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Author Topic: Lone Survivor  (Read 2873 times)

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Lone Survivor
« on: June 04, 2018, 10:16:49 PM »

A rare day of clear weather broke, and my unit was tasked an offensive sortie over enemy territory. We took 6 of the newest Albatros machines, and joined 2 Fokker machines from the neighboring aerodrome. We crossed the line and turned South. We were hunting again.

It seemed that the enemy had word of our actions because we were met in force by 5-6 RAF pushers, and two Sopwith machines. They came straight into us with great fervor. My flight was higher and we dove into the group and went after our targets. I spotted a sopwith on the tail of an albatros below, and I dove to engage him.

After several bursts, he fell onto a hillside above a small town. I turned away and flew toward a large engagement some distance away. As I approached, I saw an Albatros falling in flames, and another streaming smoke and oil losing altitude. I suddenly found myself alone engaged by at least 5 British pushers.

My opponents were confident and flew with zealous fervor. My only focus was to avoid their guns, and fire in the small chances i saw. After what seemed an eternity, with enemy machines all about, I saw a blessed orange streak go past my nose, followed by two Fokkers. Several of my allies had finished their work and arrived to my assistance.

Within seconds, the sky was filled with fire. Machines fell all around. Almost as quickly as it began the action faded. I spotted a second Sopwith chasing an Albatros deeper into enemy territory. I pursued, and downed the Sopwith, but it was too late for my friend who went down in a field near a river.

I could find no friendly aircraft, so i turned for home, but i came accross a Fokker pursuing a British machine. As I approached, the Fokker turned off waiving, so I fired a single burst into the Brit, who went low to avoid me. There was a large white 5 on his wing. He dropped lower, and crashed on a hillside, some miles behind his lines.

Flying home, I joined my Fokker ally, but he soon fell behind. Fuel or engine trouble caused him to force land in enemy territory. I did not know the man.

Finally I saw my home airfield before me, relief soon turning to dismay as i learned that I had been the only pilot to return. I had seen 4 fall, of the others I knew nothing.

As I sit writing this entry. The silence is deafening.
cogito, ergo sum armatus


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Re: Lone Survivor
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2018, 10:20:58 PM »

Beautifully written Fresco!

Please make more. Does your character have a name? A backstory?

Please make this a series if possible.

All the best,

“German humor is no laughing matter”


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Re: Lone Survivor
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2018, 08:10:39 AM »

Thanks PvF! I’ll see what I can do as time permits. I always intend to continue but time will be the deciding factor.
cogito, ergo sum armatus


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Re: Lone Survivor
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2018, 03:39:51 PM »

> fresco23 -  You have invoked the passion and the spirit..very nicely done.
When I was a kid I had a whole shelf of the Ballantine air war series with writings by many surviving aces..
often written like your story here! I like it!

"Fight on and fly on to the last drop of blood and the last drop of fuel, to the last beat of the heart.” ..
~ Manfred Von Richtofen

"I hope he roasted the whole way down."
~ Mick Mannock - upon hearing of the death of Von Richtofen


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Re: Lone Survivor
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2018, 03:44:14 PM »

Thank you Anitek. I did try to write it as though it were a journal entry, or letter excerpt as many of the first hand accounts I've read. Im glad you approve!  ;D

More to follow if time permits. Since I write these from actual sorties I fly, there's no telling what may transpire! I'll be just as surprised as you! LOL
cogito, ergo sum armatus


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Re: Lone Survivor
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2018, 06:49:26 PM »

Today the weather held and seven of us  took off in search of enemy aircraft. I flew my new Albatros, which I have painted blue, with its tail all white. A few other pilots are painting their machines as well. A young man named Richthofen prefers a darker machine. He was up with us today, a very aggressive flyer. He knew our former Commander well and continues to encourage the use of his Flying Rules.

We  made for a group of balloons that we knew to be observing the lines. Our plan was to destroy the balloons and move on Southward, but as we approached, a large group of British aircraft met us. Most were the small pushers types, but at least 1 2-seater was among them. We turned to meet them and a rough fight followed.

I quickly spotted an Airco with a large white 1 on his wing, and red spars in his wings. He was chasing one of my flight, but he broke off and dove when I opened fire. I pursued him but his flying was skillful and I could not get a line on him. Finally I was about to open fire, but I heard a gun very close, and something hit my Albatros. My opponents ally had come to his aid and almost killed me. I turned as hard as I could, forcing the British machine to pass me. When I came about to fight, I couldn't see the enemy. Moments later I noticed both of them crashed into a field nearby. I can only assume they collided, but I did not see it. I could not tell if they were killed.

Turning back toward the fight I spotted the enemy 2 seater close by and I decided to pursue him. After several short bursts, black smoke belched from his engine. I came along side and I could see that his gunner was dead. I felt a moment of regret but the Pilot tried to hit me with his machine so I backed away and fired a final burst. He went out of control into a fenced field below and burst into flames.

I was now alone, so I turned toward the safety of our aerodrome. Climbing back up, I spotted a pair of machines firing at one another and I flew to assist my ally. When I arrived, I found the young Richthofen engaged by a single enemy. Another burst of fire from the dark Albatros sent the British machine down. I flew close enough to the crash to see that the pilot was killed. I heard Richthofen say afterward that it would be his 11th victory.

