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Author Topic: NG-HUD v3.6.1  (Read 109563 times)

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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.0
« Reply #72 on: April 16, 2018, 07:57:09 AM »

Dear Whistler,
I enabled NG-HUD v2.0 and Ordinance view is still there, so I am happy.
But in the beginning of your thread, you recommend to disable Head tracking, so did I.
I must admit that I don't know what "Head tracking in External Views" means.
What does happen if I don't disable it?
You propose that I ask Western to change his mod Optional Ordinance View, but I am totally unable to explain him why.
Best regards.
Intel Core Duo E8400 3GHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 2x2 gb DDR2 1066 mHZ


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.0
« Reply #73 on: April 16, 2018, 10:18:31 AM »

Dear tartenmuche,

I enabled NG-HUD v2.0 and Ordinance view is still there, so I am happy.
Great, get at it then.

But in the beginning of your thread, you recommend to disable Head tracking, so did I.
That was most unexpected! The second post refers to an extra (optional, not a requirement) mod. "Disable head-tracking in external views (use mouse)" is the mod name and I by no means am asking to disable head-tracking and use the mouse lol, but I can see now the name can be confusing.

Head-tracking devices are great for in-cockpit views but I rather use the mouse to look around in external views instead of yawing my head. That's what the "Disable head-tracking in external views (use mouse)" mod is about: it disables Head-tracking capabilities in external views. The problem is that "PALs VisualMod 9", "Western's Engine Mod Ordinance View" and "Disable head-tracking in external views" make use of the same class and there can be only one King!
NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.5 ~NEW VERSION~
« Reply #74 on: April 20, 2018, 07:54:17 AM »

Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.5

At a glance:

- Certified for 4.13
- Foolproof pilot-bombardier-gunner stations detection
- Machine guns, Loadouts & Drop tanks information
- Bug fixes / Performance boost

:: Certified for 4.13 ::

NG-HUD v2.5 is now certified for (offline) 4.13. The only piece of info that will be missing are the OPB sight timer and speed messages. Note that this feature was left out intentionally to guarantee mod compatibility between 4.12 and 4.13 (one version for all) and it is up to you to decide if this (1 feature vs 100) is worth the trade!

:: Foolproof pilot-bombardier-gunner stations detection ::

Pilot, Bombardier and Gunner stations detection has been completely rewritten and vastly improved. NG-HUD v2.5 will detect the current station/role in 99% of the cases.

You are all urged to upgrade just for this improvement alone!

:: Machine guns, Loadouts & Drop tanks information ::

Good old IL-2 has come a long way. With so many different aircraft and loadout combinations chances are you no longer remember the weapons you are carrying right after takeoff. Real pilots prepare missions for days, we click a few buttons and off we go in a matter of minutes. I find myself running prep-missions just to understand what joystick button drops that bomb. Moreover you hardly know if you still have bombs unless you jump outside and take a look.

Dark times are over. Loadouts information is now at your fingertips.

Weapon names are extracted directly from the weapon class names. Some names will be long and have weird connotations... there isn't much we can do about it.

The # number indicates the joystick button/trigger (#1 to #4 in stock IL-2). Western's EngineMod allows for additional #5 to #9 triggers, including Flares and Chaffs. You can switch selections by using EngineMod's "Select Missile/Rocket" control key.

Stock IL-2 introduced in 4.12 bomb, torpedo and directional beacons information (available in the orders menu). Since we ran out of space, these features have been moved to the submenus. Just access any submenu, in example "E. Technical" and the details will be there -if- they are to be displayed.

Gunners also get an update in v2.5 and machine guns type and remaining bullets will be displayed when you control the gunner.

:: Bug fixes / Performance boost ::

Original code has been further revised and redundant, obsolete or unnecessary features removed. Less calculations, better performance. Not that NG-HUD was under-performing before, this game is old enough for any modern CPU to withstand anything you through at it, but as a general rule each and every optimization counts.

JCTiggs also pointed out softlock issues when actors hit the ground, and that has now been fixed as well. Thanks JCTiggs!

In addition, the G-warning will now display an image instead of loading a whole font set. This change also allows you to remove or customize the G-alert if you wish to do so.

Let's talk a little about the Propeller Pitch indicator (C.E.M.)
greybeard has been very supportive during development of v2.5. His knowledge and analytical skills have been key to improve new and existing features. He pointed out that "in v2.0 aircraft with automatic prop pitch, like the Bf-109s, the pitch indicator remained stuck at 100%, while the permissible R.P.M. actually varied". He was, as it couldn't be otherwise, correct. Prop pitch indicator was reviewed and current v2.5 implementation perfectly matches the pitch clock gauge reading in the Bf-109s. This is a grey area for me so I share with you greybeard's afterthoughts:

> The prop number is exactly inversely proportional to actual prop pitch. That's to say that 100% is minimum pitch (allowing to reach highest RPM, like at takeoff), and 0% is maximum pitch (to avoid over-revving at highest speeds, like in a dive). Actually the matter is a bit more complicated, since should be said that pitch automatically set is that suited to get RPM set: e.g., having the player set 90%, the device will try to set the pitch suited to have engine running at 90% of its maximum RPM.

I cannot thank you enough greybear for your support!

