I have succeeded to put a hand on suitable documentation concerning new containers, that will shortly appear in Il2 as the 2nd part of this pack - here're some photos and details of the forecoming goodies:
1) The original Michlastbehalter-1000 (720kg payload) - it was replaced in 1943 by the Abwurfbehalter 1000 based on LMB aerial mines bodies, that were readily available, and apparently less complex and less expensive to produce in numbers.
It so happens that an example of the original Michlastbehalter-1000 is in the collection of the national Army Museum in Prague (They just closed the museum for renovation...and it is planned to remain closed for 4 years!) but they have began to digitize their collections and it's a great thing:

2) The main airdrop container used by Hungarian Paratroops:

3) Soviet containers: PD-MM-42 (PD-MM-100) , UPD-MM, PDBB-100, PDBB-250

4) Japanese containers - I found the Osprey booklets on Japanese paratroops as sadly misleading, with interpretations of some frames of newsreels or propaganda movies that are not really consistent between them and between the interpretation of the authors of these booklets - moreover, it appears that there are good photographs and even surviving example of ww2 Japanese airdrop containers in US and Australian national archives and in private collections - these enable to understand the apparent contradiction of the period movies reels (different evolutive models of the same type that seem to have been mixed by Osprey in a single one, angle of view that deform the real shape, etc,,): a few examples:

So...2 weeks? I hope less and no more than that but ......