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Author Topic: BAT-JTW Era list of jets not working in coop/dog mode  (Read 2877 times)

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Re: BAT-JTW Era list of jets not working in coop/dog mode
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2018, 11:51:24 PM »

Thank you Giuseppin!
I will check tonight.

I am sure that some jets work in C.U.P., such as hornet and A4, because I flew them with a couple of friends last year.
Then I downloaded BAT, but we did not try till last week and we discovered this restriction.


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Re: BAT-JTW Era list of jets not working in coop/dog mode
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2018, 01:25:20 PM »

Our group uses BAT. I am a the Jet builder for the new campaign we started that begin s in Korea and will in in the desert.
We had NO problem with Korea and F-80's - all models/load-outs.
We transitioned to F-84's using a winter map to simulate the passage of time. Most games have had problems within 8 min like frame rate and upside down planes.
F-9 seems to hold on. We might have to go to USN/USMC vice USAF. We have extensive carrier time ansd have done this before.
No special mods just the latest BAT
We are testing tonight with different Korean Maps and different model F-84.

Based on these communications, I don't have a good feeling.
BUT, you can scratch together an ass kicking F-80 campaign and training program for you on-line group.
We have had a LOT of fun, but the Migs were whipping us. I have found a work around with that as well.
We have flown Mig -15 and refueled -sorta.

I have over 100 VN missions built , so I know what you mean about having the games but unable to use.

Try the F-80 .You can do a bunch of historically accurate [+/-] scenarios to immerse your squadron for 6 months.

We started at Nellis, did flight/weapons/tactics training. then went ferried our squadron thru Alaska to Japan and staged out of Itazuke. 
then over to Korea once the were some safe fields, helped MacArthur take Inchon and Suwon.

I am considering, if the F-84 does not work, turning "RED" and operating the Mig-15, we know it works as a group.

Hope this brings your spirits up.

An old A-4 pilot


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Re: BAT-JTW Era list of jets not working in coop/dog mode
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2018, 12:46:19 AM »

Multiplayer workaround only !

In a "pure" BAT-JTW - Linebacker install, (Aug. 26th, 2018),
I found the following aircraft will cause some problems from
the multi-player/online "Arming" screen:


  A-1H_Tanker   -Not causing obvious problems
                         but it is not in QMB or FMB.


  F7F-3N    -Shows up in Arming screen but
                  still causes problems


a) Those aircraft will not show up in the Arming screen,
     (you just see the last valid aircraft you hovered over).

b) The Loadout window shows up blank on those planes.

c) If you chose one of those aircraft, you cannot fly it and
    you'll be unable to choose or fly anything else.... shut down,
     restart game to fix.

If you still cannot get into the game, switch to BAT-WAW,
  create a MP server (local is ok) and choose another aircraft,
   hit FLY, end game, reload BAT-JTW and you should be ok.

I'm about to edit my air.ini for my online BAT-JTW and cull the
offending aircraft, then share the file with my MP buddies so we
at least won't have our games crashing while selecting aircraft
from the Arming screen.

This workaround will not, in any way, fix BAT-JTW for online use.
It just helps to avoid some critical issues if you do use it online.

I suspect the cause of this particular problem is weapon loadouts
available for these aircraft, but this is only a hunch based on why
the SabreMk31 works and the SabreMk32 does not, and the fact
that the Loadout window is blank when these aircraft are selected.
I'm the clown walking around with a bucket over his head....
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