:: Downloads ::

Disable and delete any previous versions! v2.5 link can be found in the first post.

v2.5 Changelog
v2.5 - 20/04/2018
- NG-HUD v2.5 is now certified for offline 4.13 (4.13 OPB sight timer and speed info messages will be missing)
- G warning will now display an image instead of loading a whole font set.
- Code clean up: additional redundant code deleted. PAL HUD Config extra features removed to improve performance. conf.ini settings below are no longer available (you can always switch to PAL HUD Config mod if you need any of these):
- Bomb, Torpedo and directional beacons info (stock features) moved to the orders submenus (just access any submenu)
- Supercharger indicator will now display compressor stages 1s/2s... instead of the previous 0x/1x... (C.E.M. only) - Thanks to greybeard!
- Improved prop pitch percentage detection (C.E.M. only) - Thanks for your superb support greybeard!
- Fixed: softlock issue when actor hits ground - Thanks for the report JCTiggs!
- Fixed: "Attached" indicator removed from bomber types
- New cockpits/stations detection code. Bombardier / Observer / Gunner will be now correctly detected in both 4.12 and 4.13 versions of the game.
- Drop shadows applied to the bottom-right log
- New auto (a) radiator (cowl flaps) and prop pitch indicators (C.E.M. only)
- New Loadout presets and ammunition count in Orders menu (plus Drop tanks count)
- New Machine gun type and ammunition count in (manual) Gunner station

I hope you have loads of fun with this new version. See you in the skies people! :)
NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.5 ~NEW VERSION~
« Reply #75 on: April 20, 2018, 05:16:15 PM »

Amazing work as usual Whistler, can't wait to try out the new version and props for supporting v4.13 too!  :)


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.5 ~NEW VERSION~
« Reply #76 on: April 21, 2018, 02:46:36 AM »

Hi Whistler no loading issues with CUP here but I still cannot get the bomb assist window to show, or the G indicator or the Main Menu thingy? I dont use VM9 btw so no classfiles there. I guess I am doing something fundamentally wrong but cant find it?

Here is my conf.ini for your perusal

Code: [Select]
StandardDeckCVL =0

Any help gratefully recieved
Corsair Carbide case, Intel core i5 4690 3.5ghz with Arctic Cooler, Asus Rock H97 performance, MSI Ventus XS OC 1660GTX 6GB DDR6, 32GB Patriot Viper 1600Mhz, 256GB/500GB Crucial SSDs, Windows 10 64bit.


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.5 ~NEW VERSION~
« Reply #77 on: April 21, 2018, 03:24:20 AM »

Pleases! Thank you.  :)
Translated QTranslate, sorry.


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.5 ~NEW VERSION~
« Reply #78 on: April 21, 2018, 05:17:38 AM »

Hi Whistler no loading issues with CUP here but I still cannot get the bomb assist window to show, or the G indicator or the Main Menu thingy? I dont use VM9 btw so no classfiles there. I guess I am doing something fundamentally wrong but cant find it?


Any help gratefully recieved

Hi Mick,

Statements such as "Main Menu thingy" are a waste of our time. I don't know what you refer to (the speedbar I guess?). Please help yourself first if you expect help from others. Take that little extra time and care to provide images and clear information of your problem! ;)

> cannot get the bomb assist window to show

Can you get the bomb assist window to show without NG-HUD? Do you know how to cycle through stations? Do you ever use the 'aim' view? Once again, and taken from the first post:

To change cockpit positions I recommend the following controls:

[X] Jump to Cockpit #1 (Pilot) - X marks the spot!
[C] Pilot or Gunner position
[V] Gunsight/Bombsight

That way you can easily go to the Bombardier Bombsight from any view with a simple X-C-V combination...

> or the G indicator or the Main Menu thingy

The G indicator is only shown in cockpit view. Is the difficulty setting Views >>> 'No Speedbar' disabled/off? Otherwise you will only see the heading.

That's as far as I can go with the info provided. Looking forward to a detailed report from you.

NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.5 ~NEW VERSION~
« Reply #79 on: April 21, 2018, 05:55:16 AM »

Hi Whistler the Main Menu box with the red/orange writing as in your screenshots - I have Bomb Assist selected to show in cockpit and bombadier positions (it was =2 I will try =3). These arent any big issue for me as I just love the info box bottom left so I'm not losing any sleep over it.
Corsair Carbide case, Intel core i5 4690 3.5ghz with Arctic Cooler, Asus Rock H97 performance, MSI Ventus XS OC 1660GTX 6GB DDR6, 32GB Patriot Viper 1600Mhz, 256GB/500GB Crucial SSDs, Windows 10 64bit.


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.5 ~NEW VERSION~
« Reply #80 on: April 21, 2018, 06:34:46 AM »

Hi Mick,

The Main Menu box with the red/orange writing is normally called the Orders or Comms menu. You have to map the control "Toggle Comms".

I have Bomb Assist selected to show in cockpit and bombadier positions (it was =2 I will try =3).

None of PAL's HUD Mod conf.ini settings will take any effect in NG-HUD. Changing that above will do nothing to solve whatever issue you have.
NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.5 ~NEW VERSION~
« Reply #81 on: April 22, 2018, 12:41:31 AM »

Thanks for the 'toggle comms' headsup i hadnt realised that whistler - do'h! 😨
Corsair Carbide case, Intel core i5 4690 3.5ghz with Arctic Cooler, Asus Rock H97 performance, MSI Ventus XS OC 1660GTX 6GB DDR6, 32GB Patriot Viper 1600Mhz, 256GB/500GB Crucial SSDs, Windows 10 64bit.


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.5 ~NEW VERSION~
« Reply #82 on: April 27, 2018, 12:06:11 PM »

why be me don t work in modact 6.4 ?disappeared all left side ,just with modact 6.4 make this, anyone know this problem ?


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Re: Next Generation HUD (NG-HUD) Mod v2.5 ~NEW VERSION~
« Reply #83 on: April 27, 2018, 12:38:58 PM »

Awesome work of yours!
Thank you very much!
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