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Author Topic: Anyone know where to obtain Nord_1919 map?  (Read 1257 times)

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Anyone know where to obtain Nord_1919 map?
« on: June 16, 2018, 12:51:37 PM »

I put this request here as I'm running BAT V3.3.1, if this is wrong spot, my apologies. I'm trying to set up a campaign I found to run in BAT and it requires the Nord_1919/load.ini map, I have been unable to locate this map download or any info on it at all here, Mission4Today, FreeModding or Aviaskins, although I did find a thread on Aviaskins where it was mentioned the link takes you to a download for retextured "Battle of Moscow" maps which I believe are already in BAT. Does anyone either have a link to he download for this map, possibly the map they can send, or any info on it at all, maybe what area it encompasses or possibly another map I can use in it's place? Thanks for any help!
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Re: Anyone know where to obtain Nord_1919 map?
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2018, 12:53:33 PM »

I have never heard of that map before to be honest.

But I'd be of course interested in such a rare animal myself. What campaign is this?


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Re: Anyone know where to obtain Nord_1919 map?
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2018, 01:38:16 PM »

Hi VP, sorry, I only had the campaign downloaded & none of the briefings/info etc translated yet, just did a quick translation of the info file & it's a campaign set in WW1/Russian Civil war, "Belaya Gvardiya" - "Scorched Wings" " "ShortBroken Sky Part 3", apparently it's the 3rd of a 3 part "series", I just finished translating the briefs etc and made the mods to the 2nd & 3rd parts so they'll run in BAT, "Broken Sky P1, Gatchina Chicks", and "Broken Sky P2, Air Cossack Verdun", they're really interesting campaigns (although I've loaded them in my install as single missions, easier to work on the missions to get them right) and cover a really interesting and unknown period of history, unknown here in the US at least LOL! The 1st 2 parts also use some unk (to me anyway) maps, Net1914 summer, Net1914A (which I assume is autumn), and Net1914Winter, I got the summer & A maps to work perfectly but can't get the winter map to load, keep getting this error message at bottom of FMB screen when I try to load the map, section[MAP2D] not found in 'maps/Net1914?, in any event I simply substituted the Net1914A map for the Net1914Winter map and the missions load and work perfectly!

The 3rd part though uses this Nord_1919 map for all the missions and I can't find anything about it at all anywhere, I tried subbing Finsgulf1914, NorthSea & NorthSea late but nothing works so far. The original campaigns of course are Russian made from Aviaskins and are of the usual high quality & interesting subject matter they usually come up with there, they're older campaigns 2012-2013 but run ok after a few days work LOL! 
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Re: Anyone know where to obtain Nord_1919 map?
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2018, 01:48:33 PM »

The mod was removed from aviaskins, the same guy made the map as the campaign, current username at SAS is stiv_69.


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Re: Anyone know where to obtain Nord_1919 map?
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2018, 02:05:36 PM »

Wow that was quick!, thanks for the info VP!, Stiv also posts here, I'll try and contact him and see if he can provide the map or advise a possible substitution, thanks much!
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Re: Anyone know where to obtain Nord_1919 map?
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2018, 07:30:24 PM »

I'm not a card specialist. That's all there is.
These cards are without textures. Objects from the map of Moscow and the standard IL-2 4.11.
Textures were taken from these maps


RU: Я не специалист по изготовлению карт.  Это все, что есть. Эти карты без текстур. Объекты от карты Москвы и стандартного ИЛ-2 4.11.
Текстуры были взяты от этих карт


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Re: Anyone know where to obtain Nord_1919 map?
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2018, 09:25:29 PM »

Thanx Stiv!, downloaded most of what u linked to, appreciate the help from both you & VP!, I've got the 'series" of Net1914 maps loaded & working w/the exception of the net1914A map, got all the missions in Pt3 working/flying but can't do anything in FMB, won't save the changes, searching I found that's usually missing objects correct?, I have checked the logs and do have warnings about missing textures (whch I believe are in the Moscow texture download u linked to) & missing objects (which mostly are in the objects download you linked for me), been trying all day & can't figure out, yet LOL!, how to get them into my DOF#3 module & working, I'm going to continue trying to figure it out for a couple days and if I can't do it then I'll post the logs and ask for some help from the experts!, ThanX
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