A nicer solution of course would be, if support for il2ge was added into il2-selector.
That's a piece of cake.
For instance, I could modify the selector so that it looks whether there's an il2ge.dll either in it's own bin/selector/basefiles folder (in case we ship both tools together at some time) or in the il2ge/lib folder (as it is the case right now).
Of course in that case il2ge should not forward any calls to the selector's dinput.dll anymore, because otherwise we'll enter an endless loop (which I could try to fight from the selector's end, but with no guarantee of success).
Speaking about interaction of il2ge and selector, I'm wondering where the issue with the relative path between your dinput.dll stub and il2ge.dll was, given that calling the selector's dinput.dll apparently works, which if I'm not completely mistaken should involve the very same library loading process from relative path.