from PALs VisualMod9)

There is now a better all-round solution: Next Generation CAM (NG-CAM)
NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v1.0
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2018, 06:13:26 AM »

Fantastic! I love it!


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v1.0
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2018, 06:21:01 AM »

A very well crafted mod, thank you very much for sharing it with us whistler!

Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v1.0
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2018, 09:22:06 AM »

This mod is great!

Thanks very much for sharing it. I don't use that many features of it, but to be able to see my trim settings at a glance is an utter Godsend!


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v1.0
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2018, 12:41:06 PM »

Dear Whistler,
I have trouble with your mod. When I install it, I loose any indication. I use the trim indication. Hereunder the mod part of my conf.ini :
Code: [Select]
What should I do?
Best regards.
Intel Core Duo E8400 3GHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 2x2 gb DDR2 1066 mHZ


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v1.0
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2018, 01:01:09 PM »

Dear tartenmuche,

You are ok, trim percentages will be displayed only when your aircraft is trimmed or when the stabilizer is engaged (in that case you will only get the rudder trim indicator). Give it a try, trim her good! :D

EDIT - By the way, you will only see trim and other text-based indicators or 'warnings/alerts/info' when you are in your pilot position... forget about them in external or other views.
NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v1.0
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2018, 01:10:26 PM »

Hi and Thanks!! :)
Very nice Mod. Helps a lot in very many situation's for me! Will absolutely keep it on my screen in the future..  8) 8).
I have installed NG-HUD to BAT Angels High and also to one earlier BAT version that still allow to run Tigers sound mod and it works perfect.
To install it to an earlier BAT versions, I only renamed the extracted #DOF,#JET,#WAW and "TGA folders with corresponding number as the same folders have
inside main folder of that BAT version you would install it to (#WOW2 in my case), before move it to BATMODS folder and than activate it with JSGME.
Hope this hint help others maybe?
Well again thanks for this one, and my very best regards to all you fantastic Modder's out there.  ;) 


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v1.0
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2018, 01:17:38 PM »

Thanks for the hint Odin1one! There are also some folks using CUP out there, and your instructions are perfectly valid for CUP: #WAW3 should be renamed #WAW, #DOF3 to #DOF and so on...
NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v1.0
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2018, 12:45:16 AM »

Thank You to You and all involved for this Mod.

I Like it, but one Thing i want to know can i have my old Menu Font back the new one is too Thick and Big.

if it is possible please let me know how i can change the Font back to the old one.



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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v1.0
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2018, 01:51:19 AM »

[...] can i have my old Menu Font back the new one is too Thick and Big.

Sure, go into the "! ! ! NG-HUD_v1.0" >>> "font" folder and delete all files starting with 'arial'.
NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v1.0
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2018, 02:20:06 AM »

Installed this mod in the mods folders of my hsfx and 4.13.4 installations and until now it works also there.
Thanks for this! Great work!
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