I climbed away from the wrecked British machine and returned with no further incident. I spotted the balloons we'd gone up for, but ammunition was low, and I felt like my engine was running poorly, so continued home and landed. A member of my own flight arrived soon after. He practically jumped from his Albatros, laughing off nerves and stress. His rudder was shot away and there were over 20 holes through his wings. My own machine looks untouched but I'm worried over the engine, so I'll leave it with my mechanic.

I must go to the Commander, Oberleutnant Kirmaier, and confirm young Richthofen's victory and report my own, but for now I go to meet my lucky friend for a drink.
cogito, ergo sum armatus


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Re: Lone Survivor
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2018, 01:55:47 PM »

I feel like I'm reading an account from a pilot in The Flying Circus.  :)

"WE meet ’neath the sounding rafter,   
  And the walls around are bare;   
As they shout back our peals of laughter   
  It seems that the dead are there.   
Then stand to your glasses, steady!          
  We drink in our comrades’ eyes:   
One cup to the dead already—   
  Hurrah for the next that dies!   
Not here are the goblets glowing,   
  Not here is the vintage sweet;          
’T is cold, as our hearts are growing,   
  And dark as the doom we meet.   
But stand to your glasses, steady!   
  And soon shall our pulses rise:   
A cup to the dead already—          
  Hurrah for the next that dies!   
There ’s many a hand that ’s shaking,   
  And many a cheek that ’s sunk;   
But soon, though our hearts are breaking,   
  They ’ll burn with the wine we’ve drunk.          
Then stand to your glasses, steady!   
  ’T is here the revival lies:   
Quaff a cup to the dead already—   
  Hurrah for the next that dies!   
Time was when we laugh’d at others;          
  We thought we were wiser then;   
Ha! ha! let them think of their mothers,   
  Who hope to see them again.   
No! stand to your glasses, steady!   
  The thoughtless is here the wise:          
One cup to the dead already—   
  Hurrah for the next that dies!   
Not a sigh for the lot that darkles,   
  Not a tear for the friends that sink;   
We ’ll fall, ’midst the wine-cup’s sparkles,          
  As mute as the wine we drink.   
Come stand to your glasses, steady!   
  ’T is this that the respite buys:   
A cup to the dead already—   
  Hurrah for the next that dies!          
There ’s a mist on the glass congealing,   
  ’T is the hurricane’s sultry breath;   
And thus does the warmth of feeling   
  Turn ice in the grasp of Death.   
But stand to your glasses, steady!          
  For a moment the vapor flies:   
Quaff a cup to the dead already—   
  Hurrah for the next that dies!   
Who dreads to the dust returning?   
  Who shrinks from the sable shore,          
Where the high and haughty yearning   
  Of the soul can sting no more?   
No, stand to your glasses, steady!   
  The world is a world of lies:   
A cup to the dead already—          
  And hurrah for the next that dies!   
Cut off from the land that bore us,   
  Betray’d by the land we find,   
When the brightest have gone before us,   
  And the dullest are most behind—          
Stand, stand to your glasses, steady!   
  ’T is all we have left to prize:   
One cup to the dead already—   
  Hurrah for the next that dies!"


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Re: Lone Survivor
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2018, 03:16:11 PM »

I feel like I'm reading an account from a pilot in The Flying Circus.  :)

Sounds like a heavy metal song  :P


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Re: Lone Survivor
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2018, 03:33:57 PM »

EXCELLENT Story Fresco!  8)
You have a great gift for writing some cool stuff.
I am going to give you a small gift so you can keep in your screenshot archives.
Its a very old WW1 pilots diary from 1916.

How do I know the dates from these stories?
Richthofen´s 11 victory was on 23 November 1916
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_victories_of_Manfred_von_Richthofen
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Re: Lone Survivor
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2018, 07:31:50 PM »

Max, I just saw this today.. and what can I say except that I'm stunned. That's beautiful! I have an idea of the amount of work that went into this and I absolutely appreciate every second! Thank you.

I'm glad you all enjoy my stories. I like to write, even though I'm not too great and the kind words are appreciated. I WILL continue this story. Time has been tight as of late, and I got distracted by Assassins Creed Origins. It's a beautiful and immersive experience, and its been stealing my time. The story is deep and the world depth is ridiculous. Perhaps one of the best single player games i've ever played. PS: AC: Odyssey looks epic.... can't wait!

I'll soon be back in my 1916 skies, and I'll be sure to keep adding these 'entries" to my journal!

         P.S. Max, thats the very list i used when trying to put some life to my inclusion of Richthofen. I already knew who Major Hawker was. When reading over the list he fit the period I am flying; so I decided to reference the 11th kill to both nail down a date and also remember a great RFC pilot!
cogito, ergo sum armatus


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Re: Lone Survivor
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2018, 06:11:29 PM »

You are welcome Fresco23. I am happy to do it for you. Great stories!

That "Assassins Creed -Origins" game is very cool. It´s in ancient Egypt and other ancient times. Very realistic landscapes.
Sometimes I just want to take a break from using games and I just watch them, like a film.

YouTube has all of these games to view as a complete walkthrough film, but without any silly commentators!
I have seen alot of them and a few I have bought also. The "Last of Us" was a very good game.
nothing beats the thrill I get to make something for the IL2-1946 and then go use it !
 It´s my own little creation world.  :D

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Re: Lone Survivor
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2018, 11:24:16 AM »

These are awesome Fresco... I've often thought about writing based on gameplay. I'm glad you took this up, most excellent
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